Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MMM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1286 0.0719 0.0809 0.5896168 -0.1112485
0.1710 0.1938 0.1693 0.0100413 0.1447135
0.0972 0.3208 0.2677 -0.6369070 0.1983564
0.1998 0.3260 0.3710 -0.4614555 -0.1212938
0.3294 0.3008 0.4739 -0.3049166 -0.3652669
1.0380 0.2055 1.0138 0.0238706 -0.7972973
2.1114 0.2783 1.9758 0.0686304 -0.8591457
3.3344 2.6951 3.5889 -0.0709131 -0.2490457

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ABT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1665 -0.1007 -0.0330 4.0454545 2.0515152
0.1844 -0.0158 -0.0654 1.8195719 -0.7584098
0.2029 -0.0286 -0.0902 1.2494457 -0.6829268
0.2843 0.0164 -0.1014 1.8037475 -1.1617357
0.1949 0.1309 -0.1148 0.6977352 -2.1402439
-0.4341 0.0285 -0.1881 -3.3078150 -1.1515152
-2.0008 1.3254 -0.1045 -20.1464115 -13.6832536
-4.4467 1.8309 0.3731 -12.9182525 3.9072635

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ABBV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0427 0.4218 0.0501 -1.8522954 7.4191617
0.0139 0.6148 0.0983 -0.8585961 5.2543235
-0.1670 1.0037 0.1426 -2.1711080 6.0385694
-0.3218 1.4765 0.2037 -2.5797742 6.2484045
-0.2811 1.8680 0.2756 -2.0199565 5.7779390
-0.0166 1.5682 0.5649 -1.0293857 1.7760666
0.6392 1.0411 0.9450 -0.3235979 0.1016931
1.0343 2.4894 2.5097 -0.5878790 -0.0080886

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ABMD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0062 0.2270 0.1390 -0.9553957 0.6330935
0.2994 0.4475 0.2834 0.0564573 0.5790402
0.6080 0.8001 0.4357 0.3954556 0.8363553
0.7218 1.0940 0.5784 0.2479253 0.8914246
0.8332 1.6408 0.7206 0.1562587 1.2769914
0.7530 4.6297 1.4148 -0.4677693 2.2723353
2.9084 7.9397 3.0089 -0.0334009 1.6387384
6.0338 15.3807 8.5905 -0.2976195 0.7904313

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ACN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1144 0.3164 0.0628 0.8216561 4.038217
0.1394 0.8024 0.1257 0.1089897 5.383453
-0.1698 1.1268 0.2004 -1.8473054 4.622755
-0.3189 1.5602 0.2833 -2.1256618 4.507236
-0.3362 1.9699 0.3618 -1.9292427 4.444721
0.0204 3.4837 0.7846 -0.9739995 3.440097
0.0583 4.0967 1.5980 -0.9635169 1.563642
2.7046 6.5341 4.3654 -0.3804462 0.496793

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ATVI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1295 -0.0260 0.0081 14.9876543 -4.2098765
0.2862 -0.0125 0.0210 12.6285714 -1.5952381
0.4154 -0.0859 0.0361 10.5069252 -3.3795014
0.4345 0.1452 0.0613 6.0880914 1.3686786
0.4825 0.2182 0.0815 4.9202454 1.6773006
0.8313 0.6809 0.2359 2.5239508 1.8863925
0.6354 -0.1110 0.6934 -0.0836458 -1.1600808
3.6759 9.1453 5.1826 -0.2907228 0.7646162

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ADBE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1158 0.4001 0.0556 -3.0827338 6.1960432
-0.1888 0.9689 0.1215 -2.5539095 6.9744856
-0.2096 1.5888 0.1966 -2.0661241 7.0813835
-0.3844 2.0770 0.2836 -2.3554302 6.3236953
-0.3714 2.5413 0.3641 -2.0200494 5.9796759
-0.0344 3.6139 0.7458 -1.0461250 3.8456691
0.9958 4.4814 1.5661 -0.3641530 1.8615031
2.7593 10.9432 5.5627 -0.5039639 0.9672461

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AMD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2529 1.4258 0.6975 -0.6374194 1.0441577
0.2497 2.9775 1.4128 -0.8232588 1.1075170
0.5207 4.4241 2.1956 -0.7628439 1.0149845
1.0551 6.0765 2.9924 -0.6474068 1.0306443
0.8459 7.3794 3.7675 -0.7754745 0.9586994
3.5433 15.8112 7.8003 -0.5457482 1.0269990
13.6514 25.4935 16.1654 -0.1555173 0.5770411
37.3845 63.3889 44.4445 -0.1588498 0.4262485

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AAP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2525 -0.0129 0.0589 3.2869270 -1.2190153
0.5560 0.1860 0.1296 3.2901235 0.4351852
0.6081 0.2730 0.1972 2.0836714 0.3843813
0.5798 0.3881 0.2775 1.0893694 0.3985586
0.7946 0.9329 0.3559 1.2326496 1.6212419
1.1907 2.8030 0.8185 0.4547343 2.4245571
1.3233 5.6829 1.6676 -0.2064644 2.4078316
-6.1285 7.0773 2.2943 -3.6711851 2.0847317

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AES
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3985 0.5776 0.0952 -5.1859244 5.0672269
-0.7903 0.9267 0.2085 -4.7904077 3.4446043
-0.9292 1.0054 0.3290 -3.8243161 2.0559271
-0.8215 1.1294 0.4497 -2.8267734 1.5114521
-0.3829 1.2887 0.5693 -1.6725804 1.2636571
1.1144 1.4924 1.2676 -0.1208583 0.1773430
1.9407 3.2471 2.5324 -0.2336519 0.2822224
1.7280 3.2956 5.5387 -0.6880134 -0.4049867

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AFL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0843 0.0843 0.0707 -2.1923621 0.1923621
-0.0589 0.3621 0.1487 -1.3960995 1.4351042
0.0080 0.5867 0.2340 -0.9658120 1.5072650
0.1971 0.6734 0.3260 -0.3953988 1.0656442
0.3701 0.8594 0.4133 -0.1045246 1.0793612
0.7514 0.8867 0.8621 -0.1284074 0.0285350
1.8480 1.4034 1.7772 0.0398379 -0.2103309
6.1681 0.2656 4.8100 0.2823493 -0.9447817

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for A
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1215 0.3754 0.0575 -3.1130435 5.5286957
0.0859 0.7837 0.1123 -0.2350846 5.9786287
0.2242 1.1529 0.1847 0.2138603 5.2420141
0.2925 1.5684 0.2696 0.0849407 4.8175074
0.4456 1.8261 0.3591 0.2408800 4.0852130
0.7451 2.2133 0.8181 -0.0892311 1.7054150
1.7613 2.9253 1.7625 -0.0006809 0.6597447
5.5419 2.8217 4.8255 0.1484613 -0.4152523

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for APD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1217 0.1640 0.0883 0.3782559 0.8573046
0.3258 0.3386 0.1895 0.7192612 0.7868074
0.2518 0.3901 0.3063 -0.1779301 0.2735880
0.1279 0.5598 0.4339 -0.7052316 0.2901590
0.2258 0.7519 0.5592 -0.5962089 0.3445994
0.1418 1.5647 1.2107 -0.8828777 0.2923928
0.4945 2.0497 2.5188 -0.8036764 -0.1862395
0.7021 6.2378 4.6804 -0.8499915 0.3327493

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AKAM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3875 0.7517 0.1321 1.9333838 4.6903861
0.9511 1.4030 0.2773 2.4298594 4.0595023
1.6062 1.5250 0.4427 2.6281906 2.4447707
2.0550 2.0706 0.6134 2.3501793 2.3756113
2.3418 2.8834 0.8051 1.9087070 2.5814185
1.2831 4.4511 1.7786 -0.2785899 1.5025863
3.0013 6.6178 3.6803 -0.1844958 0.7981686
4.5462 12.4319 8.0345 -0.4341652 0.5473147

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ALK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0298 -0.0580 0.0740 -0.5972973 -1.7837838
-0.1138 -0.2757 0.1438 -1.7913769 -2.9172462
0.0965 -0.3655 0.2347 -0.5888368 -2.5573072
0.3435 -0.2180 0.3583 -0.0413062 -1.6084287
0.7912 -0.2127 0.4826 0.6394530 -1.4407377
1.8413 0.1315 1.1704 0.5732228 -0.8876452
4.7667 2.0280 2.4314 0.9604754 -0.1659126
3.9576 5.1440 4.1673 -0.0503204 0.2343724

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ALB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2252 0.4872 0.2002 -2.1248751 1.4335664
-0.0500 0.8017 0.4220 -1.1184834 0.8997630
-0.1164 1.3056 0.6603 -1.1762835 0.9772831
0.0416 1.5278 0.9224 -0.9549003 0.6563313
0.6054 1.8098 1.1909 -0.4916450 0.5196910
3.0297 3.0821 2.5486 0.1887703 0.2093306
6.9533 3.1333 5.2534 0.3235809 -0.4035672
17.6631 3.9917 13.1290 0.3453500 -0.6959631

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ARE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2202 0.1694 0.0923 -3.3856988 0.8353196
-0.3117 0.4976 0.1864 -2.6722103 1.6695279
-0.1545 0.7617 0.2875 -1.5373913 1.6493913
-0.0283 0.8841 0.3993 -1.0708740 1.2141247
0.2207 1.3637 0.5153 -0.5717058 1.6464196
1.9068 2.8667 1.1907 0.6014109 1.4075754
3.0855 4.8217 2.8349 0.0883982 0.7008360
6.2947 9.5415 8.2884 -0.2405410 0.1511872

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ALXN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5582 0.0757 -0.1251 -5.462030 -1.6051159
-0.9310 0.1684 -0.2565 -4.629630 -1.6565302
-1.4407 -0.0359 -0.3669 -4.926683 -0.9021532
-2.2067 -0.1802 -0.4623 -5.773307 -0.6102098
-2.8087 -0.0202 -0.5347 -6.252852 -0.9622218
-4.5317 2.1209 -1.0391 -5.361178 -3.0410933
-8.8785 3.4784 -1.8684 -5.751927 -2.8616999
-13.0389 1.9954 -4.1269 -4.159490 -1.4835106

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ALGN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3201 0.2559 0.1733 -2.8470860 0.4766301
-0.5297 0.5802 0.3493 -2.5164615 0.6610364
-0.6262 1.0487 0.5353 -2.1698113 0.9590884
-0.4213 1.3760 0.7258 -1.5804629 0.8958391
-0.1399 1.3125 0.9406 -1.1487349 0.3953859
0.8196 2.3818 2.0588 -0.6019040 0.1568875
3.9765 4.6578 4.1586 -0.0437888 0.1200404
8.0467 9.8448 10.0128 -0.1963587 -0.0167785

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ALLE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0661 0.4356 0.0070 -10.4428571 61.2285714
-0.1593 0.9747 0.0295 -6.4000000 32.0406780
-0.1339 1.3308 0.0644 -3.0791925 19.6645963
-0.0204 1.5976 0.1113 -1.1832884 13.3539982
0.0983 1.8918 0.1568 -0.3730867 11.0650510
0.1638 3.4581 0.3934 -0.5836299 7.7902898
0.6703 3.6789 0.8553 -0.2162984 3.3012978
2.4860 3.4113 2.3879 0.0410821 0.4285774

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LNT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1186 0.1608 0.0839 -2.4135876 0.9165673
-0.1499 0.2946 0.1718 -1.8725262 0.7147846
-0.1096 0.5356 0.2566 -1.4271239 1.0872954
-0.1777 0.7389 0.3470 -1.5121037 1.1293948
-0.2316 0.9194 0.4349 -1.5325362 1.1140492
-0.3759 1.2910 0.8746 -1.4297965 0.4761034
0.4061 1.3152 1.5766 -0.7424204 -0.1657998
0.6316 0.8284 2.9591 -0.7865567 -0.7200500

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ALL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0270 0.1813 0.0851 -0.6827262 1.1304348
0.1326 0.4241 0.1762 -0.2474461 1.4069240
0.1034 0.6512 0.2775 -0.6273874 1.3466667
0.2136 0.8023 0.3817 -0.4403982 1.1019125
0.2214 1.0640 0.4883 -0.5465902 1.1789883
0.4113 2.1107 1.0231 -0.5979865 1.0630437
1.5512 2.7759 1.9625 -0.2095796 0.4144713
1.7190 3.6034 3.4933 -0.5079152 0.0315175

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GOOGL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0460 0.2109 0.0239 -2.9246862 7.824268
-0.1505 0.4960 0.0544 -3.7665441 8.117647
-0.3649 0.7180 0.0971 -4.7579815 6.394439
-0.4250 0.8390 0.1460 -3.9109589 4.746575
-0.4699 0.8574 0.1917 -3.4512259 3.472614
-0.5455 1.4961 0.4574 -2.1926104 2.270879
-0.4560 3.9089 0.8229 -1.5541378 3.750152
0.9496 5.1619 2.3507 -0.5960352 1.195899

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GOOG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0687 0.2227 0.0233 -3.9484979 8.557940
-0.1235 0.5190 0.0518 -3.3841699 9.019305
-0.3490 0.6868 0.0924 -4.7770563 6.432900
-0.4650 0.7827 0.1411 -4.2955351 4.547130
-0.5784 0.8085 0.1871 -4.0913950 3.321219
-0.8481 1.5629 0.4530 -2.8721854 2.450110
-0.8589 4.0209 0.8223 -2.0445093 3.889821
1.1260 5.1036 2.3986 -0.5305595 1.127741

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0543 0.1481 0.0625 -1.8688000 1.3696000
-0.0658 0.2809 0.1224 -1.5375817 1.2949346
0.0243 0.4337 0.1874 -0.8703308 1.3143010
-0.0239 0.6187 0.2538 -1.0941686 1.4377463
-0.1326 0.6819 0.3119 -1.4251363 1.1862777
-0.5252 0.4441 0.6437 -1.8159080 -0.3100823
0.0668 0.3833 1.1348 -0.9411350 -0.6622312
-0.0313 1.1564 2.0609 -1.0151875 -0.4388859

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AMZN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1369 0.0626 0.0841 0.6278240 -0.2556480
0.1766 0.3364 0.1765 0.0005666 0.9059490
0.1624 0.5920 0.2920 -0.4438356 1.0273973
0.3053 0.8058 0.4075 -0.2507975 0.9774233
0.3859 1.1315 0.5105 -0.2440744 1.2164545
1.7418 2.4082 1.1397 0.5282969 1.1130122
4.2505 4.1616 2.4534 0.7324937 0.6962583
6.5916 15.0954 8.6259 -0.2358363 0.7500087

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AMCR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1419 -0.0570 0.0591 -3.4010152 -1.9644670
-0.1419 -0.0587 0.1193 -2.1894384 -1.4920369
-0.1419 -0.0605 0.1805 -1.7861496 -1.3351801
-0.1419 -0.0856 0.2421 -1.5861214 -1.3535729
-0.1419 -0.1123 0.3211 -1.4419184 -1.3497353
0.2189 -0.0076 0.8026 -0.7272614 -1.0094692
2.6473 0.3676 2.0520 0.2901072 -0.8208577
2.3713 5.0641 6.8514 -0.6538956 -0.2608664

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AEE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2586 0.1813 0.0813 -4.180812 1.2300123
-0.3746 0.4447 0.1617 -3.316636 1.7501546
-0.4185 0.6101 0.2360 -2.773305 1.5851695
-0.4863 0.6366 0.3197 -2.521113 0.9912418
-0.5406 0.8246 0.4028 -2.342105 1.0471698
-0.4804 0.9995 0.8110 -1.592355 0.2324291
0.0762 0.4668 1.5029 -0.949298 -0.6894005
-0.9871 2.7948 2.5660 -1.384684 0.0891660

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AAL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2154 0.2694 0.0834 -3.5827338 2.2302158
-0.2757 0.4494 0.1683 -2.6381462 1.6702317
-0.3617 0.3041 0.2661 -2.3592634 0.1428035
-0.1494 -0.0228 0.3758 -1.3975519 -1.0606706
0.0342 -0.2847 0.4747 -0.9279545 -1.5997472
-0.0954 1.6364 1.0793 -1.0883906 0.5161679
4.2976 2.2180 2.2627 0.8993238 -0.0197552
1.0642 6.6290 4.7549 -0.7761888 0.3941408

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AEP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0380 0.0271 0.0336 0.1309524 -0.1934524
0.0083 0.0341 0.0673 -0.8766716 -0.4933135
-0.0462 0.2112 0.1004 -1.4601594 1.1035857
-0.1224 0.2761 0.1396 -1.8767908 0.9777937
-0.0845 0.4837 0.1748 -1.4834096 1.7671625
0.2513 0.3804 0.3508 -0.2836374 0.0843786
0.1266 -0.1587 0.5144 -0.7538880 -1.3085148
-1.7584 -2.0134 0.3465 -6.0747475 -6.8106782

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AXP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1123 0.3956 0.0550 1.0418182 6.192727
0.2205 0.6714 0.1250 0.7640000 4.371200
0.2961 0.9230 0.2010 0.4731343 3.592040
0.3482 1.0369 0.2823 0.2334396 2.673043
0.3758 1.4694 0.3627 0.0361180 3.051282
0.1670 3.2519 0.7962 -0.7902537 3.084275
1.0707 6.0062 2.1487 -0.5016987 1.795272
0.7139 13.7137 5.8707 -0.8783961 1.335956

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AIG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1561 0.1647 0.0393 2.9720102 3.1908397
0.1195 0.1102 0.0850 0.4058824 0.2964706
-0.1669 0.1373 0.1436 -2.1622563 -0.0438719
-0.2017 0.2060 0.2120 -1.9514151 -0.0283019
-0.3867 0.2856 0.2753 -2.4046495 0.0374137
-0.1508 0.5623 0.6398 -1.2356987 -0.1211316
0.2777 3.1176 1.4457 -0.8079131 1.1564640
2.0032 9.1127 4.3508 -0.5395789 1.0944884

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AMT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0290 0.2419 0.0363 -1.7988981 5.663912
-0.0402 0.4863 0.0766 -1.5248042 5.348564
0.0789 0.8778 0.1263 -0.3752969 5.950119
0.1666 1.2730 0.1862 -0.1052632 5.836735
0.3231 1.4254 0.2434 0.3274445 4.856204
1.3222 1.4303 0.6031 1.1923396 1.371580
2.3277 2.5140 1.2281 0.8953668 1.047065
3.3905 4.2891 4.4126 -0.2316321 -0.027988

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AWK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1108 0.1137 0.0819 -2.3528694 0.3882784
-0.1798 0.1608 0.1671 -2.0760024 -0.0377020
0.0539 0.1175 0.2515 -0.7856859 -0.5328032
0.2234 0.0731 0.3391 -0.3411973 -0.7844294
0.3871 0.1089 0.4231 -0.0850863 -0.7426140
0.7464 0.0944 0.8477 -0.1194998 -0.8886398
2.4707 -1.1059 1.5818 0.5619547 -1.6991402
3.3169 -2.7108 3.3862 -0.0204654 -1.8005434

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AMP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0832 0.4102 0.0483 -2.7225673 7.492754
0.0463 1.1089 0.1090 -0.5752294 9.173395
0.0530 1.8799 0.1886 -0.7189820 8.967656
0.0664 2.5042 0.2857 -0.7675884 7.765138
-0.2283 3.0443 0.3783 -1.6034893 7.047317
-0.6635 7.2252 0.8966 -1.7400178 7.058443
-1.1850 11.0264 2.1845 -1.5424582 4.047562
1.5848 13.3265 5.1165 -0.6902570 1.604612

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ABC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1326 -0.1354 -0.0941 -2.4091392 0.4388948
-0.0562 0.2442 -0.1792 -1.3136161 -2.3627232
-0.0180 0.3164 -0.2558 -1.0703675 -2.2369038
0.0855 0.3077 -0.3315 -0.7420814 -1.9282051
0.1233 0.5764 -0.3966 -0.6891074 -2.4533535
-0.9770 1.2772 -0.6793 -2.4382453 -2.8801708
-0.4599 -2.1826 -1.2105 -1.3799257 0.8030566
-2.7070 -1.5070 -2.8883 -1.9372295 -0.4782398

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AME
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1855 0.0356 -0.0210 -9.833333 -2.695238
-0.2340 -0.3096 -0.0328 -8.134146 8.439024
-0.5677 -0.3664 -0.0367 -16.468665 8.983651
-0.9143 -0.3041 -0.0243 -38.625514 11.514403
-1.1467 -0.2007 -0.0062 -185.951613 31.370968
-1.8640 0.8899 0.0934 -20.957173 8.527837
-1.3938 3.0258 0.4593 -4.034618 5.587851
-5.7635 4.0396 0.3745 -16.389853 9.786649

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AMGN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1835 -0.1958 -0.0195 8.410256 9.0410256
0.1705 -0.2520 -0.0326 4.230061 6.7300613
0.1614 -0.2382 -0.0359 3.495822 5.6350975
0.1110 -0.0916 -0.0299 2.712375 2.0635452
0.0822 -0.0081 -0.0176 3.670454 -0.5397727
0.4307 0.1319 -0.0124 33.733871 -11.6370968
-0.7646 -0.0034 -0.1237 -7.181083 -0.9725141
-1.5975 1.5595 0.2196 -8.274590 6.1015483

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for APH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1093 0.1277 0.1214 -0.0996705 0.0518946
0.1693 0.2452 0.2570 -0.3412451 -0.0459144
0.2063 0.3723 0.4076 -0.4938665 -0.0866045
0.3546 0.4443 0.5681 -0.3758141 -0.2179194
0.5233 0.5998 0.7326 -0.2856948 -0.1812722
1.4765 1.6219 1.5728 -0.0612284 0.0312182
1.8082 4.1335 3.1777 -0.4309721 0.3007836
4.3546 6.0977 7.4175 -0.4129289 -0.1779306

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ADI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0799 0.2806 0.1293 -0.3820572 1.1701469
0.1625 0.4990 0.2838 -0.4274137 0.7582805
0.3454 0.6356 0.4475 -0.2281564 0.4203352
0.4907 0.7102 0.6190 -0.2072698 0.1473344
0.7357 0.9774 0.7802 -0.0570367 0.2527557
1.9866 2.1669 1.6154 0.2297883 0.3414015
1.9371 5.3038 3.2665 -0.4069799 0.6236951
2.3886 11.1844 7.4917 -0.6811672 0.4929055

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ANSS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2030 -0.0200 0.0227 -9.942731 -1.8810573
-0.5145 0.3296 0.0507 -11.147929 5.5009862
-0.3590 0.4826 0.0826 -5.346247 4.8426150
-0.2060 0.6436 0.1239 -2.662631 4.1945117
-0.2637 0.8846 0.1633 -2.614819 4.4170239
-0.5859 1.8860 0.4078 -2.436734 3.6248161
-0.7566 1.7611 0.8575 -1.882332 1.0537609
-0.7423 2.9448 1.9049 -1.389679 0.5459079

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ANTM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1203 0.0463 0.0204 4.8970588 1.2696078
0.0469 0.0231 0.0523 -0.1032505 -0.5583174
0.1780 0.2787 0.0912 0.9517544 2.0559211
0.1352 0.7475 0.1439 -0.0604587 4.1945796
0.1293 0.9065 0.2089 -0.3810436 3.3393968
0.3181 1.4792 0.4107 -0.2254687 2.6016557
0.1099 2.1961 0.8920 -0.8767937 1.4619955
-4.8804 6.7322 1.2683 -4.8479855 4.3080501

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AON
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0283 0.3070 0.0860 -0.6709302 2.5697674
-0.0547 0.6178 0.1782 -1.3069585 2.4668911
-0.1249 0.8011 0.2778 -1.4496040 1.8837293
-0.2089 0.6372 0.3860 -1.5411917 0.6507772
0.0212 0.5933 0.4977 -0.9574041 0.1920836
0.8000 1.5549 1.0643 -0.2483322 0.4609603
1.9436 2.4806 2.3235 -0.1635033 0.0676135
4.8470 3.3926 5.0739 -0.0447191 -0.3313625

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AOS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0051 0.2334 0.1067 -1.0477976 1.1874414
0.1066 0.5594 0.2239 -0.5238946 1.4984368
-0.1999 0.7352 0.3631 -1.5505370 1.0247866
0.0485 1.0138 0.5242 -0.9074781 0.9339947
-0.0570 1.4240 0.6928 -1.0822748 1.0554273
0.3111 4.2082 1.6161 -0.8074995 1.6039230
1.9179 7.3079 3.5207 -0.4552504 1.0756952
7.2190 12.5255 8.8505 -0.1843399 0.4152308

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for APA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0551 0.2812 0.1972 -1.2794118 0.4259635
0.1454 0.5524 0.4462 -0.6741372 0.2380099
0.0447 1.2240 0.7113 -0.9371573 0.7207929
-0.1713 1.6385 0.9857 -1.1737851 0.6622705
0.1473 1.9061 1.2777 -0.8847147 0.4918212
0.3639 3.5219 2.7484 -0.8675957 0.2814365
1.5847 9.2350 5.4839 -0.7110268 0.6840205
4.5430 19.4790 13.0999 -0.6532035 0.4869579

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AAPL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0688 0.0227 0.0588 0.1700680 -0.6139456
-0.0133 0.0422 0.1306 -1.1018377 -0.6768760
-0.0870 -0.1440 0.2191 -1.3970790 -1.6572341
-0.1281 -0.2501 0.3062 -1.4183540 -1.8167864
0.0849 -0.1767 0.3843 -0.7790788 -1.4597970
0.8352 1.3814 0.8135 0.0266749 0.6980947
-1.2405 4.2048 1.6237 -1.7639958 1.5896409
0.5082 6.2190 3.9132 -0.8701319 0.5892364

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AMAT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2636 0.7639 0.2420 0.0892562 2.1566116
0.5439 1.2809 0.5078 0.0710910 1.5224498
0.9138 1.8990 0.7928 0.1526236 1.3953078
1.3027 2.5376 1.0963 0.1882696 1.3146949
1.5922 3.4981 1.4014 0.1361496 1.4961467
1.9950 7.6117 2.9729 -0.3289381 1.5603619
2.9325 12.7463 6.0554 -0.5157215 1.1049477
9.2234 24.8098 15.1611 -0.3916404 0.6364116

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for APTV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3497 0.4676 -0.0536 -7.524254 -9.723881
-0.6941 1.0776 -0.0940 -8.384043 -12.463830
-1.2466 1.4480 -0.1161 -11.737295 -13.472007
-1.4929 1.8566 -0.1256 -12.886147 -15.781847
-1.6086 2.2270 -0.1476 -11.898374 -16.088076
-2.1099 3.0173 -0.1361 -16.502572 -23.169728
-1.0693 4.7297 0.1705 -7.271554 26.740176
-5.4648 7.4553 0.3732 -15.643087 18.976688

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ADM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1222 0.5538 0.1091 0.1200733 4.0760770
-0.2394 0.7876 0.2274 -2.0527704 2.4635004
-0.3928 1.2663 0.3551 -2.1061673 2.5660377
-0.5806 1.6498 0.4852 -2.1966200 2.4002473
-0.6631 2.1849 0.6157 -2.0769855 2.5486438
-2.1138 4.3247 1.4019 -2.5078108 2.0848848
-0.5325 4.2828 2.8348 -1.1878439 0.5107944
4.7570 9.2588 7.0625 -0.3264425 0.3109805

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ANET
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3537 0.6439 0.1145 2.0890830 4.6235808
0.6064 0.9798 0.2543 1.3845851 2.8529296
1.0295 1.2980 0.4218 1.4407302 2.0772878
1.0858 1.8413 0.5898 0.8409630 2.1219057
0.9983 2.4261 0.7648 0.3053086 2.1722019
0.9601 6.6143 1.7741 -0.4588242 2.7282566
0.9666 8.3863 3.9252 -0.7537450 1.1365281
5.0023 19.8789 10.1799 -0.5086101 0.9527599

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AJG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1445 0.2252 0.1075 0.3441860 1.0948837
0.1788 0.4270 0.2223 -0.1956815 0.9208277
0.3516 0.5656 0.3448 0.0197216 0.6403712
0.4693 0.7131 0.4759 -0.0138685 0.4984240
0.6365 0.9963 0.6137 0.0371517 0.6234316
1.7651 2.5692 1.3249 0.3322515 0.9391652
2.9656 4.4036 2.7423 0.0814280 0.6058053
7.0233 3.3177 6.6875 0.0502131 -0.5038953

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AIZ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0974 0.0891 0.0740 0.3162162 0.2040541
0.0493 0.4550 0.1514 -0.6743725 2.0052840
0.1465 0.8046 0.2429 -0.3968711 2.3124743
0.2266 1.1977 0.3426 -0.3385873 2.4959136
0.3922 1.4036 0.4318 -0.0917091 2.2505790
0.9756 3.2018 0.8466 0.1523742 2.7819513
1.5835 6.9482 1.5797 0.0024055 3.3984301
0.6207 9.8497 3.7635 -0.8350737 1.6171649

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for T
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2496 0.0097 0.0870 1.8689655 -0.8885057
0.4665 0.1552 0.1821 1.5617792 -0.1477210
0.5498 0.3806 0.2842 0.9345531 0.3391977
0.7581 0.4172 0.3886 0.9508492 0.0735975
0.9283 0.4335 0.4894 0.8968124 -0.1142215
2.1881 -0.2393 0.9792 1.2345792 -1.2443832
4.0465 0.4887 1.6791 1.4099220 -0.7089512
1.3684 0.6482 2.1124 -0.3522060 -0.6931452

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ATO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1824 -0.0189 0.0747 -3.4417671 -1.2530120
-0.1322 0.1077 0.1499 -1.8819213 -0.2815210
-0.1333 0.2237 0.2242 -1.5945584 -0.0022302
-0.2265 0.2903 0.3051 -1.7423795 -0.0485087
-0.1406 0.4964 0.3841 -1.3660505 0.2923718
0.0601 0.6398 0.7765 -0.9226014 -0.1760464
0.6630 -0.3662 1.2833 -0.4833632 -1.2853581
-0.6641 -0.1377 1.9192 -1.3460296 -1.0717486

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ADSK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1146 1.2420 0.1062 0.0790960 10.6949153
0.2040 2.3418 0.2278 -0.1044776 9.2800702
0.4118 3.2010 0.3752 0.0975480 7.5314499
0.8414 3.4816 0.5317 0.5824713 5.5480534
1.1131 3.5905 0.6847 0.6256755 4.2439024
1.1577 5.5215 1.6131 -0.2823136 2.4229124
3.4073 8.9687 4.0028 -0.1487709 1.2406066
5.4534 17.7946 10.5669 -0.4839168 0.6839944

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ADP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2777 0.1971 0.0946 1.9355180 1.0835095
0.5622 0.2974 0.1967 1.8581596 0.5119471
0.6302 0.4717 0.3111 1.0257152 0.5162327
0.8077 0.5738 0.4312 0.8731447 0.3307050
1.1201 0.6487 0.5489 1.0406267 0.1818182
2.4792 0.7937 1.1250 1.2037333 -0.2944889
3.0240 1.6491 2.0421 0.4808286 -0.1924489
-0.6872 6.1852 3.6375 -1.1889210 0.7003986

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AZO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0974 0.1211 0.0337 -3.890208 2.5934718
-0.1688 0.5140 0.0762 -3.215223 5.7454068
-0.3241 0.4326 0.1149 -3.820714 2.7650131
-0.6470 0.4612 0.1705 -4.794721 1.7049853
-0.6093 0.4568 0.2202 -3.767030 1.0744777
-0.2287 1.4021 0.4889 -1.467785 1.8678666
-0.6605 2.6809 0.8446 -1.782027 2.1741653
-2.7593 1.5267 0.8995 -4.067593 0.6972763

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AVB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1451 0.0598 -0.0099 13.6565657 -7.040404
0.1607 0.0474 -0.0208 6.7259615 -3.278846
0.1587 0.0040 -0.0336 3.7232143 -1.119048
0.0223 0.1296 -0.0346 -0.3554913 -4.745665
0.1609 0.3744 -0.0401 3.0124688 -10.336658
-0.8875 1.3597 -0.0411 -22.5936740 -34.082725
-2.1707 3.8557 -0.1010 -22.4920792 -39.175247
-4.0281 0.8761 -0.6557 -7.1432057 -2.336129

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AVY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2955 0.0270 0.0616 -5.7970779 -0.5616883
-0.0269 -0.0108 0.1285 -1.2093385 -1.0840467
0.1084 -0.1413 0.2065 -0.4750605 -1.6842615
0.2219 -0.2263 0.2868 -0.2262901 -1.7890516
0.4435 -0.2340 0.3663 0.2107562 -1.6388206
0.7878 -0.2341 0.7915 -0.0046747 -1.2957675
2.3975 0.6800 1.7464 0.3728241 -0.6106276
4.7114 -1.8000 3.4964 0.3475003 -1.5148152

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BKR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2920 0.3814 0.1691 -2.7267889 1.2554701
-0.8271 0.9191 0.3497 -3.3651701 1.6282528
-1.2611 1.2677 0.5421 -3.3263236 1.3384984
-1.1574 1.5580 0.7413 -2.5613112 1.1017132
-0.7884 1.8671 0.9411 -1.8377431 0.9839549
0.1892 3.8978 2.0419 -0.9073412 0.9089084
1.8823 6.4591 4.2730 -0.5594898 0.5116078
6.8249 13.3817 9.7804 -0.3021860 0.3682160

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BLL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0949 0.7039 0.0220 -5.313636 30.995455
-0.2654 0.9700 0.0500 -6.308000 18.400000
-0.4464 1.0946 0.0892 -6.004484 11.271300
-0.6387 1.1777 0.1338 -5.773543 7.801943
-0.7940 1.0788 0.1816 -5.372247 4.940529
-0.8984 1.2877 0.4163 -3.158059 2.093202
-0.5274 2.4828 0.9958 -1.529624 1.493272
0.8642 8.1760 3.4358 -0.748472 1.379650

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BAC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3723 0.1612 0.1391 1.6764917 0.1588785
0.4268 0.2115 0.2895 0.4742660 -0.2694301
0.4988 0.4251 0.4616 0.0805893 -0.0790728
0.8141 0.8846 0.6488 0.2547781 0.3634402
0.8233 1.2304 0.8362 -0.0154269 0.4714183
1.4619 3.6218 1.8816 -0.2230548 0.9248512
6.0446 6.3499 4.4844 0.3479172 0.4159977
7.4790 18.9231 11.4225 -0.3452397 0.6566513

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1139 0.5392 0.0820 0.3890244 5.575610
0.1343 0.7244 0.1749 -0.2321326 3.141795
0.0525 0.8374 0.2810 -0.8131673 1.980071
-0.1164 1.0314 0.3947 -1.2949075 1.613124
-0.2669 1.2532 0.5049 -1.5286195 1.482076
-0.3532 3.4152 1.1166 -1.3163174 2.058571
0.0183 7.5146 2.6404 -0.9930692 1.846008
1.0128 13.8325 6.8753 -0.8526901 1.011912

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BAX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1494 0.1858 0.0776 -2.9252577 1.3943299
-0.0077 0.3259 0.1532 -1.0502611 1.1272846
0.0613 0.3818 0.2341 -0.7381461 0.6309270
0.0368 0.5456 0.3237 -0.8863145 0.6855113
0.3065 0.7244 0.4189 -0.2683218 0.7292910
1.4074 0.5578 0.9284 0.5159414 -0.3991814
1.9095 1.0112 1.9134 -0.0020383 -0.4715167
4.8197 4.2276 5.3001 -0.0906398 -0.2023547

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BDX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1002 0.4238 0.0506 -2.9802372 7.3754941
-0.1371 0.9036 0.1074 -2.2765363 7.4134078
-0.2029 1.3271 0.1705 -2.1900293 6.7835777
-0.4125 1.4789 0.2420 -2.7045455 5.1111570
-0.3257 1.6345 0.3140 -2.0372611 4.2054140
0.4307 2.0674 0.6531 -0.3405298 2.1655183
1.5415 2.3205 1.3239 0.1643629 0.7527759
3.6846 3.8878 4.1564 -0.1135117 -0.0646232

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BBY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3709 0.7171 0.1548 1.3959948 3.6324289
1.0195 0.7984 0.3274 2.1139279 1.4386072
1.2132 1.6159 0.5020 1.4167331 2.2189243
1.7739 1.9522 0.7078 1.5062164 1.7581238
1.8886 2.8968 0.9043 1.0884662 2.2033617
3.5819 4.7814 2.1067 0.7002421 1.2696160
3.9616 6.5651 4.8296 -0.1797250 0.3593465
7.3226 10.1732 10.2323 -0.2843642 -0.0057758

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BIO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0983 0.3171 0.1246 -0.2110754 1.5449438
0.4144 0.7487 0.2542 0.6302124 1.9453186
0.4672 1.1482 0.3933 0.1878973 1.9193999
0.6375 1.6228 0.5393 0.1820879 2.0090859
0.9124 2.0790 0.6860 0.3300292 2.0306122
0.7973 3.1625 1.4699 -0.4575821 1.1515069
0.9054 5.6171 3.0925 -0.7072272 0.8163622
4.5763 10.7394 7.2814 -0.3715082 0.4749087

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BIIB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0540 0.0940 0.0063 7.5714286 13.920635
0.1745 0.6078 0.0200 7.7250000 29.390000
0.2358 1.1057 0.0491 3.8024440 21.519348
0.1145 1.2989 0.0886 0.2923251 13.660271
-0.2088 1.4311 0.1293 -2.6148492 10.068059
-0.1793 2.5275 0.3221 -1.5566594 6.846942
-0.6331 3.2756 0.8859 -1.7146405 2.697483
2.5217 11.6390 3.4194 -0.2625314 2.403814

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BLK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1561 0.2883 0.0643 1.4276827 3.4836703
0.2569 0.7102 0.1308 0.9640673 4.4296636
0.2411 1.1625 0.2163 0.1146556 4.3744799
0.1203 1.4604 0.3196 -0.6235920 3.5694618
0.1979 1.5226 0.4201 -0.5289217 2.6243751
-0.5605 2.0976 0.9952 -1.5632034 1.1077170
0.9176 3.0381 2.1733 -0.5777849 0.3979202
1.8557 7.5304 4.5345 -0.5907597 0.6606903

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0520 0.3563 0.0510 0.0196078 5.9862745
0.0736 0.6668 0.1094 -0.3272395 5.0950640
0.1053 0.9153 0.1852 -0.4314255 3.9422246
0.2382 0.9992 0.2712 -0.1216814 2.6843658
0.3917 1.0242 0.3576 0.0953579 1.8640940
1.0454 1.9911 0.8108 0.2893439 1.4557227
2.4787 3.6253 1.9601 0.2645783 0.8495485
2.0868 8.9749 5.3175 -0.6075599 0.6878044

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BKNG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5217 0.7831 0.0940 -6.5500000 7.330851
-0.9241 1.4617 0.2019 -5.5770183 6.239723
-1.0696 2.3932 0.3207 -4.3352042 6.462426
-1.0046 3.2905 0.4524 -3.2206012 6.273431
-0.9298 4.2598 0.5818 -2.5981437 6.321760
-0.4353 6.7830 1.2708 -1.3425401 4.337583
0.3470 8.1302 2.9179 -0.8810789 1.786319
2.2565 11.2631 6.7346 -0.6649393 0.672423

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BWA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2274 0.7463 0.0067 -34.9402985 110.3880597
-0.5071 1.0545 0.0317 -16.9968454 32.2649842
-0.8186 1.7855 0.0796 -11.2839196 21.4309045
-1.0740 2.3942 0.1520 -8.0657895 14.7513158
-1.0466 2.7640 0.2185 -5.7899314 11.6498856
0.4694 4.3502 0.7686 -0.3892792 4.6599011
0.9114 5.3303 2.3134 -0.6060344 1.3040979
-0.1082 6.6458 3.8824 -1.0278694 0.7117762

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BXP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2124 0.0287 0.0034 -63.4705882 7.4411765
-0.1847 0.0250 0.0007 -264.8571429 34.7142857
0.0195 0.0979 0.0001 194.0000000 978.0000000
0.3426 0.3876 0.0170 19.1529412 21.8000000
0.4736 0.6706 0.0303 14.6303630 21.1320132
1.3025 0.6351 0.1671 6.7947337 2.8007181
2.8265 0.1316 0.6026 3.6905078 -0.7816130
0.7262 1.9972 1.7018 -0.5732754 0.1735809

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BSX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0552 0.3130 0.0809 -1.6823239 2.8689740
-0.0529 0.3970 0.1660 -1.3186747 1.3915663
0.2099 0.3021 0.2565 -0.1816764 0.1777778
0.2698 0.2173 0.3529 -0.2354775 -0.3842448
0.5390 0.1073 0.4569 0.1796892 -0.7651565
1.3346 -0.6601 0.8956 0.4901742 -1.7370478
4.7668 -1.3025 1.8014 1.6461641 -1.7230487
8.0731 -1.0779 6.0532 0.3336913 -1.1780711

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BMY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2707 0.2833 -0.0454 4.962555 -7.2400881
0.4357 0.4034 -0.0800 4.446250 -6.0425000
0.4890 0.3828 -0.1070 3.570094 -4.5775701
0.4768 0.0673 -0.1163 3.099742 -1.5786758
0.5624 -0.0149 -0.1212 3.640264 -0.8770627
0.5104 0.2177 -0.1542 2.309987 -2.4118029
-1.5208 0.4018 -0.3281 -5.635172 -2.2246266
-2.2880 1.2592 -1.9583 -2.168360 -1.6430067

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for AVGO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1434 0.4446 0.1178 -2.2173175 2.7741935
0.1505 1.1832 0.2574 -0.4153069 3.5967366
0.0884 1.7660 0.4098 -0.7842850 3.3094192
-0.0331 2.1542 0.5703 -1.0580396 2.7773102
0.1977 2.4038 0.7324 -0.7300655 2.2820863
1.4195 2.8228 1.5872 -0.1056578 0.7784778
0.2172 7.8495 3.1111 -0.9301855 1.5230626
4.4975 10.0448 7.5291 -0.4026510 0.3341302

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0547 0.2678 0.0971 -1.5633368 1.7579815
0.2039 0.4483 0.2008 0.0154382 1.2325697
0.1627 0.4825 0.3167 -0.4862646 0.5235238
0.3188 0.4253 0.4344 -0.2661142 -0.0209484
0.6497 0.3380 0.5497 0.1819174 -0.3851192
1.3395 0.2358 1.1261 0.1895036 -0.7906047
2.1798 0.0666 2.1853 -0.0025168 -0.9695236
4.7823 0.2430 4.9539 -0.0346394 -0.9509477

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CHRW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0524 0.0170 0.0636 -0.1761006 -0.7327044
0.0357 0.2526 0.1312 -0.7278963 0.9253049
-0.0843 0.3165 0.1985 -1.4246851 0.5944584
-0.1200 0.5503 0.2722 -1.4408523 1.0216752
-0.3434 0.8810 0.3561 -1.9643359 1.4740242
-0.2383 2.0470 0.7261 -1.3281917 1.8191709
0.9507 2.8376 1.5671 -0.3933380 0.8107332
0.8736 1.7022 2.1132 -0.5865985 -0.1944918

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for COG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1696 -0.0922 0.1509 0.1239231 -1.6110007
-0.1843 0.3506 0.3107 -1.5931767 0.1284197
-0.6826 0.5768 0.4600 -2.4839130 0.2539130
-0.9248 0.6905 0.6108 -2.5140799 0.1304846
-0.9634 0.7774 0.7813 -2.2330731 -0.0049917
-0.3925 1.3817 1.5615 -1.2513609 -0.1151457
1.0227 3.2008 2.5960 -0.6060478 0.2329738
-0.0785 1.9843 3.8988 -1.0201344 -0.4910485

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CDNS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1374 0.3204 0.0915 0.5016393 2.5016393
0.2299 0.3771 0.1926 0.1936656 0.9579439
0.4248 0.5512 0.3004 0.4141145 0.8348868
0.3496 0.7064 0.4287 -0.1845113 0.6477723
0.6237 1.0573 0.5556 0.1225702 0.9029878
0.3906 2.8938 1.2270 -0.6816626 1.3584352
1.3676 4.5056 2.6122 -0.4764566 0.7248296
3.6325 6.6849 6.0477 -0.3993584 0.1053624

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CPB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0486 0.0462 0.0699 -0.3047210 -0.3390558
0.1744 -0.1379 0.1432 0.2178771 -1.9629888
0.3795 -0.1717 0.2213 0.7148667 -1.7758699
0.3104 -0.2701 0.2979 0.0419604 -1.9066801
0.2258 -0.2760 0.3722 -0.3933369 -1.7415368
0.6566 -0.1232 0.6728 -0.0240785 -1.1831153
0.4610 0.1087 1.0659 -0.5675016 -0.8980205
-4.2604 -0.4638 -0.0201 -212.9601990 22.0746269

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for COF
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0942 0.2868 0.1067 -0.1171509 1.6879100
-0.1623 0.6378 0.2212 -1.7337251 1.8833635
-0.2984 1.0991 0.3604 -1.8279689 2.0496670
-0.4483 1.6873 0.5126 -1.8745611 2.2916504
-0.4914 2.3440 0.6615 -1.7428571 2.5434618
-0.7308 4.5025 1.4677 -1.4979219 2.0677250
1.3416 5.3871 3.2045 -0.5813387 0.6811047
3.4458 6.4323 6.5582 -0.4745814 -0.0191973

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CAH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1723 -0.1306 -0.0742 -3.322102 0.7601078
-0.3755 0.1462 -0.1399 -3.684060 -2.0450322
-0.3814 0.3500 -0.1923 -2.983359 -2.8200728
-0.5526 0.7471 -0.2377 -3.324779 -4.1430374
-0.9276 0.8268 -0.2632 -4.524316 -4.1413374
-2.4240 1.0857 -0.4246 -6.708902 -3.5569948
-3.0638 1.6721 -0.8586 -4.568367 -2.9474726
-5.7117 -2.8297 -2.8824 -2.981578 -0.0182834

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KMX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1391 0.4783 0.1097 -2.2680036 3.3600729
-0.1571 0.4726 0.2454 -1.6401793 0.9258354
-0.1017 0.2983 0.3875 -1.2624516 -0.2301935
0.2479 0.3352 0.5352 -0.5368087 -0.3736921
0.5108 0.4149 0.6779 -0.2464965 -0.3879628
1.2719 2.6767 1.4937 -0.1484903 0.7919930
2.1896 7.1968 3.2236 -0.3207594 1.2325351
-1.3147 17.0681 5.9496 -1.2209728 1.8687811

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CCL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5565 0.2853 0.0031 -180.5161290 91.032258
-0.5723 0.5574 0.0077 -75.3246753 71.389610
-0.7032 0.8909 0.0185 -39.0108108 47.156757
-0.7843 1.3404 0.0369 -22.2547425 35.325203
-0.5636 1.6959 0.0439 -13.8382688 37.630980
-0.1736 3.3098 0.1222 -2.4206219 26.085106
0.5605 2.1621 0.5383 0.0412409 3.016533
-0.0549 3.6093 1.6988 -1.0323169 1.124617

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CTLT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0493 0.2531 0.0530 -1.9301887 3.775472
0.1669 0.9280 0.1133 0.4730803 7.190644
0.5168 1.8712 0.1877 1.7533298 8.969100
0.7189 2.9844 0.2682 1.6804623 10.127517
1.0714 4.0927 0.3530 2.0351275 10.594051
1.0723 7.8293 0.7535 0.4230922 9.390577
-0.8244 6.6937 1.1353 -1.7261517 4.895975
-6.6758 14.1013 1.7848 -4.7403631 6.900773

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CAT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1552 0.1466 0.1431 -2.0845563 0.0244584
-0.3059 0.4685 0.2980 -2.0265101 0.5721477
-0.5589 0.7954 0.4676 -2.1952524 0.7010265
-0.6865 1.1185 0.6453 -2.0638463 0.7333023
-0.4641 1.4358 0.8346 -1.5560748 0.7203451
0.8769 5.0506 1.8118 -0.5160062 1.7876145
0.1184 9.5505 4.0215 -0.9705582 1.3748601
4.4234 13.8223 9.0624 -0.5118953 0.5252361

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CBOE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0540 0.1506 0.0700 -0.2285714 1.151429
-0.0027 0.3660 0.1427 -1.0189208 1.564821
-0.2270 0.7311 0.2129 -2.0662283 2.434007
-0.3668 1.0202 0.2886 -2.2709633 2.534997
-0.3688 1.3580 0.3578 -2.0307434 2.795416
-0.1679 1.4959 0.7337 -1.2288401 1.038844
1.9491 3.2561 1.4765 0.3200813 1.205283
1.0953 7.0364 2.3715 -0.5381404 1.967067

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CBRE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0541 0.0751 -0.0113 -5.7876106 -7.646018
-0.3673 0.4107 -0.0088 -42.7386364 -47.670454
-0.5627 0.9599 0.0160 -36.1687500 58.993750
-0.5857 1.3857 0.0544 -11.7665441 24.472427
-0.5880 1.6563 0.0970 -7.0618557 16.075258
0.1300 3.6560 0.3702 -0.6488385 8.875743
-1.3757 6.0483 1.1989 -2.1474685 4.044874
-4.0397 11.8970 2.4991 -2.6164619 3.760514

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CDW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1130 0.2437 0.1077 0.0492108 1.2627669
0.4083 0.3855 0.2187 0.8669410 0.7626886
0.2923 0.6239 0.3465 -0.1564214 0.8005772
0.3274 1.2394 0.4807 -0.3189099 1.5783233
0.4541 2.0801 0.6150 -0.2616260 2.3822764
1.3307 4.5150 1.3703 -0.0288988 2.2948989
0.6339 8.7068 3.0573 -0.7926602 1.8478723
3.6221 12.2263 6.7488 -0.4632972 0.8116258

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1118 0.1771 0.0795 0.4062893 1.2276730
0.0501 0.0549 0.1729 -0.7102371 -0.6824754
0.1385 0.0462 0.2830 -0.5106007 -0.8367491
0.1530 0.6237 0.4022 -0.6195922 0.5507210
0.1410 0.7211 0.5232 -0.7305046 0.3782492
0.4140 2.2738 1.1539 -0.6412167 0.9705347
4.1155 3.2134 2.5851 0.5920080 0.2430467
3.6302 9.3219 6.7288 -0.4604982 0.3853733

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CNC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.8064 0.0803 -0.0349 -24.106017 -3.300860
-1.5431 0.5072 -0.0682 -23.626100 -8.436950
-1.7352 1.1454 -0.0842 -21.608076 -14.603325
-1.5030 1.6406 -0.0881 -18.060159 -19.622020
-1.1540 2.0220 -0.0900 -13.822222 -23.466667
-2.0391 3.7693 -0.1793 -12.372560 -22.022309
-0.0243 2.1699 -0.4422 -1.054952 -5.907056
-0.4467 1.6034 0.2747 -2.626138 4.836913

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CNP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0056 0.1267 0.1247 -0.9550922 0.0160385
-0.0154 0.3340 0.2546 -1.0604870 0.3118617
0.0221 0.5073 0.3900 -0.9433333 0.3007692
-0.1162 0.5560 0.5337 -1.2177253 0.0417838
-0.1550 0.6616 0.6839 -1.2266413 -0.0326071
0.3141 0.6326 1.4518 -0.7836479 -0.5642651
1.3284 2.3705 2.9579 -0.5508976 -0.1985868
3.3192 4.1988 6.6410 -0.5001958 -0.3677458

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CERN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0164 -0.1866 -0.0685 -1.2394161 1.724088
0.2697 -0.4204 -0.1319 1.0447309 2.187263
0.6114 -0.8794 -0.1994 2.0661986 3.410231
0.6881 -1.3744 -0.2698 1.5504077 4.094144
0.8737 -1.7272 -0.3312 1.6379831 4.214976
1.1425 -2.3480 -0.6270 0.8221691 2.744817
2.0873 -3.4242 -1.1783 0.7714504 1.906051
1.2209 0.8176 -0.8839 0.3812648 -1.924991

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CF
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2133 0.3836 -0.0351 -7.076923 -11.928775
-1.2460 1.1493 -0.0299 -42.672241 -39.438127
-1.0686 1.9602 -0.0074 -145.405405 -265.891892
-1.0989 3.1888 0.0147 -75.755102 215.925170
-1.3414 3.8117 0.0385 -35.841558 98.005195
-1.7884 6.3585 0.0625 -29.614400 100.736000
-3.3669 7.3062 0.1713 -20.654991 41.651489
-11.3527 4.8153 -2.5792 -5.401636 -2.866974

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SCHW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1144 0.3549 0.1086 0.0534070 2.2679558
0.0181 0.6963 0.2337 -0.9225503 1.9794608
0.0638 0.9507 0.3843 -0.8339839 1.4738486
0.0607 1.3456 0.5445 -0.8885216 1.4712580
0.0637 1.7772 0.7087 -0.9101171 1.5076901
0.8491 4.7141 1.6003 -0.4694120 1.9457602
0.3873 9.1532 3.8449 -0.8992692 1.3806081
7.4665 14.8528 9.5617 -0.2191242 0.5533639

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CHTR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1059 0.6276 0.2163 -0.5104022 1.9015257
-0.1250 1.0911 0.4402 -1.2839618 1.4786461
-0.1211 1.2424 0.6661 -1.1818045 0.8651854
-0.2517 1.6910 0.8871 -1.2837335 0.9062113
-0.1140 1.9150 1.1055 -1.1031208 0.7322479
0.8664 3.5490 2.2869 -0.6211465 0.5518825
2.9549 6.1319 4.6478 -0.3642368 0.3193124
8.6492 14.3451 11.7200 -0.2620137 0.2239846

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CVX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1610 0.3619 0.1202 0.3394343 2.0108153
0.3178 0.7450 0.2531 0.2556302 1.9435006
0.4319 1.0263 0.4024 0.0733101 1.5504473
0.6719 1.1471 0.5570 0.2062837 1.0594255
1.0363 1.3097 0.7192 0.4409066 0.8210512
1.1154 2.4407 1.5054 -0.2590674 0.6212967
2.3117 3.0166 3.0504 -0.2421650 -0.0110805
3.5686 5.6987 6.7879 -0.4742704 -0.1604620

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CMG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3809 -0.0998 -0.0465 -9.191398 1.1462366
-0.6783 0.0170 -0.0688 -10.859012 -1.2470930
-1.0950 0.2560 -0.0735 -15.897959 -4.4829932
-1.4241 0.4556 -0.0737 -20.322931 -7.1818182
-1.5676 0.3803 -0.0723 -22.681881 -6.2600277
-2.9565 0.3140 -0.2848 -11.380969 -2.1025281
-5.0253 1.3759 -0.9878 -6.087366 -2.3928933
-7.4998 -4.2561 -4.7133 -2.591199 -0.0970021

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1094 0.3946 0.0612 -2.7875817 5.4477124
-0.0607 0.7274 0.1298 -1.4676425 4.6040062
0.1093 1.1594 0.2021 -0.4591786 4.7367640
0.1952 1.1763 0.2823 -0.3085370 3.1668438
0.1964 1.3580 0.3616 -0.4568584 2.7555310
0.6146 1.6730 0.7543 -0.1852048 1.2179504
1.0124 2.5555 1.5680 -0.3543367 0.6297832
2.7351 3.7280 3.0815 -0.1124128 0.2098004

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CHD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0987 0.3377 0.0335 -3.9462687 9.0805970
-0.0902 0.5572 0.0741 -2.2172740 6.5195682
-0.1843 0.7161 0.1141 -2.6152498 5.2760736
0.0430 0.8161 0.1564 -0.7250639 4.2180307
0.1645 0.9021 0.1932 -0.1485507 3.6692547
0.4123 1.2728 0.4615 -0.1066089 1.7579632
1.2583 0.6470 0.8960 0.4043527 -0.2779018
2.7105 -2.5363 1.3573 0.9969793 -2.8686363

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0478 0.5490 -0.0170 -3.811765 -33.294118
-0.2182 0.6909 -0.0244 -9.942623 -29.315574
-0.3449 1.0796 -0.0238 -15.491597 -46.361345
-0.4037 1.5982 -0.0093 -44.408602 -172.849462
-0.4039 1.7848 0.0155 -27.058065 114.148387
-2.0315 2.6490 0.0530 -39.330189 48.981132
-3.0960 3.7165 0.0972 -32.851852 37.235597
-4.5252 3.7750 -0.6616 -7.839782 -6.705865

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CINF
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1883 0.0519 0.1131 0.6648983 -0.5411141
0.3863 0.0613 0.2326 0.6607911 -0.7364574
0.6728 0.1941 0.3629 0.8539543 -0.4651419
0.8667 0.3411 0.5002 0.7327069 -0.3180728
0.9661 0.4783 0.6355 0.5202203 -0.2473643
1.3619 1.2368 1.3455 0.0121888 -0.0807878
2.1116 2.8918 2.9466 -0.2833775 -0.0185977
3.7361 5.2717 5.6932 -0.3437610 -0.0740357

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CTAS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1151 0.0839 0.1146 0.0043630 -0.2678883
0.3022 0.0629 0.2347 0.2876012 -0.7319983
0.4377 0.1248 0.3588 0.2198997 -0.6521739
0.5677 0.1602 0.4977 0.1406470 -0.6781193
0.5819 0.1549 0.6346 -0.0830444 -0.7559092
2.0050 -0.0692 1.3987 0.4334739 -1.0494745
3.0950 2.5637 3.1240 -0.0092830 -0.1793534
7.7229 7.9991 7.5568 0.0219802 0.0585301

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CSCO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0064 0.2447 0.0650 -0.9015385 2.7646154
0.0117 0.4278 0.1375 -0.9149091 2.1112727
0.0085 0.9920 0.2199 -0.9613461 3.5111414
-0.0281 1.3736 0.3182 -1.0883092 3.3167819
-0.0045 1.6543 0.4059 -1.0110865 3.0756344
0.0376 3.5251 0.9308 -0.9596046 2.7871723
0.7776 4.8431 2.1462 -0.6376852 1.2565930
3.5981 8.8804 5.0443 -0.2866998 0.7604821

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for C
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0703 0.2810 0.0825 -0.1478788 2.4060606
0.1780 0.6298 0.1727 0.0306891 2.6467863
0.4605 0.9518 0.2872 0.6034123 2.3140669
0.5888 1.3138 0.4218 0.3959222 2.1147463
0.6685 1.8480 0.5495 0.2165605 2.3630573
0.5562 4.2149 1.2880 -0.5681677 2.2724379
0.7617 6.4919 3.0779 -0.7525261 1.1091978
4.0182 12.6527 7.9137 -0.4922476 0.5988349

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CFG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2312 0.1951 0.1515 0.5260726 0.2877888
0.2855 0.0377 0.3126 -0.0866923 -0.8793986
0.3352 0.3363 0.4925 -0.3193909 -0.3171574
0.5911 0.5557 0.6904 -0.1438297 -0.1951043
0.7515 1.0034 0.8866 -0.1523799 0.1317392
2.4468 2.9727 1.9878 0.2309085 0.4954724
5.7355 7.1623 4.6680 0.2286847 0.5343402
9.5952 15.3200 11.6983 -0.1797783 0.3095920

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CTXS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0890 0.6597 0.0916 -1.9716157 6.201965
0.1583 1.2542 0.1809 -0.1249309 5.933112
-0.0247 1.7094 0.2880 -1.0857639 4.935417
-0.2263 2.1369 0.4070 -1.5560197 4.250369
-0.2045 2.1101 0.5343 -1.3827438 2.949279
0.2975 3.7387 1.2079 -0.7537048 2.095207
0.7336 5.8246 2.5407 -0.7112607 1.292518
1.6050 8.9616 6.1474 -0.7389140 0.457787

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CLX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1816 0.0634 -0.0178 9.202247 -4.5617978
0.1657 0.0465 -0.0316 4.243671 -2.4715190
0.2503 -0.0483 -0.0447 4.599553 0.0805369
0.4042 -0.0696 -0.0552 6.322464 0.2608696
0.4309 0.0439 -0.0740 4.822973 -1.5932432
0.0715 0.2884 -0.1912 -0.626046 -2.5083682
-0.4121 -0.5496 -0.5866 -1.702523 -0.0630753
-1.1743 -2.4984 -1.8881 -1.621948 0.3232350

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CME
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1223 -0.0483 0.1099 0.1128298 -1.4394904
0.1732 -0.0038 0.2232 -0.2240143 -1.0170251
0.1181 0.1182 0.3453 -0.6579786 -0.6576890
0.1176 0.4923 0.4781 -0.7540264 0.0297009
-0.0006 1.0100 0.6101 -1.0009834 0.6554663
-0.1236 3.0234 1.4058 -1.0879215 1.1506615
0.9283 4.7598 2.9764 -0.6881132 0.5991802
4.4578 11.8787 5.9382 -0.2493011 1.0003873

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CMS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1170 0.0780 0.0654 -2.7889908 0.1926606
-0.1237 0.2666 0.1321 -1.9364118 1.0181681
-0.1978 0.4324 0.1920 -2.0302083 1.2520833
-0.2334 0.5355 0.2573 -1.9071123 1.0812281
-0.3620 0.7944 0.3224 -2.1228288 1.4640199
-0.3121 0.8544 0.6368 -1.4901068 0.3417085
0.4560 0.3982 1.0689 -0.5733932 -0.6274675
-1.2662 0.0856 1.6558 -1.7647059 -0.9483029

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1036 0.1562 -0.0063 -17.444444 -25.793651
-0.1588 0.3406 -0.0098 -17.204082 -35.755102
-0.0617 0.4610 -0.0095 -7.494737 -49.526316
-0.0097 0.5782 -0.0067 -2.447761 -87.298507
0.0770 0.7071 -0.0043 16.906977 -165.441860
-0.1384 0.7667 -0.0039 -36.487180 -197.589744
0.2249 0.0196 -0.0912 1.466009 -1.214912
-0.8359 -1.9624 -0.7602 -2.099579 1.581426

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CTSH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0966 0.4301 0.0042 -24.000000 101.404762
-0.1922 0.7103 0.0133 -15.451128 52.406015
-0.0913 0.9493 0.0247 -4.696356 37.433198
-0.1089 1.0487 0.0423 -3.574468 23.791962
-0.0308 1.0435 0.0537 -1.573557 18.432030
0.1855 0.5830 -0.0055 32.727273 -107.000000
0.2250 -1.1294 -0.3348 -0.327957 2.373357
-2.2127 0.3336 -1.2121 -2.825509 -1.275225

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0673 0.1783 0.0074 -10.0945946 23.0945946
-0.0543 0.3252 0.0219 -3.4794521 13.8493151
-0.0790 0.2315 0.0411 -2.9221411 4.6326034
0.0382 0.1722 0.0657 -0.4185693 1.6210046
0.1038 0.1181 0.0899 0.1546162 0.3136819
0.6771 0.0206 0.1924 2.5192308 -0.8929314
1.7893 -1.7846 0.2995 4.9742905 -6.9585977
1.8075 -4.0333 0.8269 1.1858750 -5.8776152

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CMCSA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1057 0.1053 0.0921 0.1476656 0.1433225
0.0160 0.2302 0.1932 -0.9171843 0.1915114
0.1334 0.4685 0.3022 -0.5585705 0.5502978
0.0978 0.6350 0.4138 -0.7636539 0.5345578
0.2305 0.7974 0.5245 -0.5605338 0.5203051
0.6463 1.5317 1.1048 -0.4150072 0.3864048
1.2402 4.0695 2.2279 -0.4433323 0.8266080
3.4745 3.9017 4.3275 -0.1971115 -0.0983940

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CMA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1617 0.5432 0.2244 -0.2794118 1.4206774
0.3229 0.6769 0.4589 -0.2963609 0.4750490
0.5253 0.8163 0.7068 -0.2567912 0.1549236
0.5287 1.1784 0.9686 -0.4541606 0.2166013
0.6530 1.6521 1.2352 -0.4713407 0.3375162
1.1555 4.6545 2.7143 -0.5742917 0.7148068
4.8872 9.6453 6.2008 -0.2118436 0.5554928
11.9399 21.0264 15.2409 -0.2165883 0.3796036

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CAG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1212 0.4372 0.0893 -2.3572228 3.8958567
-0.2541 0.7025 0.1790 -2.4195531 2.9245810
-0.1792 0.6367 0.2806 -1.6386315 1.2690663
-0.1966 0.7143 0.3817 -1.5150642 0.8713649
-0.0401 1.0157 0.4861 -1.0824933 1.0894878
0.9308 1.9390 0.9779 -0.0481644 0.9828203
1.1086 3.1225 1.9061 -0.4183936 0.6381617
1.8278 6.0314 4.0929 -0.5534218 0.4736251

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for COP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1270 0.4728 0.0591 1.1489002 7.000000
0.0798 0.8926 0.1399 -0.4295926 5.380272
0.3012 1.1220 0.2265 0.3298013 3.953642
0.2825 1.4902 0.3271 -0.1363497 3.555793
0.3288 1.5169 0.4530 -0.2741722 2.348565
-0.5249 4.1872 1.1784 -1.4454345 2.553293
-1.2515 7.1958 2.8049 -1.4461835 1.565439
1.8376 13.5556 6.7777 -0.7288756 1.000029

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ED
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1647 0.2734 0.0574 -3.869338 3.7630662
-0.1334 0.5740 0.1161 -2.149010 3.9440138
-0.2096 0.7593 0.1665 -2.258859 3.5603604
-0.2539 0.9647 0.2167 -2.171666 3.4517766
-0.3909 1.4268 0.2664 -2.467342 4.3558559
-0.8391 1.7004 0.4731 -2.773621 2.5941661
-0.4860 1.9089 0.6688 -1.726675 1.8542165
-2.8950 1.7929 0.9210 -4.143323 0.9466884

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for STZ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0026 0.3586 0.0372 -1.069892 8.6397849
-0.1035 0.4810 0.0756 -2.369048 5.3624339
-0.3079 0.6679 0.0917 -4.357688 6.2835333
-0.3525 0.6430 0.1129 -4.122232 4.6953056
-0.3325 0.5857 0.1314 -3.530441 3.4573820
-0.0383 0.3330 0.2732 -1.140190 0.2188873
-0.3350 1.1534 0.4073 -1.822490 1.8318193
-0.6955 4.6986 2.3378 -1.297502 1.0098383

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for COO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0197 0.2406 0.1228 -0.8395765 0.9592834
0.2861 0.3791 0.2479 0.1540944 0.5292457
0.4429 0.5358 0.3834 0.1551904 0.3974961
0.8802 0.7351 0.5232 0.6823394 0.4050076
1.1579 0.8162 0.6615 0.7504157 0.2338624
1.5428 1.3487 1.4236 0.0837314 -0.0526131
2.1327 1.3163 2.7924 -0.2362484 -0.5286134
5.2823 4.9986 6.7611 -0.2187218 -0.2606824

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CPRT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2409 0.3041 0.1631 0.4770080 0.8645003
0.3808 0.6089 0.3350 0.1367164 0.8176119
0.6221 0.9895 0.5254 0.1840502 0.8833270
0.5615 1.7848 0.7270 -0.2276479 1.4550206
0.6625 2.4328 0.9283 -0.2863299 1.6207045
1.8217 5.0312 2.0254 -0.1005727 1.4840525
3.5527 7.2411 4.4318 -0.1983618 0.6338959
9.0449 13.0700 11.0778 -0.1835112 0.1798372

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GLW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1837 0.3436 0.1320 0.3916667 1.6030303
0.4197 0.5694 0.2768 0.5162572 1.0570809
0.5052 0.8439 0.4311 0.1718859 0.9575505
0.4144 1.1479 0.5947 -0.3031781 0.9302169
0.5563 1.3585 0.7538 -0.2620058 0.8022022
1.0758 4.1019 1.5789 -0.3186396 1.5979479
0.2736 8.0023 3.1305 -0.9126018 1.5562370
5.7816 10.2905 7.1614 -0.1926718 0.4369397

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for COST
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0618 0.0041 0.0066 8.3636364 -0.3787879
-0.0045 0.0006 0.0200 -1.2250000 -0.9700000
0.0973 -0.0997 0.0416 1.3389423 -3.3966346
0.0728 0.0439 0.0715 0.0181818 -0.3860140
0.0717 0.3122 0.0956 -0.2500000 2.2656904
0.2753 0.7007 0.2623 0.0495616 1.6713687
0.8389 1.4328 0.5175 0.6210628 1.7686957
-1.5773 5.5483 0.6807 -3.3171735 7.1508741

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CCI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0779 0.1827 0.0055 -15.1636364 32.218182
-0.1712 0.3364 0.0169 -11.1301775 18.905325
-0.1816 0.5419 0.0389 -5.6683805 12.930591
-0.1919 0.5928 0.0691 -3.7771346 7.578871
-0.2571 0.6980 0.0935 -3.7497326 6.465241
0.2688 0.8086 0.2457 0.0940171 2.291005
1.1038 -0.6302 0.3911 1.8222961 -2.611353
0.8676 -3.8990 0.9425 -0.0794695 -5.136870

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CSX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1060 0.4601 0.1500 -0.2933333 2.0673333
0.2785 0.7855 0.3215 -0.1337481 1.4432348
0.4101 1.3520 0.5087 -0.1938274 1.6577551
0.2849 1.9251 0.7033 -0.5949097 1.7372387
0.0903 2.5970 0.8993 -0.8995886 1.8878016
0.2949 5.8153 1.9440 -0.8483025 1.9914095
2.7069 6.9244 4.2772 -0.3671327 0.6189096
8.9232 11.0762 9.6259 -0.0730010 0.1506664

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CMI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0985 0.4682 0.1858 -1.5301399 1.5199139
-0.0917 1.0696 0.3755 -1.2442077 1.8484687
0.0220 1.6254 0.5717 -0.9615183 1.8430995
-0.0596 1.7667 0.7793 -1.0764789 1.2670345
0.0969 2.2426 0.9900 -0.9021212 1.2652525
0.9187 5.4441 2.0624 -0.5545481 1.6396916
1.2537 7.8493 4.4240 -0.7166139 0.7742541
5.9986 11.5814 9.7794 -0.3866086 0.1842649

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CVS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0263 -0.1245 -0.0717 -0.6331939 0.7364017
0.0385 -0.1523 -0.1421 -0.7290640 0.0717804
-0.0433 -0.1248 -0.2075 -1.2086747 -0.3985542
-0.1888 -0.1122 -0.2663 -1.7089748 -0.5786707
-0.3102 -0.1388 -0.3342 -1.9281867 -0.5846798
-0.6786 -0.4906 -0.6649 -2.0206046 -0.2621447
-0.2097 -0.8243 -1.4002 -1.1497643 -0.4112984
-3.0663 -5.6604 -4.3969 -1.6973777 0.2873616

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DHI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1318 0.0635 -0.0281 3.6903915 -3.259787
0.3187 0.1356 -0.0450 6.0822222 -4.013333
0.5047 0.2793 -0.0478 9.5585774 -6.843096
0.5242 0.2669 -0.0271 18.3431734 -10.848709
0.5710 0.5222 -0.0156 35.6025641 -34.474359
0.3633 1.3991 0.1109 2.2759243 11.615870
0.5571 2.7865 0.4853 0.1479497 4.741809
-0.1916 4.8636 1.8620 -1.1029001 1.612030

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DHR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0212 0.2316 0.0492 -1.4308943 3.7073171
-0.0299 0.4405 0.1052 -1.2842205 3.1872624
0.1228 0.8582 0.1714 -0.2835473 4.0070012
0.0629 1.1889 0.2418 -0.7398677 3.9168734
0.1606 1.4318 0.3139 -0.4883721 3.5613253
0.9701 1.4505 0.7128 0.3609708 1.0349327
2.0714 1.8737 1.6079 0.2882642 0.1653088
5.7472 2.7346 4.5023 0.2765031 -0.3926215

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DRI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0825 0.2324 0.0606 0.3613861 2.8349835
0.2609 0.3551 0.1331 0.9601803 1.6679189
0.4730 0.3178 0.2085 1.2685851 0.5242206
0.8735 0.3515 0.2919 1.9924632 0.2041795
1.1070 0.4966 0.3768 1.9378981 0.3179406
2.3653 1.3762 0.8644 1.7363489 0.5920870
4.3001 2.4897 1.9740 1.1783688 0.2612462
-0.2679 3.8411 3.6470 -1.0734576 0.0532218

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DVA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0460 -0.2108 -0.0205 1.2439024 9.282927
0.0597 -0.4632 -0.0360 0.6583333 11.866667
-0.0066 -0.8401 -0.0482 -1.1369295 16.429461
0.1127 -1.1320 -0.0566 0.9911661 19.000000
0.2819 -1.2750 -0.0596 3.7298658 20.392617
0.6975 -1.9846 -0.0542 11.8690037 35.616236
0.2911 0.0704 0.0229 11.7117904 2.074236
1.7687 -6.8095 -1.1449 0.5448511 4.947681

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2160 0.4542 0.1334 -2.6191904 2.4047976
-0.1441 0.5424 0.2748 -1.5243814 0.9737991
0.0315 0.6194 0.4188 -0.9247851 0.4789876
0.1316 1.1618 0.5706 -0.7693656 1.0361023
0.3808 1.6484 0.7203 -0.4713314 1.2884909
1.4484 3.6726 1.4972 -0.0325942 1.4529789
2.1719 5.0426 3.0422 -0.2860759 0.6575505
2.2754 8.8912 5.6518 -0.5974026 0.5731625

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DAL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0374 0.0199 0.0250 -2.496000 -0.2040000
0.1153 -0.0285 0.0502 1.296813 -1.5677291
0.2417 -0.2377 0.0902 1.679601 -3.6352550
0.4635 -0.3789 0.1379 2.361131 -3.7476432
0.7496 -0.5560 0.1822 3.114160 -4.0515917
2.1332 1.0307 0.5036 3.235902 1.0466640
5.7220 2.0913 1.1345 4.043632 0.8433671
7.8458 -1.4602 1.5807 3.963497 -1.9237680

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for XRAY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1367 0.3684 -0.0078 -18.525641 -48.2307692
-0.2897 0.6884 -0.0060 -49.283333 -115.7333333
-0.4961 0.9980 -0.0022 -226.500000 -454.6363636
-0.7335 1.3535 0.0199 -37.859296 67.0150754
-0.6323 1.6218 0.0508 -13.446850 30.9251969
-1.1081 2.3837 0.1946 -6.694245 11.2492292
-0.9419 2.3474 0.2411 -4.906678 8.7362090
-2.0170 0.7223 0.3669 -6.497411 0.9686563

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DVN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.6129 0.5201 0.2030 2.0192118 1.5620690
1.2024 1.0421 0.4297 1.7982313 1.4251804
1.6304 2.0807 0.6787 1.4022396 2.0657139
1.8217 2.2386 0.9366 0.9450139 1.3901345
2.5075 2.7139 1.2152 1.0634463 1.2332949
2.3770 8.7991 2.8714 -0.1721808 2.0643937
4.4603 17.2777 6.2567 -0.2871162 1.7614717
12.9095 36.4198 18.5063 -0.3024267 0.9679677

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DXCM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3019 0.7802 -0.0803 2.759651 -10.716065
0.5221 0.9767 -0.1379 2.786077 -8.082669
0.9184 0.9058 -0.2115 3.342317 -5.282742
1.2483 1.3996 -0.2678 3.661314 -6.226288
1.4008 2.1995 -0.3073 3.558412 -8.157501
2.7119 5.0044 -0.3834 6.073292 -14.052687
4.3653 1.7578 -0.5912 6.383796 -3.973275
8.3663 8.4631 2.4676 2.390460 2.429689

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FANG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1824 0.6818 0.2060 -1.8854369 2.3097087
-0.4611 1.4450 0.4327 -2.0656344 2.3394962
-0.4193 1.7586 0.6690 -1.6267564 1.6286996
-0.0064 2.0571 0.9065 -1.0070601 1.2692774
0.0481 2.4719 1.1624 -0.9586201 1.1265485
0.0657 6.5049 2.3724 -0.9723065 1.7419069
0.7450 9.6208 4.4686 -0.8332811 1.1529786
6.2098 13.5796 9.9971 -0.3788399 0.3583539

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DLR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0980 0.4883 0.1133 -1.8649603 3.3097970
-0.1473 0.6387 0.2257 -1.6526362 1.8298626
-0.1774 0.7388 0.3286 -1.5398661 1.2483262
-0.1239 0.6270 0.4319 -1.2868720 0.4517249
-0.0777 0.7456 0.5263 -1.1476344 0.4166825
0.1611 -0.0075 1.0228 -0.8424912 -1.0073328
3.9421 -0.5750 1.9791 0.9918650 -1.2905361
5.4714 -2.8566 4.4654 0.2252878 -1.6397187

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DFS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1458 0.1413 0.1382 0.0549928 0.0224313
0.3272 0.2041 0.2844 0.1504923 -0.2823488
0.4010 0.2207 0.4399 -0.0884292 -0.4982951
0.5998 0.3000 0.6083 -0.0139734 -0.5068223
0.5814 0.4440 0.7723 -0.2471837 -0.4250939
0.0786 1.5184 1.6470 -0.9522769 -0.0780814
1.9601 4.5619 3.6454 -0.4623087 0.2514127
1.8448 20.0331 8.5811 -0.7850159 1.3345608

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DISCA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2393 0.8826 0.0334 -8.164671 25.425150
-0.6645 1.2787 0.0722 -10.203601 16.710526
-0.9715 1.7868 0.1264 -8.685918 13.136076
-1.3817 2.1848 0.1773 -8.793006 11.322617
-1.5573 1.9512 0.2269 -7.863376 7.599383
-1.8298 2.8889 0.4487 -5.078003 5.438377
-1.7825 3.8892 0.7798 -3.285843 3.987433
-0.8236 4.5378 1.1118 -1.740781 3.081489

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DISCK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2503 0.3565 0.0402 -7.226368 7.868159
-0.7904 0.5153 0.0866 -10.127021 4.950346
-1.0302 1.1098 0.1506 -7.840637 6.369190
-1.2957 1.4855 0.2085 -7.214389 6.124700
-1.4244 1.6535 0.2644 -6.387292 5.253782
-1.3436 2.5201 0.5051 -3.660067 3.989309
-1.6491 3.9133 0.7587 -3.173586 4.157902
-1.2360 4.6208 1.0386 -2.190063 3.449066

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DISH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0666 0.4312 0.0257 -3.5914397 15.778210
-0.1264 0.7344 0.0653 -2.9356815 10.246554
0.1356 1.0054 0.1182 0.1472081 7.505922
0.0746 1.2904 0.1824 -0.5910088 6.074561
-0.1575 1.4591 0.2429 -1.6484150 5.006999
-0.3109 5.2528 0.6392 -1.4863892 7.217772
-1.0298 8.2507 1.6441 -1.6263609 4.018369
1.8813 13.8023 4.9150 -0.6172330 1.808199

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0565 0.0712 0.0253 1.2332016 1.814229
0.1259 -0.6175 0.0539 1.3358071 -12.456401
-0.0775 -1.1677 0.0841 -1.9215220 -14.884661
-0.2260 -1.1544 0.1233 -2.8329278 -10.362530
-0.2343 -1.3279 0.1728 -2.3559028 -8.684606
0.6671 -1.7482 0.4845 0.3768834 -4.608256
1.1550 -1.8022 0.9199 0.2555713 -2.959126
-6.2143 3.5033 1.4266 -5.3560213 1.455699

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DLTR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1824 -0.1464 0.0023 78.3043478 -64.652174
0.3576 -0.2328 0.0029 122.3103448 -81.275862
0.5204 -0.2752 0.0167 30.1616766 -17.479042
0.6428 -0.0095 0.0383 15.7832898 -1.248042
0.8397 0.8080 0.0692 11.1343931 10.676301
0.6563 2.8978 0.3404 0.9280259 7.512926
-1.8960 4.5636 0.9531 -2.9892981 3.788165
-7.5004 7.0895 1.6800 -5.4645238 3.219940

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for D
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1711 0.2771 0.0531 -4.2222222 4.2184557
-0.1476 0.4790 0.1056 -2.3977273 3.5359848
-0.2251 0.7189 0.1535 -2.4664495 3.6833876
-0.1560 0.9877 0.1984 -1.7862903 3.9783266
-0.0400 1.1821 0.2439 -1.1640016 3.8466585
0.4051 1.4088 0.4661 -0.1308732 2.0225274
0.5478 1.3029 0.7634 -0.2824207 0.7067068
-1.3435 1.9028 1.4440 -1.9304017 0.3177285

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DPZ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2805 0.2120 0.1620 0.7314815 0.3086420
0.3666 0.9073 0.3349 0.0946551 1.7091669
0.2708 1.1274 0.5202 -0.4794310 1.1672434
0.2308 1.4456 0.7006 -0.6705681 1.0633743
0.0668 1.8823 0.8922 -0.9251289 1.1097288
-0.0915 4.4568 1.8646 -1.0490722 1.3902177
1.4876 4.2117 3.7666 -0.6050550 0.1181702
4.6811 11.7171 9.4854 -0.5064942 0.2352774

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DOV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.4405 0.6906 0.1003 -5.3918245 5.8853440
-0.7015 1.2971 0.2131 -4.2918817 5.0868137
-0.8553 1.7381 0.3318 -3.5777577 4.2383966
-1.0978 1.9298 0.4593 -3.3901589 3.2016111
-1.1071 2.1339 0.5881 -2.8825030 2.6284645
-0.9649 3.2383 1.3187 -1.7317055 1.4556760
0.6773 4.3280 2.7979 -0.7579256 0.5468744
2.9792 6.0198 5.3471 -0.4428382 0.1258065

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DTE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1246 0.1829 0.0895 -2.3921788 1.0435754
-0.0774 0.4643 0.1824 -1.4243421 1.5455044
-0.0796 0.6343 0.2758 -1.2886149 1.2998550
-0.1520 0.7585 0.3750 -1.4053333 1.0226667
-0.2105 1.1079 0.4705 -1.4473964 1.3547290
-0.2372 1.7001 0.9085 -1.2610897 0.8713264
0.6382 1.7636 1.6685 -0.6175007 0.0569973
0.0495 3.1363 3.2602 -0.9848169 -0.0380038

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DUK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1169 0.1409 0.0379 -4.084433 2.717678
-0.1627 0.2829 0.0770 -3.112987 2.674026
-0.2856 0.5355 0.1151 -3.481321 3.652476
-0.2719 0.6401 0.1574 -2.727446 3.066709
-0.4246 1.0028 0.1956 -3.170757 4.126789
-0.7328 1.5138 0.3716 -2.972013 3.073735
-0.5715 1.6665 0.5255 -2.087536 2.171266
-2.6310 1.8282 0.7103 -4.704069 1.573842

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DRE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0423 0.2304 0.0986 -0.5709939 1.3367140
0.1498 0.4155 0.1977 -0.2422863 1.1016692
0.2251 0.5534 0.3013 -0.2529041 0.8367076
0.3786 0.7278 0.4180 -0.0942584 0.7411483
0.7972 1.0047 0.5335 0.4942830 0.8832240
1.9374 1.3418 1.1876 0.6313574 0.1298417
5.1376 1.2608 2.5890 0.9843955 -0.5130166
7.8636 2.0557 6.3698 0.2345129 -0.6772740

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0247 0.2036 0.0655 -0.6229008 2.1083969
0.1646 0.4863 0.1440 0.1430556 2.3770833
0.0058 0.8280 0.2427 -0.9761022 2.4116193
0.0725 0.9570 0.3480 -0.7916667 1.7500000
0.4004 1.0850 0.4609 -0.1312649 1.3540898
0.9327 2.8027 1.1323 -0.1762784 1.4752274
-0.0747 4.7100 2.5280 -1.0295491 0.8631329
1.4470 5.9234 4.7269 -0.6938797 0.2531257

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DXC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
1.2161 0.4940 0.3011 3.0388575 0.6406509
2.3761 0.7471 0.6067 2.9164332 0.2314159
3.2133 0.9738 0.9240 2.4775974 0.0538961
3.0937 1.0666 1.2680 1.4398265 -0.1588328
3.2110 1.2497 1.6112 0.9929245 -0.2243669
5.0789 2.4170 3.4441 0.4746668 -0.2982201
8.3048 7.2030 7.1067 0.1685874 0.0135506
20.3572 16.0324 20.2074 0.0074131 -0.2066075

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EMN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2002 0.3477 0.0586 2.4163823 4.9334471
0.3066 0.5794 0.1253 1.4469274 3.6241022
0.5659 0.8609 0.2015 1.8084367 3.2724566
0.4954 1.0192 0.2864 0.7297486 2.5586592
0.7840 1.0664 0.3824 1.0502092 1.7887029
1.1726 2.6987 0.8661 0.3538852 2.1159219
2.8579 3.7366 1.9616 0.4569229 0.9048736
3.3846 4.6703 4.3208 -0.2166728 0.0808878

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ETN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1070 0.3246 0.1155 -1.9264069 1.8103896
-0.0407 0.7201 0.2432 -1.1673520 1.9609375
-0.1373 1.2947 0.3814 -1.3599895 2.3945988
-0.1166 1.5611 0.5303 -1.2198755 1.9438054
0.0706 1.8999 0.6751 -0.8954229 1.8142497
0.9235 2.6515 1.4340 -0.3559972 0.8490237
1.5596 3.5448 3.0611 -0.4905099 0.1580151
2.5556 5.7351 5.6679 -0.5491099 0.0118562

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EBAY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2177 0.1307 0.0697 2.1233859 0.8751793
0.4333 0.2372 0.1364 2.1766862 0.7390029
0.4194 0.3725 0.2143 0.9570695 0.7382175
0.8670 0.5259 0.2989 1.9006357 0.7594513
1.3344 0.6336 0.3715 2.5919246 0.7055182
2.7582 1.8921 0.7599 2.6296881 1.4899329
3.7365 4.2736 1.6864 1.2156665 1.5341556
5.1325 11.4495 5.4448 -0.0573575 1.1028321

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ECL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1383 0.1809 0.0232 4.9612069 6.7974138
0.1461 0.3455 0.0626 1.3338658 4.5191693
-0.0197 0.3508 0.1127 -1.1748004 2.1126886
-0.1785 0.4361 0.1702 -2.0487662 1.5622797
-0.0990 0.4804 0.2272 -1.4357394 1.1144366
-0.2504 0.7688 0.5445 -1.4598714 0.4119376
1.0848 1.5468 1.1903 -0.0886331 0.2995043
2.0118 2.4142 2.7305 -0.2632119 -0.1158396

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EIX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0908 0.2538 0.0861 0.0545877 1.9477352
0.1211 0.3786 0.1765 -0.3138810 1.1450425
-0.0462 0.4785 0.2629 -1.1757322 0.8200837
-0.0657 0.5183 0.3549 -1.1851226 0.4604114
-0.1756 0.8337 0.4408 -1.3983666 0.8913339
0.0430 0.9002 0.8688 -0.9505064 0.0361418
1.9958 0.5309 1.5739 0.2680602 -0.6626850
1.3574 0.5191 2.9520 -0.5401762 -0.8241531

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0800 -0.2684 0.0903 -1.8859358 -3.9723145
0.3466 -0.1187 0.1810 0.9149171 -1.6558011
0.8250 -0.0179 0.2811 1.9348986 -1.0636784
1.1299 -0.0060 0.3891 1.9038808 -1.0154202
1.3974 0.0133 0.5006 1.7914503 -0.9734319
2.5487 0.9724 1.0590 1.4067044 -0.0817753
1.5926 -0.0436 1.9358 -0.1772910 -1.0225230
1.8979 10.5002 4.4967 -0.5779349 1.3350902

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1176 0.2800 0.0942 -2.2484076 1.972399
-0.3739 0.6875 0.2055 -2.8194647 2.345499
-0.6667 1.5841 0.3280 -3.0326220 3.829573
-0.8508 2.2468 0.4541 -2.8735961 3.947809
-0.9848 2.8771 0.5711 -2.7243915 4.037822
-0.1771 4.6362 1.0690 -1.1656688 3.336950
0.4161 5.7165 1.8576 -0.7760013 2.077358
2.2584 13.6736 6.1462 -0.6325534 1.224724

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EMR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1707 0.1839 0.0789 -3.1634981 1.3307985
-0.3774 0.3357 0.1682 -3.2437574 0.9958383
-0.5821 0.4254 0.2747 -3.1190390 0.5485985
-0.8133 0.3285 0.3924 -3.0726300 -0.1628440
-0.7238 0.3630 0.5099 -2.4194940 -0.2880957
0.2463 1.4953 1.1124 -0.7785868 0.3442107
1.9108 2.6180 2.3803 -0.1972440 0.0998614
2.3295 4.9355 4.1549 -0.4393367 0.1878746

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ENPH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.6757 0.2812 -0.3246 -3.081639 -1.8662970
-1.3474 0.1343 -0.6658 -3.023731 -1.2017122
-1.6313 0.3475 -0.9641 -2.692044 -1.3604398
-2.7869 0.6470 -1.2383 -3.250586 -1.5224905
-3.9175 0.5139 -1.4833 -3.641071 -1.3464572
-8.0899 -1.1525 -2.4172 -4.346806 -0.5232087
-13.2627 4.0315 -4.4931 -3.951793 -1.8972647
-27.8515 -3.5122 -14.9229 -2.866360 -0.7646436

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ETR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0982 0.0194 0.0322 2.0496894 -0.3975155
-0.0397 0.0295 0.0659 -1.6024279 -0.5523520
-0.1385 -0.0134 0.0983 -2.4089522 -1.1363174
-0.2598 -0.1861 0.1372 -2.8935860 -2.3564140
-0.2824 -0.0262 0.1746 -2.6174112 -1.1500573
0.3574 -0.2846 0.3412 0.0474795 -1.8341149
-0.3018 -0.2094 0.5050 -1.5976238 -1.4146535
-2.3419 -1.9409 0.1419 -17.5038760 -14.6779422

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EOG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0953 1.0513 0.1723 -1.5531050 5.1015670
0.1510 2.1582 0.3590 -0.5793872 5.0116992
0.0805 2.6630 0.5552 -0.8550072 3.7964697
0.4883 3.0355 0.7544 -0.3527306 3.0237275
0.6776 3.0606 0.9602 -0.2943137 2.1874609
0.8616 5.6215 2.0583 -0.5814021 1.7311373
2.0371 8.2138 4.2354 -0.5190301 0.9393210
6.6442 13.8004 9.6655 -0.3125860 0.4277999

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EFX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1626 0.7180 0.0379 3.2902375 17.9445910
0.2101 1.2981 0.0839 1.5041716 14.4719905
0.3664 1.5868 0.1424 1.5730337 10.1432584
0.5484 1.6229 0.2122 1.5843544 6.6479736
0.7385 1.5389 0.2858 1.5839748 4.3845346
1.6878 1.2517 0.5921 1.8505320 1.1140010
2.2158 1.0069 1.1624 0.9062285 -0.1337749
5.0158 2.5509 4.1425 0.2108147 -0.3842124

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EQIX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0887 0.2847 0.0772 -2.1489637 2.6878238
-0.1732 0.6684 0.1493 -2.1600804 3.4768922
-0.2093 0.8406 0.2239 -1.9347923 2.7543546
-0.2524 0.8430 0.2919 -1.8646797 1.8879753
-0.2262 0.9827 0.3549 -1.6373626 1.7689490
0.4378 1.0542 0.6786 -0.3548482 0.5534925
1.4430 1.4430 1.3535 0.0661249 0.0661249
3.9678 0.7879 4.0372 -0.0171901 -0.8048400

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EQR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1542 0.0434 -0.0850 -2.814118 -1.5105882
-0.2530 0.0832 -0.1724 -2.467517 -1.4825986
-0.3240 0.0413 -0.2652 -2.221719 -1.1557315
-0.5134 0.1447 -0.3502 -2.466019 -1.4131925
-0.6120 0.3600 -0.4414 -2.386497 -1.8155868
-2.0324 0.2666 -0.8661 -3.346611 -1.3078166
-4.4477 0.7414 -1.7637 -3.521801 -1.4203663
-8.6030 -1.8820 -4.6904 -2.834172 -0.5987549

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ESS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0437 0.0093 -0.0040 9.925000 -3.32500
-0.0407 0.1672 -0.0095 -5.284211 -18.60000
0.0134 0.2676 -0.0142 -0.056338 -19.84507
-0.1547 0.3749 -0.0120 -13.891667 -32.24167
-0.1873 0.6653 -0.0094 -20.925532 -71.77660
-1.1648 1.8109 0.0121 -97.264463 148.66116
-2.0313 4.5931 0.0830 -25.473494 54.33855
-3.6636 5.6297 0.2650 -14.824906 20.24415

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2552 0.1332 -0.0489 -6.2188139 -3.7239264
-0.4547 0.1186 -0.0810 -6.6135802 -2.4641975
-0.7015 0.0119 -0.1057 -7.6367077 -1.1125828
-0.6108 -0.2273 -0.1255 -5.8669323 0.8111554
-0.2611 -0.6422 -0.1465 -2.7822526 3.3836177
0.3250 -1.6504 -0.2919 0.1133950 4.6539911
0.5112 -1.9396 -0.5666 -0.0977762 2.4232263
-0.8146 -5.7200 -2.2620 -1.3601238 1.5287356

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ETSY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1523 0.3320 0.1807 -0.1571666 0.8372994
0.3673 0.5645 0.3634 0.0107320 0.5533847
-0.3091 1.0249 0.5576 -1.5543400 0.8380560
-0.2659 1.2552 0.7789 -1.3413789 0.6115034
0.0601 1.0851 1.0375 -0.9420723 0.0458795
0.4070 4.0167 2.5499 -0.8403859 0.5752382
-1.3448 6.7651 5.4585 -1.2463680 0.2393698
13.3924 20.5008 14.7159 -0.0899367 0.3931054

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EVRG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2498 0.1745 0.1167 1.1405313 0.4952871
0.2975 0.3718 0.2323 0.2806715 0.6005166
0.4931 0.5547 0.3541 0.3925445 0.5665066
0.4747 0.8064 0.4801 -0.0112477 0.6796501
0.5839 1.0613 0.6048 -0.0345569 0.7547950
1.2136 2.1635 1.2890 -0.0584950 0.6784329
2.4102 4.1707 2.7163 -0.1126901 0.5354342
4.7497 8.5369 6.9316 -0.3147758 0.2315916

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ES
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2208 -0.0466 0.0352 -7.272727 -2.3238636
-0.3058 0.0306 0.0725 -5.217931 -0.5779310
-0.5506 0.1624 0.1055 -6.218957 0.5393365
-0.6351 0.1356 0.1463 -5.341080 -0.0731374
-0.8153 0.2753 0.1856 -5.392780 0.4832974
-1.1988 0.6373 0.3430 -4.495044 0.8580175
-0.9896 0.6753 0.4312 -3.294991 0.5660946
-2.7849 0.6079 -0.0188 -149.132979 -33.3351064

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0874 0.0154 0.0786 0.1119593 -0.8040712
0.3102 -0.0014 0.1601 0.9375390 -1.0087445
0.3355 0.0660 0.2443 0.3733115 -0.7298404
0.4050 0.0272 0.3376 0.1996445 -0.9194313
0.5361 -0.0701 0.4302 0.2461646 -1.1629475
0.6386 -0.1408 0.9271 -0.3111854 -1.1518714
1.4154 0.2044 1.9165 -0.2614662 -0.8933472
0.7621 5.3517 3.7854 -0.7986739 0.4137740

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EXC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2203 0.0708 0.1029 -3.1409135 -0.3119534
-0.3275 0.2308 0.2102 -2.5580400 0.0980019
-0.4216 0.4915 0.3173 -2.3287110 0.5490072
-0.5135 0.7188 0.4264 -2.2042683 0.6857411
-0.5566 0.8409 0.5320 -2.0462406 0.5806391
-1.0860 1.0716 1.1115 -1.9770580 -0.0358974
0.4089 0.9563 2.0710 -0.8025592 -0.5382424
-2.0568 0.7339 2.6363 -1.7801843 -0.7216174

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EXPE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0187 0.5007 -0.0039 -5.794872 -129.384615
-0.1805 1.0349 -0.0016 -113.812500 -647.812500
-0.2442 1.7084 0.0148 -17.500000 114.432432
-0.2446 2.1619 0.0422 -6.796208 50.229858
-0.3211 2.6899 0.0649 -5.947612 40.446841
-0.3422 3.3377 0.2899 -2.180407 10.513280
-0.0509 8.8781 1.1101 -1.045852 6.997568
-0.7286 9.7970 3.8910 -1.187253 1.517862

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EXPD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0431 0.2542 0.0750 -1.5746667 2.3893333
-0.1065 0.6636 0.1587 -1.6710775 3.1814745
-0.3424 0.9833 0.2519 -2.3592696 2.9035331
-0.2283 1.2195 0.3489 -1.6543422 2.4952709
-0.0889 1.2891 0.4433 -1.2005414 1.9079630
0.0071 2.1520 0.9482 -0.9925121 1.2695634
1.2422 2.1643 1.9657 -0.3680623 0.1010327
2.3500 4.1319 3.8286 -0.3861986 0.0792196

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for EXR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0270 -0.1231 -0.0502 -0.4621514 1.4521912
-0.1474 0.1720 -0.1117 -2.3196061 -2.5398389
-0.3141 0.4906 -0.1749 -2.7958834 -3.8050314
-0.2616 0.6663 -0.2304 -2.1354167 -3.8919271
-0.2636 1.0557 -0.2950 -1.8935593 -4.5786441
-0.4091 1.9466 -0.6125 -1.6679184 -4.1781224
-4.4828 1.1825 -1.3888 -4.2278226 -1.8514545
-4.3305 -3.9796 -3.6871 -2.1745003 0.0793306

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for XOM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1734 0.1419 0.0652 1.6595092 1.1763804
0.1363 0.3858 0.1329 0.0255831 1.9029345
0.2588 0.5460 0.2069 0.2508458 1.6389560
0.4181 0.5795 0.2906 0.4387474 0.9941500
0.6004 0.7222 0.3790 0.5841689 0.9055409
0.7985 1.3359 0.7539 0.0591590 0.7719857
0.9224 1.6770 1.5472 -0.4038263 0.0838935
1.9876 1.1186 2.6629 -0.2535957 -0.5799317

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FFIV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1267 0.6553 0.1773 -0.2853920 2.6959955
0.3456 1.0158 0.3640 -0.0505495 1.7906593
0.1776 1.6644 0.5628 -0.6844350 1.9573561
0.2364 2.4124 0.7680 -0.6921875 2.1411458
0.0241 3.1663 0.9668 -0.9750724 2.2750310
0.5154 7.1220 1.9845 -0.7402872 2.5888133
2.7945 9.4818 4.0125 -0.3035514 1.3630654
8.3043 16.6884 10.4303 -0.2038292 0.5999923

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0904 0.3884 0.0608 -2.4868421 5.3881579
-0.2926 0.6540 0.1258 -3.3259141 4.1987281
-0.4013 0.8144 0.2147 -2.8691197 2.7931998
-0.3807 0.9491 0.3063 -2.2428991 2.0985961
-0.2207 1.0419 0.3954 -1.5581689 1.6350531
-1.0632 1.7775 0.8697 -2.2224905 1.0438082
-0.7042 2.9681 1.5627 -1.4506303 0.8993409
1.0999 5.3473 4.1661 -0.7359881 0.2835266

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FAST
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1012 0.0716 0.0788 0.2842640 -0.0913706
0.1892 0.1592 0.1608 0.1766169 -0.0099502
0.0685 0.2749 0.2532 -0.7294629 0.0857030
0.2251 0.3722 0.3569 -0.3692911 0.0428692
0.3537 0.4346 0.4582 -0.2280663 -0.0515059
1.1233 0.6138 1.0228 0.0982597 -0.3998827
1.5340 1.8218 2.2817 -0.3276943 -0.2015602
-0.2384 3.6102 1.9990 -1.1192596 0.8060030

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FRT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1528 0.0712 -0.0065 -24.507692 -11.9538462
-0.2821 0.0958 -0.0218 -13.940367 -5.3944954
-0.5166 0.0525 -0.0344 -16.017442 -2.5261628
-0.8193 -0.0241 -0.0448 -19.287946 -0.4620536
-0.9229 0.1797 -0.0592 -16.589527 -4.0354730
-0.4090 0.3945 -0.1305 -4.134100 -4.0229885
-0.1097 -1.3659 -0.3646 -1.300878 2.7462973
-2.1896 -3.4084 -1.0793 -3.028722 2.1579728

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FDX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1572 0.1521 0.1125 0.3973333 0.3520000
0.4184 0.5579 0.2392 0.7491639 1.3323579
0.5086 1.0538 0.3887 0.3084641 1.7110882
0.5021 1.4616 0.5433 -0.0758329 1.6902264
0.6609 2.1159 0.7082 -0.0667890 1.9877153
1.6540 3.7868 1.6217 0.0199174 1.3350805
3.3601 4.9537 3.6781 -0.0864577 0.3468095
4.7856 7.7708 8.9554 -0.4656185 -0.1322777

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FIS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2052 0.2978 0.0993 -3.0664653 1.9989930
-0.3037 0.2915 0.2130 -2.4258216 0.3685446
-0.2500 0.4194 0.3228 -1.7744734 0.2992565
-0.2448 0.6359 0.4415 -1.5544734 0.4403171
-0.2928 0.8867 0.5518 -1.5306270 0.6069228
0.9080 1.6721 1.1104 -0.1822767 0.5058537
2.2899 3.4096 2.2985 -0.0037416 0.4834022
7.7743 6.0715 6.6523 0.1686635 -0.0873081

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FITB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3961 0.5043 0.1467 1.7000682 2.4376278
0.7445 1.0904 0.2990 1.4899666 2.6468227
0.8134 1.7081 0.4738 0.7167581 2.6051076
0.8032 2.1688 0.6634 0.2107326 2.2692192
0.7636 2.7432 0.8594 -0.1114731 2.1919944
0.8757 5.9217 1.9362 -0.5477223 2.0584134
2.1158 10.5865 4.5500 -0.5349890 1.3267033
9.3655 17.2284 11.7247 -0.2012162 0.4694107

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0425 -0.0071 0.0052 -9.173077 -2.365385
-0.1119 0.1023 0.0036 -32.083333 27.416667
-0.3032 0.1869 0.0113 -27.831858 15.539823
-0.0967 0.4473 0.0171 -6.654971 25.157895
-0.2791 0.6648 0.0140 -20.935714 46.485714
-1.1742 1.1671 0.0193 -61.839378 59.471503
-2.0869 0.2075 -0.1134 -19.402998 -2.829806
-4.4352 0.8928 -0.6304 -8.035533 -2.416244

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FRC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0615 0.6690 0.1555 -1.3954984 3.3022508
-0.4039 1.3485 0.3140 -2.2863057 3.2945860
-0.7446 2.0637 0.4822 -2.5441725 3.2797594
-0.9646 2.7555 0.6595 -2.4626232 3.1781653
-1.1184 3.3927 0.8370 -2.3362007 3.0534050
-0.8054 5.5461 1.6803 -1.4793192 2.3006606
-0.0313 7.5154 3.0525 -1.0102539 1.4620475
4.3486 12.7163 6.9972 -0.3785228 0.8173412

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FISV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0178 0.1302 0.0730 -1.2438356 0.7835616
-0.1333 0.2200 0.1521 -1.8763971 0.4464168
-0.4319 0.2573 0.2365 -2.8262156 0.0879493
-0.5921 0.4701 0.3287 -2.8013386 0.4301795
-0.7378 0.6518 0.4197 -2.7579223 0.5530141
-0.5516 1.6587 0.8677 -1.6357036 0.9116054
0.3894 1.7438 1.5340 -0.7461538 0.1367666
0.6997 2.5338 2.7128 -0.7420746 -0.0659835

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FLT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1093 0.4894 0.0315 -4.4698413 14.5365079
-0.0546 0.9627 0.0777 -1.7027027 11.3899614
0.1441 1.4288 0.1373 0.0495266 9.4064093
0.1513 1.7833 0.1987 -0.2385506 7.9748364
0.4573 1.9298 0.2709 0.6880768 6.1236619
1.1248 3.5207 0.7383 0.5234999 3.7686577
2.4577 4.7972 1.9359 0.2695387 1.4780206
3.6249 10.2960 5.6024 -0.3529737 0.8377838

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FLIR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0839 0.0541 0.0822 0.0206813 -0.3418491
-0.0853 0.2411 0.1648 -1.5175971 0.4629854
0.0134 0.5840 0.2531 -0.9470565 1.3073884
-0.0613 0.9882 0.3441 -1.1781459 1.8718396
0.2633 1.3295 0.4216 -0.3754744 2.1534630
0.6571 3.2315 0.7989 -0.1774941 3.0449368
1.5842 6.4272 1.8491 -0.1432589 2.4758531
0.6831 8.3869 3.5510 -0.8076317 1.3618417

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FLS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3756 0.5318 0.0819 -5.5860806 5.4932845
-0.4741 1.0215 0.1768 -3.6815611 4.7777149
-0.4366 1.6790 0.2838 -2.5384073 4.9161381
-0.2939 2.0845 0.4092 -1.7182307 4.0940860
-0.0539 2.5916 0.5308 -1.1015448 3.8824416
-0.6861 4.3623 1.2199 -1.5624231 2.5759488
-0.3432 5.9328 2.7131 -1.1264974 1.1867237
2.4174 7.6427 3.9445 -0.3871467 0.9375586

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FMC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.4184 0.5771 0.1857 -3.2530964 2.1077006
-0.3189 1.5750 0.3913 -1.8149757 3.0250447
-0.0328 2.1742 0.5966 -1.0549782 2.6443178
0.0060 2.6804 0.8056 -0.9925521 2.3272095
0.1025 3.1959 1.0172 -0.8992332 2.1418600
0.7324 5.3619 2.1320 -0.6564728 1.5149625
3.4787 10.0809 4.5843 -0.2411710 1.1990053
10.3383 14.7671 10.5587 -0.0208738 0.3985718

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for F
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2327 0.3548 -0.0355 5.554930 -10.99437
0.3814 0.7552 -0.0499 6.643287 -16.13427
0.1782 1.2017 -0.0505 2.528713 -24.79604
-0.0162 1.6232 -0.0414 -1.391304 -40.20773
-0.2649 2.2050 -0.0367 -8.217984 -61.08174
-1.8448 3.9166 0.0819 -23.525030 46.82173
-2.5889 4.9832 0.4243 -7.101579 10.74452
-3.8135 3.2642 -0.2435 -16.661191 -14.40534

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FTNT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0610 0.0611 0.0273 -3.234432 1.2380952
-0.2683 0.3630 0.0633 -5.238547 4.7345972
-0.9453 0.5143 0.1022 -10.249511 4.0322896
-1.3720 0.8424 0.1442 -10.514563 4.8418863
-1.9435 0.9766 0.1763 -12.023823 4.5394214
-2.9616 3.5977 0.3674 -9.060969 8.7923244
-0.4435 6.2457 0.9747 -1.455012 5.4078178
-0.6951 6.6841 3.7473 -1.185494 0.7837109

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FBHS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2280 0.0334 0.0054 41.2222222 5.1851852
0.5246 0.4302 0.0263 18.9467681 15.3574144
0.4146 0.6419 0.0715 4.7986014 7.9776224
0.4185 0.7433 0.1201 2.4845962 5.1890092
0.3364 0.8628 0.1717 0.9592312 4.0250437
0.1685 2.1278 0.5162 -0.6735761 3.1220457
1.8599 3.0580 1.2848 0.4476183 1.3801370
1.1300 6.4762 3.4182 -0.6694167 0.8946229

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for BEN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1393 0.4517 0.0556 -3.505396 7.124101
-0.0238 0.8338 0.1191 -1.199832 6.000840
-0.2670 1.5321 0.1931 -2.382703 6.934231
-0.3051 1.7223 0.2823 -2.080765 5.100956
-0.1951 2.0816 0.3735 -1.522356 4.573226
-0.2535 2.8878 0.8359 -1.303266 2.454719
-0.0502 3.6825 1.8105 -1.027727 1.033969
-5.1933 7.8601 2.8552 -2.818892 1.752907

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for FCX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1545 0.1261 0.3993 -0.6130729 -0.6841973
-0.5098 0.7149 0.8565 -1.5952131 -0.1653240
-0.6451 0.6990 1.3499 -1.4778873 -0.4821839
0.8012 1.2861 1.8787 -0.5735349 -0.3154309
3.0891 1.7162 2.4630 0.2542022 -0.3032075
10.2031 1.4231 5.6005 0.8218195 -0.7458977
13.4436 5.5553 13.3105 0.0099996 -0.5826378
28.0016 18.0748 28.5298 -0.0185140 -0.3664589

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GPS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0036 -0.2126 -0.0199 -1.180905 9.683417
0.0697 -0.6430 -0.0143 3.874126 43.965035
0.2683 -0.0917 -0.0283 8.480565 2.240283
0.3500 0.0956 0.0266 12.157895 2.593985
0.4919 0.8135 0.0785 5.266242 9.363057
1.8688 2.2487 0.4150 3.503132 4.418554
4.6168 3.0245 1.3522 2.414288 1.236725
-2.1046 14.4696 3.0103 -1.699133 3.806697

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GRMN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0958 0.1645 0.1267 -0.2438832 0.2983425
0.2716 0.3208 0.2735 -0.0069470 0.1729433
0.3971 0.3574 0.4352 -0.0875460 -0.1787684
0.7610 0.3971 0.6265 0.2146848 -0.3661612
1.0968 0.6416 0.8224 0.3336576 -0.2198444
3.4404 2.1086 1.8287 0.8813365 0.1530596
1.9574 5.3013 3.9279 -0.5016676 0.3496525
6.4629 12.1927 8.8422 -0.2690846 0.3789215

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2008 0.1720 0.0600 2.3466667 1.8666667
0.3176 0.0951 0.1255 1.5306773 -0.2422311
0.3052 0.3599 0.2016 0.5138889 0.7852183
0.3256 0.5071 0.2867 0.1356819 0.7687478
0.5630 0.7061 0.3749 0.5017338 0.8834356
0.7601 1.9657 0.8477 -0.1033384 1.3188628
0.4926 3.5810 1.8416 -0.7325152 0.9445048
5.1721 3.6120 4.6009 0.1241496 -0.2149362

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1939 0.2651 0.1000 0.9390000 1.6510000
0.4450 0.5049 0.2060 1.1601942 1.4509709
0.4263 0.7781 0.3260 0.3076687 1.3868098
0.4161 0.9861 0.4536 -0.0826720 1.1739418
0.6372 1.2362 0.5797 0.0991892 1.1324823
1.4410 1.8407 1.2551 0.1481157 0.4665764
1.3620 5.6384 2.7487 -0.5044930 1.0512970
3.0388 10.2169 5.9509 -0.4893546 0.7168664

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0606 0.1598 0.0168 2.6071429 8.5119048
0.2078 0.3868 0.0416 3.9951923 8.2980769
0.2074 0.4489 0.0827 1.5078597 4.4280532
0.2013 0.4691 0.1334 0.5089955 2.5164918
0.3775 0.5975 0.1832 1.0605895 2.2614629
1.0539 0.8488 0.4378 1.4072636 0.9387848
1.8639 1.5527 0.9602 0.9411581 0.6170589
-2.5208 4.2978 1.4781 -2.7054327 1.9076517

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GIS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0004 0.0615 0.0366 -1.0109290 0.6803279
-0.0249 -0.1108 0.0808 -1.3081683 -2.3712871
0.0048 -0.1814 0.1334 -0.9640180 -2.3598201
-0.0883 -0.3538 0.1867 -1.4729513 -2.8950187
-0.0281 -0.4450 0.2359 -1.1191183 -2.8863925
1.1643 -0.6150 0.5216 1.2321702 -2.1790644
2.2191 -1.7935 1.1549 0.9214651 -2.5529483
2.9555 -1.6466 2.4075 0.2276220 -1.6839460

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0975 0.3544 0.0416 1.3437500 7.519231
-0.1039 0.5122 0.1012 -2.0266798 4.061265
0.0024 0.7961 0.1764 -0.9863946 3.513038
0.1102 1.2990 0.2612 -0.5781011 3.973201
0.2112 1.7330 0.3392 -0.3773585 4.109080
-0.0287 3.2346 0.7872 -1.0364583 3.108994
0.8492 5.4748 1.7871 -0.5248167 2.063511
-0.0259 7.7452 3.5993 -1.0071958 1.151863

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GPC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1242 -0.2042 0.0573 -3.1675393 -4.5636998
-0.0255 -0.1585 0.1273 -1.2003142 -2.2450903
0.1661 -0.1101 0.2062 -0.1944714 -1.5339476
0.1459 -0.0194 0.3027 -0.5180046 -1.0640899
0.3334 0.0857 0.3952 -0.1563765 -0.7831478
0.2486 0.9917 0.9015 -0.7242374 0.1000555
0.6754 2.3722 1.8279 -0.6305050 0.2977734
-1.6498 2.6494 2.5856 -1.6380724 0.0246751

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GILD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1614 -0.0131 -0.1163 -2.387790 -0.8873603
-0.3547 -0.2107 -0.2371 -2.495993 -0.1113454
-0.6309 -0.0627 -0.3378 -2.867673 -0.8143872
-0.9619 0.0922 -0.4328 -3.222505 -1.2130314
-1.1648 0.2338 -0.5292 -3.201058 -1.4417989
-2.9025 1.0789 -0.9465 -4.066561 -2.1398838
-6.1427 1.0740 -1.6972 -4.619314 -1.6328070
-10.6134 -1.5722 -4.3461 -3.442051 -0.6382504

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2774 0.3895 0.1100 1.5218182 2.540909
0.4883 0.7180 0.2278 1.1435470 2.151888
0.6456 1.1684 0.3542 0.8226990 2.298701
0.7408 1.3105 0.4879 0.5183439 1.686001
0.7264 1.3167 0.6208 0.1701031 1.120973
0.7914 3.3034 1.3418 -0.4101953 1.461917
1.9541 5.8489 2.8557 -0.3157194 1.048149
5.3242 10.9545 7.1704 -0.2574752 0.527739

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GPN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.5131 0.3794 0.0527 8.7362429 6.199241
0.4757 0.9558 0.1075 3.4251163 7.891163
0.5215 1.4793 0.1755 1.9715100 7.429060
0.5041 1.6552 0.2579 0.9546336 5.417992
0.7256 1.7528 0.3500 1.0731429 4.008000
-0.5420 2.4806 0.8682 -1.6242801 1.857176
-0.9010 3.9705 1.9064 -1.4726185 1.082721
1.9287 8.0464 5.5078 -0.6498239 0.460910

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4624 0.2268 0.1418 2.2609309 0.5994358
0.7895 0.2280 0.2930 1.6945392 -0.2218430
0.9439 0.3724 0.4622 1.0421895 -0.1942882
1.1490 0.4763 0.6362 0.8060358 -0.2513361
1.1670 0.3858 0.8061 0.4477112 -0.5213993
2.0372 1.8821 1.7636 0.1551372 0.0671921
6.1272 3.8932 3.8847 0.5772647 0.0021881
6.8560 15.6750 8.9605 -0.2348641 0.7493443

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for GWW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1454 0.0969 0.0700 -3.0771429 0.3842857
-0.1329 0.4063 0.1455 -1.9134021 1.7924399
-0.0194 0.6059 0.2255 -1.0860310 1.6869180
-0.0463 0.4422 0.3166 -1.1462413 0.3967151
-0.0209 0.4151 0.4179 -1.0500120 -0.0067002
0.6969 0.9613 0.9611 -0.2748934 0.0002081
0.7865 1.0534 2.0712 -0.6202684 -0.4914059
-1.0050 3.1062 2.5462 -1.3947058 0.2199356

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HAL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2101 0.6925 0.2036 0.0319253 2.4012770
0.2553 1.5153 0.4193 -0.3911281 2.6138803
0.2805 1.7710 0.6420 -0.5630841 1.7585670
0.7719 2.1946 0.8719 -0.1146921 1.5170318
1.4283 2.4096 1.1154 0.2805272 1.1603012
1.7737 5.1360 2.3917 -0.2583936 1.1474265
1.1348 9.5626 5.2316 -0.7830874 0.8278538
10.9443 15.0470 12.6651 -0.1358694 0.1880680

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HBI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.7624 0.6653 -0.1104 -7.905797 -7.0262681
-1.5177 1.2427 -0.2158 -8.032901 -6.7585728
-2.0138 1.3161 -0.3324 -7.058363 -4.9593863
-2.1190 1.5558 -0.4316 -5.909639 -4.6047266
-2.3922 1.3938 -0.5548 -5.311824 -3.5122567
-3.9291 1.6663 -1.1595 -4.388616 -2.4370850
-4.3704 2.4207 -2.3120 -2.890311 -2.0470156
-7.4209 -1.2287 -4.4889 -2.653167 -0.7262804

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HIG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1308 0.2761 0.0486 1.6913580 4.6810700
0.4264 0.6219 0.1064 3.0075188 4.8449248
0.5221 0.5429 0.1731 2.0161756 2.1363374
0.5256 0.4548 0.2494 1.1074579 0.8235766
0.7722 0.1497 0.3226 1.3936764 -0.5359578
2.3148 0.4055 0.7398 2.1289538 -0.4518789
3.5811 1.4231 1.7837 1.0076807 -0.2021640
5.9502 -0.0782 3.4142 0.7427802 -1.0229043

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HAS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1180 0.2895 0.0634 0.8611987 3.5662461
0.0486 0.5331 0.1159 -0.5806730 3.5996549
0.1594 0.6166 0.1703 -0.0640047 2.6206694
-0.1053 0.7463 0.2361 -1.4459975 2.1609488
-0.4385 1.0207 0.2927 -2.4981209 2.4871882
0.0819 2.2840 0.5984 -0.8631350 2.8168449
0.0774 1.6372 1.3646 -0.9432801 0.1997655
2.3953 2.6004 3.3964 -0.2947533 -0.2343658

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HCA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0889 0.3074 0.0568 -2.565141 4.4119718
-0.2821 0.6904 0.1147 -3.459459 5.0191805
-0.3678 0.8371 0.1802 -3.041066 3.6453940
-0.4007 0.7377 0.2491 -2.608591 1.9614613
-0.3957 0.6336 0.2947 -2.342721 1.1499830
-0.6556 1.7184 0.6061 -2.081670 1.8351757
-0.8905 1.0852 1.0135 -1.878638 0.0707449
-0.5401 1.9587 2.3586 -1.228992 -0.1695497

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PEAK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0586 0.0679 -0.0512 0.1445312 -2.326172
0.2609 0.2491 -0.0825 2.1624242 -4.019394
0.2059 0.4393 -0.1098 0.8752277 -5.000911
0.1500 0.7098 -0.1331 0.1269722 -6.332833
0.1977 1.0714 -0.1641 0.2047532 -7.528946
0.2816 2.0281 -0.2741 0.0273623 -8.399124
2.7868 1.9648 -0.5411 4.1502495 -4.631122
1.4868 4.5743 0.7385 1.0132701 5.194042

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HSIC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0737 0.1547 -0.0009 -82.888889 -172.888889
-0.0100 0.1860 0.0034 -3.941177 53.705882
-0.1049 0.3182 0.0111 -10.450451 27.666667
-0.3408 0.4268 0.0268 -13.716418 14.925373
-0.3465 0.5051 0.0515 -7.728155 8.807767
-0.4421 0.8969 0.1696 -3.606722 4.288326
-0.6947 0.8064 0.3392 -3.048054 1.377358
-1.0230 -4.5342 -0.3816 -3.680818 10.882075

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HSY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2442 -0.1263 0.0795 -4.0716981 -2.5886792
-0.3323 -0.0138 0.1598 -3.0794743 -1.0863579
-0.3615 -0.1948 0.2452 -2.4743067 -1.7944535
-0.2207 -0.1751 0.3353 -1.6582165 -1.5222189
-0.3861 -0.0693 0.4296 -1.8987430 -1.1613128
0.0426 -0.0371 0.8960 -0.9524554 -1.0414063
-0.1546 1.1345 1.6733 -1.0923923 -0.3219984
0.4721 6.4415 3.4501 -0.8631634 0.8670473

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HES
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1186 0.1817 0.1511 -0.2150893 0.2025149
0.5885 0.1683 0.3320 0.7725904 -0.4930723
0.8871 0.1339 0.5185 0.7108968 -0.7417551
1.4487 0.2608 0.7131 1.0315524 -0.6342729
2.0840 0.2029 0.9344 1.2303082 -0.7828553
2.8852 3.4680 2.1807 0.3230614 0.5903150
3.4855 7.9796 4.7138 -0.2605753 0.6928168
7.0946 2.0694 8.3942 -0.1548212 -0.7534726

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HPE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3754 0.4826 0.1966 0.9094608 1.4547304
0.7358 0.8733 0.4066 0.8096409 1.1478111
0.9110 1.2817 0.6468 0.4084725 0.9816017
1.0774 1.5715 0.9043 0.1914188 0.7378082
1.3216 1.9213 1.1721 0.1275488 0.6391946
2.4115 4.5403 2.6194 -0.0793693 0.7333359
1.7456 11.2380 5.6827 -0.6928221 0.9775811
7.2170 18.2944 14.5397 -0.5036349 0.2582378

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HLT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0682 0.2597 0.1164 -1.5859107 1.2310997
-0.1493 0.4031 0.2561 -1.5829754 0.5739945
0.1590 0.6215 0.4063 -0.6086635 0.5296579
0.3028 0.8973 0.5654 -0.4644499 0.5870180
0.7641 1.1890 0.7247 0.0543673 0.6406789
2.8583 2.7780 1.6533 0.7288453 0.6802758
5.9923 3.4803 3.5760 0.6756991 -0.0267617
3.9028 10.4725 7.0217 -0.4441802 0.4914479

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HFC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4099 0.2037 -0.0424 8.6674528 -5.8042453
0.7088 -0.0904 -0.0768 8.2291667 0.1770833
0.3584 0.5355 -0.1106 2.2405063 -5.8417722
-0.1504 0.8505 -0.1138 -2.3216169 -8.4736380
-0.1816 0.6756 -0.1352 -2.3431953 -5.9970414
0.2221 0.3571 -0.1896 0.1714135 -2.8834388
0.0208 3.3341 -0.0331 -0.3716012 -101.7280967
-14.6143 6.4327 -2.6636 -6.4866722 -3.4150398

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HOLX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2194 0.2625 0.0368 -6.9619565 6.133152
-0.5334 0.6511 0.0680 -8.8441176 8.575000
-0.6836 0.8398 0.1053 -7.4919278 6.975309
-0.7724 1.1385 0.1541 -6.0123297 6.388060
-0.8105 1.5545 0.2070 -4.9154589 6.509662
-1.6316 2.2948 0.4975 -4.2795980 3.612663
-1.5150 4.2774 1.1040 -2.3722826 2.874456
1.2945 8.6909 2.6943 -0.5195413 2.225662

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0077 0.0021 0.0181 -1.4254144 -0.8839779
0.0274 0.1323 0.0443 -0.3814898 1.9864560
0.3042 0.2219 0.0814 2.7371007 1.7260442
0.3541 0.3849 0.1239 1.8579500 2.1065375
0.3672 0.5594 0.1621 1.2652684 2.4509562
1.2895 0.9015 0.4252 2.0326905 1.1201787
1.6095 1.9716 0.8518 0.8895281 1.3146278
-2.6213 3.8499 1.4620 -2.7929549 1.6333105

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HON
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0297 0.1839 0.0539 -1.5510204 2.4118738
-0.1221 0.3485 0.1122 -2.0882353 2.1060606
-0.3353 0.5230 0.1815 -2.8473829 1.8815427
-0.4336 0.5870 0.2590 -2.6741313 1.2664093
-0.3131 0.7415 0.3364 -1.9307372 1.2042212
0.2079 1.3052 0.7407 -0.7193196 0.7621169
1.9121 1.2316 1.5042 0.2711740 -0.1812259
1.8498 0.9368 2.7501 -0.3273699 -0.6593578

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HRL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5737 -0.1764 -0.0428 -14.404206 3.1214953
-0.7654 -0.2920 -0.0804 -10.519901 2.6318408
-0.9055 -0.5226 -0.1172 -8.726109 3.4590444
-0.9371 -0.6834 -0.1477 -7.344618 3.6269465
-1.0404 -0.8334 -0.1799 -6.783213 3.6325737
-1.5164 -0.7500 -0.3607 -5.204048 1.0792903
-1.8737 -1.8314 -0.8258 -3.268951 1.2177283
-5.4392 -3.9015 -3.0910 -2.759689 0.2622129

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HST
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1178 0.2555 0.0991 -2.1886983 1.5782038
-0.1369 0.4229 0.2101 -1.6515945 1.0128510
-0.0518 0.4399 0.3266 -1.1586038 0.3469075
-0.0375 0.3856 0.4512 -1.0831117 -0.1453901
-0.0547 0.6317 0.5710 -1.0957968 0.1063047
1.9166 0.9702 1.3696 0.3993867 -0.2916180
4.2860 1.8597 3.0672 0.3973657 -0.3936815
-0.5258 10.7697 4.6313 -1.1135318 1.3254162

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HWM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.8054 0.0028 -0.0032 -252.687500 -1.8750000
-1.3203 0.3268 0.0294 -45.908163 10.1156463
-1.8515 0.8882 0.0867 -22.355248 9.2445213
-2.3646 1.2905 0.1711 -14.819988 6.5423729
-2.1284 1.8343 0.2588 -9.224111 6.0877125
-1.5265 3.3390 0.9018 -2.692726 2.7025948
-3.2389 1.5792 2.3545 -2.375621 -0.3292843
-0.6006 -2.0243 3.1010 -1.193680 -1.6527894

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HPQ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3099 0.1298 0.1144 1.7089161 0.1346154
0.5306 0.5345 0.2464 1.1534091 1.1692370
0.8382 1.2763 0.4034 1.0778384 2.1638572
0.9317 2.2323 0.5748 0.6209116 2.8836117
0.8943 3.0358 0.7445 0.2012089 3.0776360
-0.7252 8.5886 1.6743 -1.4331362 4.1296661
-1.1058 14.4307 4.0015 -1.2763464 2.6063226
4.9357 19.8230 10.2845 -0.5200836 0.9274637

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HUM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1945 0.3074 0.0661 1.9425113 3.650530
0.4349 0.7127 0.1415 2.0734982 4.036749
0.5995 0.9514 0.2222 1.6980198 3.281728
0.6418 1.3306 0.3125 1.0537600 3.257920
0.7913 1.8824 0.4116 0.9224976 3.573372
1.3748 3.8134 0.9317 0.4755823 3.092948
-1.5053 6.8130 2.1181 -1.7106841 2.216562
-1.1345 11.0371 3.5680 -1.3179652 2.093358

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HBAN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0650 0.1422 0.1036 -0.3725869 0.3725869
0.0089 0.3605 0.2131 -0.9582356 0.6916940
0.1118 0.4835 0.3381 -0.6693286 0.4300503
0.1705 0.6507 0.4755 -0.6414301 0.3684543
0.4254 1.0865 0.6119 -0.3047884 0.7756169
1.7014 2.5997 1.3813 0.2317382 0.8820676
2.3688 6.1847 3.5388 -0.3306205 0.7476828
3.3983 13.1762 8.0614 -0.5784479 0.6344804

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for HII
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0857 0.3421 0.1596 -1.5369674 1.1434837
-0.1960 0.6907 0.3211 -1.6104017 1.1510433
-0.1835 1.1149 0.4924 -1.3726645 1.2642161
-0.1336 1.1279 0.6599 -1.2024549 0.7091984
0.3274 1.1729 0.8303 -0.6056847 0.4126219
0.8067 1.1488 1.7124 -0.5289068 -0.3291287
4.7584 0.2917 3.5356 0.3458536 -0.9174963
6.5273 6.0855 8.0642 -0.1905831 -0.2453684

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IEX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1021 0.0335 0.0799 0.2778473 -0.5807259
0.1649 0.2959 0.1636 0.0079462 0.8086797
0.3032 0.4696 0.2560 0.1843750 0.8343750
0.3154 0.7386 0.3623 -0.1294507 1.0386420
0.5858 0.9732 0.4675 0.2530481 1.0817112
1.5928 1.9783 1.0492 0.5181090 0.8855318
1.5718 4.5545 2.4399 -0.3557933 0.8666749
3.7921 6.0733 5.6315 -0.3266270 0.0784516

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IDXX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2243 0.6666 0.2092 0.0721797 2.1864245
0.5005 1.3083 0.4261 0.1746069 2.0704060
0.5432 1.8321 0.6528 -0.1678922 1.8065257
0.4916 1.9107 0.8923 -0.4490642 1.1413202
0.4708 2.2539 1.1373 -0.5860371 0.9817990
0.7279 3.7143 2.3979 -0.6964427 0.5489804
4.0397 6.0994 5.0678 -0.2028691 0.2035597
9.8796 14.9078 12.8858 -0.2332956 0.1569169

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for INFO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4098 0.1390 0.0815 4.0282209 0.7055215
0.8346 0.3008 0.1671 3.9946140 0.8001197
1.1413 0.3896 0.2608 3.3761503 0.4938650
1.4713 0.4601 0.3619 3.0654877 0.2713457
1.8223 0.3230 0.4687 2.8879881 -0.3108598
3.5292 0.6999 1.0312 2.4224205 -0.3212762
4.2761 2.4226 2.1811 0.9605245 0.1107239
3.0869 10.9466 6.7009 -0.5393305 0.6336015

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ITW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0668 0.1418 0.1302 -0.4869432 0.0890937
0.1453 0.3529 0.2727 -0.4671801 0.2940961
0.1262 0.4478 0.4306 -0.7069206 0.0399443
0.1429 0.7495 0.6019 -0.7625851 0.2452235
0.3453 1.0836 0.7771 -0.5556556 0.3944151
0.9873 3.0955 1.7033 -0.4203605 0.8173545
2.0006 5.8145 3.5671 -0.4391523 0.6300356
5.1280 9.2616 7.8332 -0.3453506 0.1823520

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ILMN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1844 0.2600 -0.0805 -3.290683 -4.229814
-0.3327 0.6154 -0.1660 -3.004217 -4.707229
-0.9725 0.9709 -0.2359 -5.122509 -5.115727
-1.3277 1.1640 -0.2964 -5.479420 -4.927125
-2.0671 1.4255 -0.3653 -6.658637 -4.902272
-4.5271 2.5826 -0.7734 -6.853504 -4.339281
-7.3376 5.2471 -1.6763 -5.377259 -4.130168
-7.5782 4.6489 -2.6115 -3.901857 -2.780165

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for INCY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.8579 0.9225 0.0292 28.380137 30.5924658
1.1263 0.9848 0.0679 15.587629 13.5036819
1.1606 1.2507 0.1255 8.247809 8.9657371
1.2689 1.4555 0.1966 5.454222 6.4033571
1.1103 1.5324 0.2826 2.928875 4.4225053
-0.5141 6.2403 0.9833 -1.522831 5.3462829
-4.2762 12.1263 2.7025 -2.582313 3.4870675
6.6241 13.9676 7.8885 -0.160284 0.7706281

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for INTC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0649 0.1747 0.0382 -2.6989529 3.5732984
-0.0459 0.3472 0.0884 -1.5192308 2.9276018
0.1506 0.2195 0.1536 -0.0195312 0.4290365
0.4415 0.2182 0.2262 0.9518126 -0.0353669
0.7492 0.2583 0.2911 1.5736860 -0.1126761
2.1079 1.3710 0.6743 2.1260567 1.0332196
2.6061 3.1728 1.5295 0.7038902 1.0744034
1.4445 11.1313 4.1560 -0.6524302 1.6783686

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ICE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0408 0.1465 0.0456 -0.1052632 2.2127193
-0.2807 0.1861 0.0946 -3.9672304 0.9672304
-0.3770 0.1982 0.1477 -3.5524712 0.3419093
-0.3128 0.2891 0.2109 -2.4831674 0.3707918
-0.2512 0.5988 0.2676 -1.9387145 1.2376682
0.4781 0.4265 0.6093 -0.2153291 -0.3000164
2.6435 2.1119 1.3184 1.0050819 0.6018659
0.6339 8.6241 3.5594 -0.8219082 1.4229084

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IBM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1979 0.4072 0.0880 1.2488636 3.6272727
0.4932 0.6626 0.1813 1.7203530 2.6547159
0.6964 1.0888 0.2807 1.4809405 2.8788742
0.7853 1.3422 0.3870 1.0291990 2.4682171
0.9468 1.2499 0.4869 0.9445471 1.5670569
1.8864 1.7837 1.0289 0.8334143 0.7335990
2.9561 3.0877 2.4333 0.2148523 0.2689352
3.5729 5.7843 5.5116 -0.3517490 0.0494775

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2185 0.2950 0.1468 0.4884196 1.0095368
0.4519 0.5514 0.3031 0.4909271 0.8192016
0.6244 0.8131 0.4715 0.3242842 0.7244963
0.9004 0.9324 0.6531 0.3786556 0.4276527
1.1272 1.1467 0.8270 0.3629988 0.3865780
2.0975 3.1065 1.7317 0.2112375 0.7939019
1.7789 4.7621 3.8465 -0.5375276 0.2380346
1.6353 13.5374 8.5211 -0.8080882 0.5886916

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IPG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1237 0.3049 0.0117 -11.5726496 25.059829
-0.3886 0.4908 0.0330 -12.7757576 13.872727
-0.3391 0.7201 0.0645 -6.2573643 10.164341
-0.4673 0.9974 0.1011 -5.6221563 8.865480
-0.2689 1.1984 0.1368 -2.9656433 7.760234
-0.1431 2.8782 0.3311 -1.4321957 7.692842
0.2416 2.1635 0.7291 -0.6686326 1.967357
0.1110 4.6535 2.1398 -0.9481260 1.174736

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IFF
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0144 0.0314 0.0085 -2.6941176 2.6941176
0.0457 0.1215 0.0234 0.9529915 4.1923077
0.0706 0.3145 0.0408 0.7303922 6.7083333
-0.2088 0.5422 0.0619 -4.3731826 7.7592892
-0.2530 0.6416 0.0771 -4.2814527 7.3216602
-0.2458 1.4923 0.1689 -2.4552990 7.8354056
1.6048 1.0621 0.5538 1.8977970 0.9178404
3.2875 3.8166 2.9812 0.1027439 0.2802227

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for INTU
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2405 0.3968 0.0788 2.0520305 4.0355330
0.5066 0.7823 0.1558 2.2516046 4.0211810
0.4597 1.1749 0.2427 0.8941080 3.8409559
0.5653 1.4215 0.3413 0.6563141 3.1649575
0.7258 1.6312 0.4371 0.6604896 2.7318691
0.8241 2.2230 0.9618 -0.1431691 1.3112913
0.9392 2.9295 2.0086 -0.5324106 0.4584785
1.8420 6.7255 4.4397 -0.5851071 0.5148546

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ISRG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0160 0.4242 0.0643 -1.2488336 5.5972006
0.0635 0.7936 0.1285 -0.5058366 5.1758755
0.2833 0.9388 0.2039 0.3894066 3.6042178
0.4481 0.9752 0.2802 0.5992148 2.4803712
0.6844 1.0645 0.3555 0.9251758 1.9943741
1.6818 0.9759 0.6815 1.4677916 0.4319883
1.9825 1.4484 1.3970 0.4191124 0.0367931
2.9615 6.2617 4.4045 -0.3276195 0.4216597

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IVZ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1408 0.3547 -0.0129 -11.914729 -28.496124
-0.1214 0.7997 -0.0186 -7.526882 -43.994624
-0.2297 1.2224 -0.0102 -23.519608 -120.843137
-0.1715 1.5632 0.0281 -7.103203 54.629893
-0.3417 1.6985 0.0625 -6.467200 26.176000
-0.9998 2.7659 0.3120 -4.204487 7.865064
-1.4289 5.3597 0.9519 -2.501103 4.630528
-4.0351 9.2956 2.5912 -2.557232 2.587373

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IPGP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2392 0.0325 0.0868 -3.755760 -0.6255760
-0.3515 -0.1021 0.1879 -2.870676 -1.5433741
-0.6072 0.0735 0.3012 -3.015936 -0.7559761
-0.5413 0.2425 0.4161 -2.300889 -0.4172074
-0.8764 0.2846 0.5225 -2.677321 -0.4553110
-1.2691 1.6063 1.0153 -2.249975 0.5820940
-1.2776 3.6370 2.1183 -1.603125 0.7169428
-3.4755 6.7854 4.3601 -1.797115 0.5562487

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IQV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3455 0.1730 0.0608 4.6825658 1.845395
0.5303 0.3324 0.1246 3.2560193 1.667737
0.5596 0.4570 0.1988 1.8148893 1.298793
0.5909 0.8168 0.2743 1.1542107 1.977762
0.3440 1.3352 0.3564 -0.0347924 2.746352
0.2996 3.6508 0.8001 -0.6255468 3.562930
-0.2206 8.7782 1.9490 -1.1131862 3.503951
2.4370 13.6394 5.3240 -0.5422615 1.561871

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for IRM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2070 0.2898 0.0811 -3.5524044 2.5733662
-0.2500 0.4294 0.1682 -2.4863258 1.5529132
-0.2426 0.6520 0.2659 -1.9123731 1.4520496
-0.3696 0.8545 0.3791 -1.9749406 1.2540227
0.0400 1.1168 0.4903 -0.9184173 1.2777891
1.5013 1.3585 1.0878 0.3801250 0.2488509
2.7053 -0.9033 2.4234 0.1163242 -1.3727408
6.3546 -6.4183 5.3644 0.1845873 -2.1964619

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for JKHY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0219 0.1686 0.0591 -0.6294416 1.8527919
-0.0228 0.2914 0.1191 -1.1914358 1.4466835
-0.1093 0.3289 0.1836 -1.5953159 0.7913943
-0.2830 0.3912 0.2536 -2.1159306 0.5425868
-0.2992 0.3391 0.3218 -1.9297700 0.0537601
-0.1014 0.9294 0.6763 -1.1499335 0.3742422
1.0460 1.8819 1.2649 -0.1730572 0.4877856
-0.2799 4.3225 2.0219 -1.1384341 1.1378406

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for J
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0616 0.4621 0.1426 -0.5680224 2.2405330
0.3477 0.9600 0.2992 0.1620989 2.2085561
0.6223 1.3500 0.4708 0.3217927 1.8674596
0.7454 1.7385 0.6577 0.1333435 1.6433024
1.1216 2.2386 0.8472 0.3238905 1.6423513
2.9625 5.0202 1.8458 0.6049951 1.7197963
2.3024 9.5447 4.1753 -0.4485666 1.2859914
10.9290 17.2120 10.5119 0.0396788 0.6373824

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for JBHT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1528 0.2504 0.1277 0.1965544 0.9608457
0.1146 0.3683 0.2655 -0.5683616 0.3871940
0.1946 0.6246 0.4146 -0.5306319 0.5065123
0.4199 0.8251 0.5739 -0.2683394 0.4377069
0.6121 0.9591 0.7380 -0.1705962 0.2995935
1.2793 1.7220 1.6176 -0.2091370 0.0645401
3.6008 2.6444 3.3200 0.0845783 -0.2034940
0.4343 7.0159 5.8403 -0.9256374 0.2012910

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SJM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1282 0.1364 0.0230 4.5739130 4.9304348
0.2251 0.0733 0.0512 3.3964844 0.4316406
0.3546 -0.1516 0.0826 3.2929782 -2.8353511
0.3268 -0.5577 0.1171 1.7907771 -5.7625961
0.2798 -0.6907 0.1507 0.8566689 -5.5832780
1.1164 -1.2317 0.3400 2.2835294 -4.6226471
2.2197 -2.0217 0.5811 2.8198245 -4.4790914
0.4882 -3.3083 1.2100 -0.5965289 -3.7341322

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for JNJ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0536 -0.0095 0.0566 -0.0530035 -1.1678445
0.0459 -0.0410 0.1163 -0.6053310 -1.3525365
0.0690 -0.0758 0.1801 -0.6168795 -1.4208773
0.1325 -0.1441 0.2523 -0.4748315 -1.5711455
0.0831 -0.0104 0.3271 -0.7459493 -1.0317946
0.5593 0.4900 0.7013 -0.2024811 -0.3012976
2.3522 -0.3340 1.2855 0.8297939 -1.2598211
3.7559 -3.1946 3.0153 0.2456140 -2.0594634

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for JCI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0060 0.2921 0.1041 -1.0576369 1.8059558
-0.1753 0.7291 0.2176 -1.8056066 2.3506434
-0.3290 0.9803 0.3445 -1.9550073 1.8455733
-0.2907 1.4402 0.4740 -1.6132911 2.0383966
-0.3087 1.6775 0.6083 -1.5074799 1.7576854
0.1482 2.2378 1.2882 -0.8849558 0.7371526
1.7536 2.9459 2.4751 -0.2915034 0.1902145
5.3729 2.7345 5.8386 -0.0797623 -0.5316514

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for JPM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2097 0.4937 0.1332 0.5743243 2.7064565
0.3852 0.8803 0.2713 0.4198304 2.2447475
0.3732 1.4357 0.4290 -0.1300699 2.3466200
0.3619 1.6764 0.5998 -0.3966322 1.7949316
0.3239 2.1667 0.7708 -0.5797872 1.8109756
0.4769 3.5595 1.6624 -0.7131256 1.1411814
1.4839 4.7489 3.5337 -0.5800719 0.3438888
6.3625 9.4931 8.0016 -0.2048465 0.1864002

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for JNPR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3604 0.2395 0.0315 -12.4412698 6.6031746
-0.5347 0.4938 0.0736 -8.2649457 5.7092391
-0.6299 1.0107 0.1239 -6.0839387 7.1573850
-0.9073 1.4355 0.1849 -5.9069767 6.7636560
-1.0057 2.0013 0.2372 -5.2398820 7.4371838
-0.7401 3.5906 0.4945 -2.4966633 6.2610718
-0.4975 3.8116 1.0577 -1.4703602 2.6036683
4.2727 3.7977 2.1847 0.9557376 0.7383165

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KSU
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1834 0.3358 0.0705 1.6014184 3.7631206
0.4174 0.3578 0.1580 1.6417722 1.2645570
0.6302 0.2603 0.2504 1.5167732 0.0395367
0.5637 0.0134 0.3473 0.6230924 -0.9614166
0.6208 -0.1522 0.4445 0.3966254 -1.3424072
0.6102 0.4299 1.0097 -0.3956621 -0.5742300
0.0300 1.4658 2.2074 -0.9864094 -0.3359609
1.2199 1.1531 3.8936 -0.6866910 -0.7038473

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for K
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1284 0.1500 0.0165 -8.781818 8.0909091
-0.3578 0.2739 0.0329 -11.875380 7.3252280
-0.4357 0.0889 0.0557 -8.822262 0.5960503
-0.2449 -0.1146 0.0725 -4.377931 -2.5806897
-0.1645 -0.1321 0.0869 -2.892980 -2.5201381
0.3583 -0.6019 0.1593 1.249215 -4.7784055
1.2706 -1.5560 0.2659 3.778488 -6.8518240
-0.1385 -0.7841 0.4058 -1.341301 -2.9322326

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KEY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2870 0.3665 0.1577 0.8199112 1.3240330
0.4462 0.4363 0.3233 0.3801423 0.3495206
0.6531 0.7214 0.5069 0.2884198 0.4231604
0.9028 1.0034 0.7068 0.2773062 0.4196378
0.8761 1.5578 0.9088 -0.0359815 0.7141285
2.6052 3.3667 1.9831 0.3137008 0.6976955
6.7391 6.5407 4.5243 0.4895343 0.4456822
7.9534 15.4117 11.4621 -0.3061132 0.3445791

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KEYS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3900 0.0857 0.1269 2.0732861 -0.3246651
0.5260 0.2770 0.2631 0.9992398 0.0528316
0.7855 0.6596 0.4177 0.8805363 0.5791238
1.0135 1.1386 0.5910 0.7148900 0.9265651
1.1726 1.5070 0.7731 0.5167507 0.9492950
0.9908 5.9900 1.7241 -0.4253234 2.4742764
3.1931 9.9733 3.9025 -0.1817809 1.5556182
3.9377 13.2713 9.7206 -0.5949118 0.3652758

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KMB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0260 -0.1436 -0.0443 -1.5869074 2.2415350
-0.1217 -0.1830 -0.0861 -2.4134727 1.1254355
-0.1494 -0.1976 -0.1241 -2.2038678 0.5922643
-0.0799 -0.1240 -0.1543 -1.5178224 -0.1963707
0.0437 -0.1792 -0.1876 -0.7670576 -0.0447761
0.1519 -0.1406 -0.3590 -0.5768802 -0.6083565
-0.4349 -1.1608 -0.7461 -1.5828977 0.5558236
-3.3789 -3.5905 -2.7707 -2.2195113 0.2958819

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KIM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0773 -0.0232 -0.0139 -6.561151 0.6690647
-0.4052 0.1455 -0.0301 -14.461794 -5.8338870
-0.5314 0.3152 -0.0370 -15.362162 -9.5189189
-0.7992 0.4711 -0.0317 -26.211357 -15.8611987
-0.7694 0.6949 -0.0322 -24.894410 -22.5807453
-0.5001 1.0051 0.0035 -143.885714 286.1714286
0.7426 -1.5212 -0.0660 10.251515 22.0484848
-1.0972 -4.6748 -0.3923 -3.796839 10.9163905

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KMI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0483 0.1629 0.1544 -1.3128238 0.0550518
-0.3816 0.3317 0.3271 -2.1666157 0.0140630
-0.7462 0.7335 0.5068 -2.4723757 0.4473165
-0.4680 1.2041 0.6812 -1.6870229 0.7676160
-0.5304 1.6722 0.8725 -1.6079083 0.9165616
-1.9099 3.7768 1.9599 -1.9744885 0.9270371
-0.4712 3.4762 3.8137 -1.1235546 -0.0884967
3.3599 9.9328 7.9601 -0.5779073 0.2478235

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KLAC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0593 0.2634 0.0630 -0.0587302 3.1809524
-0.3577 0.4213 0.1431 -3.4996506 1.9440950
-0.5651 0.7076 0.2302 -3.4548219 2.0738488
-0.5270 0.8981 0.3224 -2.6346154 1.7856700
-0.5118 1.0396 0.4079 -2.2547193 1.5486639
-0.0921 2.4966 0.8433 -1.1092138 1.9605123
0.6361 4.4739 1.6960 -0.6249410 1.6379127
-0.2337 7.8838 4.1932 -1.0557331 0.8801393

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KHC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0231 0.4894 0.0779 -0.7034660 5.2824134
0.0210 0.7149 0.1587 -0.8676749 3.5047259
-0.0511 0.7235 0.2452 -1.2084013 1.9506525
-0.0127 0.9068 0.3379 -1.0375851 1.6836342
0.2413 1.1942 0.4246 -0.4317004 1.8125294
0.1582 2.1230 0.8747 -0.8191380 1.4271179
0.4087 1.9162 1.3517 -0.6976400 0.4176223
4.8732 1.6961 3.5438 0.3751340 -0.5213895

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for KR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1834 0.0131 -0.0664 -3.762048 -1.1972892
-0.4117 -0.3219 -0.1318 -4.123672 1.4423369
-0.6323 -0.4458 -0.1870 -4.381283 1.3839572
-0.5745 -0.3566 -0.2333 -3.462495 0.5285041
-0.7147 -0.4619 -0.2881 -3.480736 0.6032628
-1.7914 -0.3772 -0.4575 -4.915628 -0.1755191
-0.2687 -0.6283 -0.8765 -1.306560 -0.2831717
-10.0798 2.3958 -3.2449 -4.106351 -1.7383278

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3655 -0.1411 -0.1348 -3.711424 0.0467359
-0.6177 -0.0658 -0.2588 -3.386785 -0.7457496
-0.6967 0.0355 -0.3911 -2.781386 -1.0907696
-1.0687 0.1641 -0.5091 -3.099195 -1.3223335
-1.5013 0.2801 -0.6254 -3.400544 -1.4478734
-1.5871 1.3202 -1.1796 -2.345456 -2.1191929
-1.2816 0.6505 -2.2484 -1.570005 -1.2893168
-7.1365 -0.4255 -5.1229 -2.393059 -0.9169416

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LHX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0145 0.1635 0.0696 -0.7916667 1.3491379
0.1274 0.2771 0.1471 -0.1339225 0.8837525
0.0462 0.5074 0.2294 -0.7986051 1.2118570
0.2417 0.7813 0.3167 -0.2368172 1.4670035
0.4716 1.1309 0.4022 0.1725510 1.8117852
0.5197 3.8089 0.8790 -0.4087600 3.3332196
2.3183 5.7163 1.9982 0.1601942 1.8607247
6.3401 10.6526 6.1665 0.0281521 0.7274953

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2068 0.1220 0.0293 -8.0580205 3.1638225
-0.2475 0.4071 0.0611 -5.0507365 5.6628478
-0.4746 0.7236 0.0984 -5.8231707 6.3536585
-0.4737 1.0051 0.1483 -4.1942009 5.7774781
-0.3906 1.2520 0.1986 -2.9667674 5.3041289
0.3668 1.6410 0.5089 -0.2792297 2.2246021
1.6188 2.6143 1.1670 0.3871465 1.2401885
4.8842 1.0387 3.8601 0.2653040 -0.7309137

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LRCX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2723 0.2712 0.1359 1.0036792 0.9955850
0.2137 0.5188 0.3016 -0.2914456 0.7201592
0.3134 0.7915 0.4804 -0.3476270 0.6475853
0.2706 1.1875 0.6725 -0.5976208 0.7657993
0.4266 1.5767 0.8587 -0.5032025 0.8361477
0.6608 4.9687 1.8200 -0.6369231 1.7300549
1.1647 8.4716 3.7625 -0.6904452 1.2515880
6.2413 15.9056 9.6909 -0.3559628 0.6412923

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LVS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1835 -0.1314 0.1029 0.7832847 -2.2769679
0.1130 0.0674 0.2252 -0.4982238 -0.7007105
0.1907 -0.1165 0.3824 -0.5013075 -1.3046548
0.2594 0.0385 0.5362 -0.5162253 -0.9281984
0.5332 0.2588 0.6972 -0.2352266 -0.6288009
1.1015 0.3592 1.5728 -0.2996567 -0.7716175
0.0322 2.4955 3.4106 -0.9905588 -0.2683106
5.1175 6.5644 8.0339 -0.3630117 -0.1829124

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LEG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0675 0.2108 0.0735 -0.0816327 1.8680272
0.2993 0.2866 0.1641 0.8238879 0.7464960
0.5729 0.0552 0.2558 1.2396403 -0.7842064
0.8408 0.0277 0.3492 1.4077892 -0.9206758
1.0661 0.0454 0.4495 1.3717464 -0.8989989
1.6410 -0.4117 1.0166 0.6142042 -1.4049774
3.5522 -0.5060 2.1086 0.6846249 -1.2399696
5.0930 1.7133 3.6413 0.3986763 -0.5294812

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LDOS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3171 -0.0551 0.0006 527.5000000 -92.833333
0.5968 0.2686 0.0043 137.7906977 61.465116
0.8636 0.4207 0.0156 54.3589744 25.967949
1.0704 0.3084 0.0272 38.3529412 10.338235
1.2586 -0.0174 0.0390 31.2717949 -1.446154
2.8891 0.5326 0.0302 94.6655629 16.635762
2.4957 4.9891 0.5678 3.3953857 7.786721
0.6398 2.6641 1.2943 -0.5056787 1.058333

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LEN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1023 0.0511 -0.0219 -5.6712329 -3.333333
-0.1592 0.0666 -0.0339 -5.6961652 -2.964602
-0.0599 -0.1404 -0.0268 -3.2350746 4.238806
0.1083 -0.0819 -0.0054 19.0555556 14.166667
0.1944 -0.0989 0.0059 31.9491525 -17.762712
0.4637 0.6728 0.1396 2.3216332 3.819484
0.2705 2.3013 0.5313 -0.4908714 3.331451
-3.1829 5.0734 0.7543 -5.2196739 5.725971

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LLY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0371 -0.2240 -0.0420 -1.883333 4.3333333
-0.0669 -0.2209 -0.0853 -1.784291 1.5896835
-0.2261 -0.3027 -0.1176 -2.922619 1.5739796
-0.2475 -0.1121 -0.1447 -2.710435 -0.2252937
-0.2877 0.0945 -0.1683 -2.709447 -1.5614973
-0.6066 1.1820 -0.3234 -2.875696 -4.6549165
-2.3428 1.1462 -0.9913 -3.363361 -2.1562595
-3.5933 1.7559 -0.9064 -4.964365 -2.9372242

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LNC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3906 0.0403 0.1491 1.6197183 -0.7297116
0.5114 0.3232 0.3160 0.6183544 0.0227848
0.7775 0.5512 0.5064 0.5353476 0.0884676
1.1183 0.9490 0.7116 0.5715289 0.3336144
1.1726 1.4746 0.9296 0.2614028 0.5862737
1.9089 5.1437 2.1451 -0.1101114 1.3978835
4.4613 9.7453 4.9596 -0.1004718 0.9649367
10.2755 22.4981 12.7576 -0.1945585 0.7635057

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LIN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0349 0.0392 0.0651 -1.5360983 -0.3978495
-0.0436 0.2090 0.1342 -1.3248882 0.5573770
-0.0047 0.3903 0.2143 -1.0219319 0.8212786
-0.0178 0.4254 0.2983 -1.0596715 0.4260811
-0.0169 0.4169 0.3773 -1.0447919 0.1049563
-0.7007 0.9659 0.8145 -1.8602824 0.1858809
-0.3350 1.3329 1.8225 -1.1838134 -0.2686420
0.1342 4.2100 3.9116 -0.9656918 0.0762859

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LYV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1974 0.3440 0.0560 2.5250000 5.1428571
0.1955 0.4893 0.1167 0.6752356 3.1928021
0.0573 1.0152 0.1886 -0.6961824 4.3828208
-0.0178 1.2271 0.2732 -1.0651537 3.4915813
-0.0991 1.5115 0.3608 -1.2746674 3.1893016
0.4207 3.2448 0.7989 -0.4734009 3.0615847
0.5829 7.3645 1.8787 -0.6897323 2.9199979
6.2361 8.9705 6.3050 -0.0109278 0.4227597

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LKQ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1039 0.1130 0.0405 -3.5654321 1.7901235
0.0111 0.3129 0.0875 -0.8731429 2.5760000
0.1949 0.4982 0.1371 0.4215901 2.6338439
0.2640 0.8230 0.2088 0.2643678 2.9415709
0.4113 1.0121 0.2810 0.4637011 2.6017794
0.7589 2.4348 0.7668 -0.0103026 2.1752739
1.2121 4.2955 1.8719 -0.3524761 1.2947273
-1.0547 8.2031 5.0200 -1.2100996 0.6340837

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LMT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1602 0.0011 0.0598 1.6789298 -0.9816054
0.2633 0.0106 0.1230 1.1406504 -0.9138211
0.2523 -0.0462 0.1936 0.3032025 -1.2386364
0.2349 -0.0521 0.2679 -0.1231803 -1.1944756
0.2217 0.1772 0.3352 -0.3386038 -0.4713604
0.6112 1.1215 0.6922 -0.1170182 0.6201965
0.4568 2.8094 1.7004 -0.7313573 0.6521995
1.1995 7.2426 4.5186 -0.7345417 0.6028416

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for L
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1175 0.3752 0.0910 -2.2912088 3.1230769
-0.0733 0.7624 0.1929 -1.3799896 2.9523069
-0.0701 1.1338 0.3064 -1.2287859 2.7003916
0.0774 1.2326 0.4245 -0.8176678 1.9036514
0.3098 1.3145 0.5434 -0.4298859 1.4190283
0.8667 2.0928 1.1825 -0.2670613 0.7698097
2.7502 3.0833 2.4621 0.1170139 0.2523049
3.0290 6.6022 5.2433 -0.4223104 0.2591688

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LOW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2578 0.1116 -0.0141 17.283688 -8.9148936
0.3778 0.3913 -0.0191 18.780105 -21.4869110
0.4826 0.5288 -0.0131 35.839695 -41.3664122
0.4365 0.7088 0.0032 135.406250 220.5000000
0.6558 0.8804 0.0109 59.165138 79.7706422
0.9186 1.2362 0.1366 5.724744 8.0497804
1.0101 2.0826 0.4527 1.231279 3.6003976
1.7199 1.3913 0.7816 1.200486 0.7800665

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LUMN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1765 -0.4209 0.0021 -85.0476190 -201.428571
-0.0908 -0.4516 0.0170 -6.3411765 -27.564706
-0.0626 -0.6608 0.0384 -2.6302083 -18.208333
-0.0075 -0.9293 0.0629 -1.1192369 -15.774245
0.4019 -1.1136 0.0842 3.7731591 -14.225653
0.6295 -2.6583 0.2474 1.5444624 -11.744948
0.3510 -3.5688 0.5093 -0.3108188 -8.007265
-2.9643 -2.7954 -1.2026 -3.4649094 1.324464

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LYB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1891 0.3549 0.0096 -20.6979167 35.9687500
0.0787 0.5058 0.0363 1.1680441 12.9338843
0.4588 0.7369 0.0778 4.8971722 8.4717224
0.5264 0.9787 0.1228 3.2866450 6.9698697
0.7743 1.1208 0.1874 3.1318036 4.9807898
-0.3221 2.0629 0.5554 -1.5799424 2.7142600
0.0837 2.8455 1.3047 -0.9358473 1.1809611
-1.9704 2.1891 2.1499 -1.9165077 0.0182334

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MTB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2671 0.6673 0.1245 1.1453815 4.3598394
0.4818 1.1230 0.2558 0.8835027 3.3901486
0.8318 1.5093 0.4002 1.0784608 2.7713643
1.1828 1.6851 0.5570 1.1235189 2.0253142
1.3183 1.7137 0.7148 0.8442921 1.3974538
2.8774 2.7525 1.5489 0.8577055 0.7770676
5.9124 3.7296 3.2902 0.7969728 0.1335481
3.8083 11.8881 7.1702 -0.4688712 0.6579872

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MRO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4515 0.6135 0.2130 1.1197183 1.880282
0.4587 1.2734 0.4862 -0.0565611 1.619087
0.7526 1.7579 0.7907 -0.0481852 1.223220
1.1436 2.5020 1.1145 0.0261104 1.244953
2.0941 3.8917 1.4770 0.4178064 1.634868
1.0956 13.2690 3.5960 -0.6953281 2.689933
-0.3601 23.5811 7.5008 -1.0480082 2.143811
7.3087 37.2988 18.1349 -0.5969815 1.056741

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MPC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5056 0.2081 0.0355 -15.2422535 4.861972
-0.7118 0.5358 0.0808 -9.8094059 5.631188
-0.9455 0.9738 0.1347 -8.0193022 6.229399
-0.8880 1.7306 0.2121 -5.1867044 7.159359
-0.8237 1.8087 0.2840 -3.9003521 5.368662
-0.9970 3.7967 0.7350 -2.3564626 4.165578
-0.2639 6.7536 1.8290 -1.1442865 2.692510
1.3102 14.9843 6.0190 -0.7823226 1.489500

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MKTX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1283 -0.2041 0.1271 0.0094414 -2.6058222
0.3273 -0.5599 0.2562 0.2775176 -3.1854020
0.4917 -0.5842 0.4031 0.2197966 -2.4492682
0.7359 -0.4792 0.5611 0.3115309 -1.8540367
0.7388 -0.2247 0.7184 0.0283964 -1.3127784
1.4344 1.6697 1.6664 -0.1392223 0.0019803
1.9743 5.4093 3.7315 -0.4709098 0.4496315
6.8563 6.8165 9.4734 -0.2762577 -0.2804590

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MAR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2246 0.2439 0.1050 1.1390476 1.3228571
0.4093 0.4929 0.2267 0.8054698 1.1742391
0.9318 0.7165 0.3584 1.5998884 0.9991629
1.3163 0.9077 0.4899 1.6868749 0.8528271
1.6622 0.9919 0.6183 1.6883390 0.6042374
1.8387 1.6711 1.3848 0.3277730 0.2067447
4.6298 3.0179 2.9379 0.5758875 0.0272303
-0.9898 12.5705 5.0793 -1.1948694 1.4748489

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MMC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0955 0.0541 0.0886 0.0778781 -0.3893905
0.2296 0.2097 0.1830 0.2546448 0.1459016
0.4080 0.3270 0.2813 0.4504088 0.1624600
0.6220 0.4308 0.3885 0.6010296 0.1088803
0.6999 0.5670 0.5033 0.3906219 0.1265647
1.3957 1.3927 1.0845 0.2869525 0.2841863
2.3544 3.3512 2.3993 -0.0187138 0.3967407
5.9869 2.9033 5.2225 0.1463667 -0.4440785

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MLM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.6192 0.0802 0.2219 1.7904461 -0.6385759
1.4533 -0.0511 0.4606 2.1552323 -1.1109422
2.0777 -0.2033 0.7017 1.9609520 -1.2897250
2.5088 -0.1395 0.9664 1.5960265 -1.1443502
3.0864 0.1416 1.2312 1.5068226 -0.8849903
4.7229 0.2188 2.6040 0.8137097 -0.9159754
7.0570 3.5001 5.7617 0.2248121 -0.3925230
12.1722 14.2463 13.3414 -0.0876370 0.0678265

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MAS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4048 0.3786 0.0683 4.9267936 4.5431918
0.5702 0.5037 0.1440 2.9597222 2.4979167
0.6727 0.6891 0.2371 1.8371995 1.9063686
0.7502 0.8030 0.3472 1.1607143 1.3127880
0.7297 0.9724 0.4625 0.5777297 1.1024865
1.4539 1.8771 1.0805 0.3455807 0.7372513
2.3918 4.0872 2.2489 0.0635422 0.8174219
3.1781 3.6727 4.9181 -0.3537952 -0.2532279

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0238 0.0451 0.0419 -0.4319809 0.0763723
-0.1220 0.2000 0.0915 -2.3333333 1.1857923
-0.2252 0.3536 0.1462 -2.5403557 1.4186047
-0.1752 0.6557 0.2149 -1.8152629 2.0511866
0.0300 0.6796 0.2801 -0.8928954 1.4262763
0.9507 1.1815 0.6199 0.5336345 0.9059526
1.7448 2.4184 1.4737 0.1839587 0.6410396
1.6087 7.3148 4.5836 -0.6490313 0.5958635

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MKC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0022 0.0811 0.0460 -1.0478261 0.7630435
0.0630 0.1325 0.0944 -0.3326271 0.4036017
0.2953 -0.0221 0.1425 1.0722807 -1.1550877
0.4415 -0.0845 0.1920 1.2994792 -1.4401042
0.5571 0.1407 0.2390 1.3309623 -0.4112971
0.6640 0.3748 0.4764 0.3937867 -0.2132662
0.0689 -0.2786 0.9443 -0.9270359 -1.2950334
0.2812 -1.4146 1.4973 -0.8121953 -1.9447672

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MXIM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2401 0.4923 0.0360 -7.6694444 12.6750000
-0.3891 1.0968 0.0889 -5.3768279 11.3374578
-0.6087 1.5238 0.1524 -4.9940945 8.9986877
-0.7120 1.7230 0.2424 -3.9372937 6.1080858
-0.5307 1.9638 0.3210 -2.6532710 5.1177570
0.2525 3.0837 0.7617 -0.6685047 3.0484443
0.2022 4.7723 1.6650 -0.8785586 1.8662462
2.6718 6.7763 4.6216 -0.4218885 0.4662238

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MCD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0222 -0.0021 0.0130 0.7076923 -1.1615385
-0.1187 0.0764 0.0326 -4.6411043 1.3435583
-0.3171 0.1936 0.0617 -6.1393841 2.1377634
-0.4878 0.2571 0.0930 -6.2451613 1.7645161
-0.4759 0.3963 0.1206 -4.9461028 2.2860697
-0.8815 0.2747 0.2640 -4.3390152 0.0405303
-0.2150 0.0630 0.3060 -1.7026144 -0.7941176
-2.5459 -0.2127 0.0708 -36.9590395 -4.0042373

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MCK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1572 -0.3966 -0.1031 0.5247333 2.8467507
0.0234 -0.5392 -0.2034 -0.8849558 1.6509341
0.1236 -0.7781 -0.2921 -0.5768572 1.6638138
0.2265 -0.8960 -0.3721 -0.3912927 1.4079549
0.0683 -0.7060 -0.4126 -0.8344644 0.7111003
-0.8299 -2.3277 -0.6490 -2.2787365 2.5865948
0.3639 -1.5551 -1.0943 -0.6674586 0.4210911
1.1028 -7.4626 -1.9964 -0.4476057 2.7380285

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MDT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0050 0.1119 -0.0182 -0.7252747 -7.1483516
0.0161 0.1683 -0.0381 -0.5774278 -5.4173228
-0.0771 0.2852 -0.0477 -2.6163522 -6.9790356
-0.0145 0.2472 -0.0547 -1.2650823 -5.5191956
-0.0862 0.2173 -0.0562 -2.5338078 -4.8665480
0.1348 -0.1125 -0.1006 0.3399602 0.1182903
1.2680 -1.7984 -0.2188 4.7952468 7.2193784
3.5627 -2.8158 0.8423 3.2297281 -4.3429894

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MRK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0489 0.3687 0.0495 -0.0121212 6.4484848
0.1275 0.8357 0.1044 0.2212644 7.0047893
0.3044 1.0542 0.1633 0.8640539 5.4556032
0.2091 1.4547 0.2327 -0.1014181 5.2513966
0.4208 1.9501 0.3005 0.4003328 5.4895175
-0.0073 2.6623 0.6763 -1.0107940 2.9365666
0.8731 4.0410 1.5448 -0.4348136 1.6158726
4.0164 7.7331 4.7273 -0.1503818 0.6358386

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MET
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2688 0.4526 0.0814 2.3022113 4.5601966
0.3846 1.0567 0.1810 1.1248619 4.8381215
0.5082 1.1774 0.3021 0.6822244 2.8973850
0.4190 1.3712 0.4300 -0.0255814 2.1888372
0.1247 1.5297 0.5607 -0.7775994 1.7281969
-0.1916 3.9804 1.1755 -1.1629945 2.3861336
1.5054 7.1932 2.5157 -0.4015980 1.8593234
5.5143 10.3768 6.8018 -0.1892881 0.5255962

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MTD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0615 0.5337 0.1025 -0.4000000 4.2068293
0.0241 0.8640 0.2135 -0.8871194 3.0468384
0.0850 1.2822 0.3343 -0.7457374 2.8354771
0.0009 1.6287 0.4659 -0.9980683 2.4958146
0.2389 1.8295 0.6002 -0.6019660 2.0481506
0.6269 3.1970 1.2602 -0.5025393 1.5368989
1.4249 5.1513 2.6387 -0.4599992 0.9522113
5.7731 9.1084 7.0671 -0.1831020 0.2888455

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MGM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0175 0.5855 0.1154 -0.8483536 4.0736568
-0.0229 0.9482 0.2349 -1.0974883 3.0366113
0.1774 1.2890 0.3878 -0.5425477 2.3238783
0.4872 1.9176 0.5449 -0.1058910 2.5191778
0.6077 2.2881 0.7041 -0.1369124 2.2496804
0.8581 4.0504 1.5132 -0.4329236 1.6767116
0.6905 9.4328 3.5224 -0.8039689 1.6779469
7.0367 14.2649 9.7855 -0.2809054 0.4577589

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MCHP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1798 0.3439 0.1491 0.2059021 1.3065057
0.1365 0.8120 0.3090 -0.5582524 1.6278317
0.4458 1.2257 0.4897 -0.0896467 1.5029610
0.6432 1.7342 0.6841 -0.0597866 1.5350095
0.9837 2.1766 0.8823 0.1149269 1.4669614
1.3226 4.6149 1.8905 -0.3003967 1.4411002
1.6900 9.0459 3.7624 -0.5508186 1.4042898
7.5406 14.7785 9.9710 -0.2437469 0.4821482

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MU
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.6981 1.0459 0.2084 -4.3498081 4.0187140
-1.0741 1.8645 0.4465 -3.4055991 3.1758119
-0.8298 2.4109 0.7086 -2.1710415 2.4023426
-0.2727 2.7813 0.9785 -1.2786919 1.8424119
-0.4360 2.9288 1.2703 -1.3432260 1.3055971
0.9756 7.3680 2.6752 -0.6353170 1.7541866
5.9987 10.3541 5.7614 0.0411879 0.7971500
10.9971 26.0004 15.4030 -0.2860417 0.6880088

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MSFT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1171 0.3566 0.0587 0.9948893 5.0749574
0.0030 0.6656 0.1285 -0.9766537 4.1797665
-0.0907 0.8618 0.2137 -1.4244268 3.0327562
-0.2769 1.0725 0.2990 -1.9260870 2.5869565
-0.3164 1.3407 0.3853 -1.8211783 2.4796263
0.4658 1.8734 0.8341 -0.4415538 1.2460137
0.2572 3.9892 1.6217 -0.8414010 1.4598878
1.5412 8.1471 4.2000 -0.6330476 0.9397857

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MAA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0149 0.0844 0.0382 -0.6099476 1.2094241
-0.1643 0.1388 0.0753 -3.1819389 0.8432935
-0.2325 0.3149 0.1096 -3.1213504 1.8731752
-0.5725 0.7835 0.1494 -4.8319946 4.2443106
-0.7173 1.0784 0.1850 -4.8772973 4.8291892
-0.8532 1.5787 0.3676 -3.3210011 3.2946137
-2.0304 2.6572 0.4442 -5.5709140 4.9819901
-2.4040 1.3859 0.7623 -4.1536141 0.8180506

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MHK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0414 0.3133 0.0405 -2.0222222 6.735803
-0.0141 0.7723 0.0952 -1.1481092 7.112395
-0.0209 1.1430 0.1602 -1.1304619 6.134831
0.2014 1.4293 0.2293 -0.1216747 5.233319
0.1523 1.4248 0.3020 -0.4956954 3.717881
0.7599 2.3977 0.7098 0.0705833 2.377994
0.9570 3.3154 1.6183 -0.4086387 1.048693
-0.4661 7.9121 3.9255 -1.1187365 1.015565

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TAP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0877 0.4363 0.0291 -4.0137457 13.9931271
-0.0082 0.8358 0.0700 -1.1171429 10.9400000
-0.0383 1.1156 0.1069 -1.3582788 9.4359214
-0.0179 1.2095 0.1503 -1.1190951 7.0472389
-0.0475 1.0379 0.1965 -1.2417303 4.2819338
0.1242 0.0218 0.4414 -0.7186226 -0.9506117
1.1658 1.2751 0.9340 0.2481799 0.3652034
-0.1406 9.9219 3.5051 -1.0401130 1.8307038

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MDLZ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0796 0.2981 0.0158 -6.0379747 17.867089
-0.3624 0.7476 0.0363 -10.9834711 19.595041
-0.5733 1.3691 0.0776 -8.3878866 16.643041
-0.2850 1.8548 0.1270 -3.2440945 13.604724
-0.5079 2.2550 0.1658 -4.0633293 12.600724
-1.3677 4.1680 0.3713 -4.6835443 10.225424
-0.3783 4.0355 0.4661 -1.8116284 7.658013
1.2039 5.4381 1.6184 -0.2561172 2.360171

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MPWR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0223 0.3890 0.1387 -1.1607787 1.804614
0.0519 0.5836 0.2902 -0.8211578 1.011027
-0.0539 1.1689 0.4510 -1.1195122 1.591796
-0.3812 1.5968 0.6196 -1.6152356 1.577147
-0.4143 2.0169 0.7801 -1.5310858 1.585438
-0.5491 4.3480 1.6011 -1.3429517 1.715633
1.1982 6.7107 2.9218 -0.5899103 1.296769
5.3906 12.6399 8.1347 -0.3373327 0.553825

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MNST
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2223 -0.1569 -0.0229 -10.7074236 5.8515284
-0.2929 -0.1314 -0.0374 -8.8315508 2.5133690
-0.2252 -0.0117 -0.0502 -5.4860558 -0.7669323
-0.1709 0.3771 -0.0556 -4.0737410 -7.7823741
-0.1764 0.9065 -0.0630 -3.8000000 -15.3888889
-0.1146 3.6269 -0.1316 -1.8708207 -28.5600304
0.0901 4.9489 -0.2042 -0.5587659 -25.2355534
0.9282 3.0492 1.0174 -0.0876745 1.9970513

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MCO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0755 0.2224 -0.0055 -14.727273 -41.436364
-0.0634 0.6105 -0.0028 -23.642857 -219.035714
-0.0337 0.7385 0.0179 -2.882682 40.256983
-0.0523 0.8186 0.0545 -1.959633 14.020183
-0.0321 0.8901 0.0862 -1.372390 9.325986
-0.2301 2.2095 0.3311 -1.694956 5.673210
-1.4083 4.7523 0.9196 -2.531427 4.167790
-0.6698 10.5802 3.2201 -1.208006 2.285674

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3675 0.3794 0.1415 1.5971731 1.6812721
0.5794 0.7600 0.2952 0.9627371 1.5745257
0.6938 1.1322 0.4730 0.4668076 1.3936575
0.7616 1.2901 0.6672 0.1414868 0.9336031
0.9420 1.4785 0.8615 0.0934417 0.7161927
2.2604 4.8519 1.9681 0.1485189 1.4652711
6.2013 7.2404 4.5756 0.3552977 0.5823936
8.1145 15.5917 12.0250 -0.3251975 0.2966071

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MOS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0827 0.3734 0.0549 -2.506375 5.8014572
-0.0668 0.6318 0.1340 -1.498508 3.7149254
-0.0513 0.7985 0.2177 -1.235645 2.6678916
-0.2577 1.3305 0.3230 -1.797833 3.1191950
-0.4327 1.5555 0.4374 -1.989255 2.5562414
-1.6054 2.8790 0.8919 -2.799978 2.2279404
-2.6200 4.0689 2.1939 -2.194220 0.8546424
-8.5571 10.7810 2.5628 -4.338965 3.2067270

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MSI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2020 0.1088 0.0968 1.0867769 0.1239669
0.2302 0.2738 0.2036 0.1306483 0.3447937
0.2908 0.4306 0.3213 -0.0949269 0.3401805
0.3796 0.5376 0.4427 -0.1425344 0.2143664
0.4481 0.6010 0.5627 -0.2036609 0.0680647
1.1815 0.5408 1.2317 -0.0407567 -0.5609320
2.6837 1.2119 2.5166 0.0663991 -0.5184376
-1.5883 7.4484 5.1246 -1.3099364 0.4534598

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for MSCI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0796 0.4189 0.0485 0.6412371 7.6371134
0.1307 0.7514 0.0997 0.3109328 6.5366098
0.0879 1.0270 0.1556 -0.4350900 5.6002571
-0.0611 1.3055 0.2210 -1.2764706 4.9072398
-0.1025 1.4470 0.2877 -1.3562739 4.0295447
-0.1795 1.7065 0.6640 -1.2703313 1.5700301
0.6106 1.5097 1.5651 -0.6098652 -0.0353971
1.9057 5.1554 4.2630 -0.5529674 0.2093361

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NDAQ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2241 0.3184 0.0696 -4.219828 3.5747126
-0.3796 0.5388 0.1393 -3.725054 2.8679110
-0.4437 0.7933 0.2124 -3.088983 2.7349341
-0.4923 1.0482 0.2967 -2.659252 2.5328615
-0.4229 1.2514 0.3674 -2.151061 2.4060969
0.3212 0.8920 0.7546 -0.574344 0.1820832
-0.0158 0.9066 1.4334 -1.011023 -0.3675178
-0.5463 3.5303 2.1745 -1.251230 0.6234997

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NTAP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.6621 0.1451 0.1539 3.3021442 -0.0571800
1.2922 0.0923 0.3254 2.9711125 -0.7163491
2.1044 0.1438 0.5207 3.0414826 -0.7238333
2.4684 0.1467 0.7331 2.3670713 -0.7998909
3.2401 0.3311 0.9469 2.4217974 -0.6503327
5.1539 1.2982 2.1244 1.4260497 -0.3889098
6.3860 3.1796 4.7935 0.3322207 -0.3366851
4.0117 8.7836 11.6129 -0.6545480 -0.2436342

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NFLX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1208 0.0247 0.0949 -2.2729189 -0.7397260
-0.6206 0.5358 0.1527 -5.0641781 2.5088409
-1.2221 0.8577 0.2257 -6.4147098 2.8001772
-1.4523 1.5570 0.3236 -5.4879481 3.8114957
-1.5591 2.2605 0.4003 -4.8948289 4.6470147
-0.6277 4.6961 0.8699 -1.7215772 4.3984366
-3.5435 8.6131 2.1938 -2.6152338 2.9261099
0.3422 10.4945 6.6346 -0.9484219 0.5817834

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NWL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0447 0.5552 0.0258 0.7325581 20.5193798
0.3461 0.9667 0.0725 3.7737931 12.3337931
0.5344 1.3035 0.1336 3.0000000 8.7567365
0.7496 1.6508 0.2062 2.6353055 7.0058196
0.8460 1.6601 0.2799 2.0225080 4.9310468
1.6276 1.4204 0.7385 1.2039269 0.9233582
1.8889 2.7442 1.7950 0.0523120 0.5288022
5.9715 6.7577 6.1613 -0.0308052 0.0967978

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NEM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1760 0.6523 0.2927 -0.3987017 1.2285617
0.4825 0.9811 0.5970 -0.1917923 0.6433836
0.8002 1.4926 0.8586 -0.0680177 0.7384114
0.9049 1.9335 1.1436 -0.2087268 0.6907135
1.2830 2.5781 1.4557 -0.1186371 0.7710380
1.9461 2.7893 3.0224 -0.3561077 -0.0771241
5.0771 1.3043 6.2167 -0.1833127 -0.7901942
11.8368 -0.9694 13.6074 -0.1301204 -1.0712406

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NWSA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4298 0.0452 -0.0265 15.218868 -2.705660
0.7151 0.0631 -0.0463 14.444924 -2.362851
0.9083 -0.1932 -0.0558 15.277778 2.462366
0.8984 -0.3871 -0.0633 13.192733 5.115324
0.9101 -0.6736 -0.0603 14.092869 10.170813
1.7158 -0.9363 -0.0995 16.244221 8.410050
2.0542 0.4894 -0.1601 11.830731 -4.056839
-2.5043 10.2174 1.4757 -2.697025 5.923765

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NWS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3976 0.0119 -0.0263 14.117871 -1.4524715
0.5033 0.0156 -0.0498 9.106426 -1.3132530
0.5612 -0.2158 -0.0660 7.503030 2.2696970
0.5588 -0.3448 -0.0760 6.352632 3.5368421
0.7993 -0.6015 -0.0790 9.117722 6.6139241
1.2870 -0.2040 -0.1292 8.961300 0.5789474
1.2183 0.9284 -0.2283 4.336399 -5.0665791
-3.9109 10.0913 0.9678 -5.041021 9.4270510

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NEE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1053 0.2277 0.0597 -2.7638191 2.8140704
-0.0113 0.4182 0.1233 -1.0916464 2.3917275
-0.0955 0.5233 0.1798 -1.5311457 1.9104561
-0.3138 0.4739 0.2372 -2.3229342 0.9978921
-0.2285 0.6055 0.2926 -1.7809296 1.0693780
-0.2250 0.9965 0.5661 -1.3974563 0.7602897
0.4356 2.0554 0.9457 -0.5393888 1.1734165
0.1533 1.2033 1.8246 -0.9159816 -0.3405130

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NLSN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.4536 0.2939 -0.0272 -17.676471 -11.8051471
-0.3613 0.3361 -0.0516 -8.001938 -7.5135659
-0.9036 0.5408 -0.0681 -14.268723 -8.9412628
-1.3745 0.4480 -0.0713 -20.277700 -7.2833100
-1.3464 0.3226 -0.0824 -17.339806 -4.9150485
-1.0658 -0.1508 -0.1274 -9.365777 0.1836735
-2.4635 -0.2540 -0.3608 -7.827883 -0.2960089
-3.1319 -3.2801 -1.3315 -3.352159 1.4634623

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NKE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1919 0.3392 -0.0720 -3.665278 -5.7111111
-0.5842 0.4621 -0.1364 -5.282991 -4.3878299
-1.0065 0.3390 -0.1908 -6.275157 -2.7767296
-1.1529 0.4099 -0.2383 -5.838019 -2.7201007
-1.1929 0.3327 -0.2865 -5.163700 -2.1612565
-1.7737 0.5991 -0.5213 -4.402455 -2.1492423
-2.9534 -0.5685 -1.2599 -3.344154 -0.5487737
-7.9120 -0.4732 -3.6450 -3.170645 -0.8701783

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3051 0.1746 0.0520 -6.8673077 2.3576923
-0.4264 0.3913 0.1036 -5.1158301 2.7770270
-0.3915 0.5490 0.1588 -3.4653652 2.4571788
-0.3047 0.6405 0.2196 -2.3875228 1.9166667
-0.3161 0.6085 0.2745 -2.1515483 1.2167577
0.6772 0.3975 0.5592 0.2110157 -0.2891631
1.6959 -1.1356 0.9116 0.8603554 -2.2457218
1.6264 -3.4224 1.5430 0.0540506 -3.2180169

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NSC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0976 0.3209 0.1229 -1.7941416 1.6110659
-0.0994 0.6851 0.2630 -1.3779468 1.6049430
0.0227 1.0982 0.4120 -0.9449029 1.6655340
-0.1531 1.4054 0.5665 -1.2702560 1.4808473
0.0189 1.6796 0.7325 -0.9741980 1.2929693
0.1016 4.7771 1.6406 -0.9380714 1.9118006
1.4783 6.4471 3.7438 -0.6051338 0.7220738
6.6888 8.7027 8.6667 -0.2282184 0.0041538

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NTRS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2440 0.2197 0.1068 1.2846442 1.0571161
0.2960 0.4557 0.2232 0.3261649 1.0416667
0.3908 0.5564 0.3535 0.1055163 0.5739745
0.3280 0.6904 0.4945 -0.3367037 0.3961577
0.4097 1.1180 0.6348 -0.3545999 0.7611846
0.1116 2.1522 1.3903 -0.9197296 0.5480112
1.2979 4.3798 3.2555 -0.6013208 0.3453540
4.0158 11.7690 7.6147 -0.4726253 0.5455632

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NOC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0648 0.0295 0.0812 -0.2019704 -0.6366995
0.0987 0.2397 0.1666 -0.4075630 0.4387755
0.0931 0.3512 0.2578 -0.6388673 0.3622964
0.2482 0.4134 0.3563 -0.3033960 0.1602582
0.5322 0.4855 0.4497 0.1834556 0.0796086
1.7579 0.7145 0.9540 0.8426625 -0.2510482
2.7564 1.2451 2.2207 0.2412302 -0.4393209
5.6657 8.5568 6.0903 -0.0697174 0.4049883

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NLOK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0508 0.4882 0.0743 -1.6837147 5.5706595
0.1495 1.0923 0.1530 -0.0228758 6.1392157
0.6459 1.3904 0.2397 1.6946183 4.8005841
0.9958 1.7046 0.3251 2.0630575 4.2433098
1.5351 1.6789 0.4106 2.7386751 3.0888943
3.1405 1.0892 0.8750 2.5891429 0.2448000
5.8283 0.3494 2.1079 1.7649794 -0.8342426
8.8212 11.1807 6.9816 0.2634926 0.6014524

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NCLH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0467 0.2791 -0.0862 -0.4582367 -4.2378190
-0.1013 0.7996 -0.1652 -1.6131961 -5.8401937
-0.2279 0.9021 -0.2418 -1.9425145 -4.7307692
-0.3267 0.5797 -0.3078 -2.0614035 -2.8833658
0.0052 0.3719 -0.3794 -0.9862941 -1.9802319
0.1986 1.4129 -0.5145 -0.6139942 -3.7461613
1.2153 1.9604 -0.5683 1.1384832 -4.4495865
-1.3458 -2.7309 -2.6373 -1.5102946 0.0354908

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NOV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1753 0.4157 0.0835 -3.0994012 3.978443
-0.7795 0.7616 0.1993 -4.9111892 2.821375
-1.1799 1.0988 0.3243 -4.6382979 2.388221
-1.2218 1.5953 0.4625 -3.6417297 2.449297
-0.9958 2.2036 0.5959 -2.6710858 2.697936
-1.8619 5.7457 1.2822 -2.4521136 3.481126
-7.6812 13.2747 2.5740 -3.9841492 4.157226
0.3352 11.3035 5.0473 -0.9335883 1.239514

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NRG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5530 0.4661 0.0629 -9.791733 6.4101749
-0.8721 0.5985 0.1618 -6.389988 2.6990111
-1.6452 0.7651 0.2520 -7.528571 2.0361111
-2.3967 0.3096 0.3442 -7.963103 -0.1005230
-2.8660 -0.1089 0.4665 -7.143623 -1.2334405
-3.7624 -0.1778 1.1191 -4.361987 -1.1588777
-0.9637 0.1105 2.2906 -1.420719 -0.9517594
-1.2280 -6.8863 3.3593 -1.365552 -3.0499211

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NUE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3870 0.1320 0.1782 1.1717172 -0.2592593
0.6045 0.4118 0.3748 0.6128602 0.0987193
0.9604 0.8068 0.5962 0.6108688 0.3532372
1.1380 1.0274 0.8423 0.3510626 0.2197554
1.1646 1.2101 1.0919 0.0665812 0.1082517
2.3743 3.4462 2.3823 -0.0033581 0.4465852
4.4891 4.6909 5.2355 -0.1425652 -0.1040206
1.1424 12.4625 11.0370 -0.8964936 0.1291565

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NVDA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.7357 0.8638 0.5127 0.4349522 0.6848059
1.4382 2.2349 1.0589 0.3582019 1.1105865
1.8763 3.4860 1.6245 0.1550015 1.1458910
2.2725 5.6182 2.2400 0.0145089 1.5081250
2.6583 7.7918 2.8434 -0.0650981 1.7403109
3.0080 15.7205 5.9004 -0.4902041 1.6643109
10.1632 22.1123 11.8466 -0.1420998 0.8665524
29.7647 46.1023 31.3891 -0.0517504 0.4687360

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NVR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0432 -0.0800 0.0239 0.8075314 -4.3472803
-0.0249 -0.1385 0.0527 -1.4724858 -3.6280835
-0.1666 -0.1393 0.0904 -2.8429204 -2.5409292
-0.3089 -0.2610 0.1333 -3.3173293 -2.9579895
-0.3917 -0.2795 0.1724 -3.2720418 -2.6212297
0.2329 -0.2852 0.3688 -0.3684924 -1.7733189
-0.2095 0.0454 0.5161 -1.4059291 -0.9120326
-1.8789 0.2493 0.1538 -13.2165150 0.6209363

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ORLY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3706 0.1082 0.0560 -7.6178571 0.9321429
-0.1569 0.3954 0.1268 -2.2373817 2.1182965
-0.3419 0.3795 0.1985 -2.7224181 0.9118388
-0.3983 0.4424 0.2820 -2.4124113 0.5687943
-0.3942 0.7139 0.3611 -2.0916644 0.9770147
0.0620 0.5569 0.7642 -0.9188694 -0.2712641
1.2686 0.8748 1.2993 -0.0236281 -0.3267144
-1.2449 2.2210 2.1527 -1.5782970 0.0317276

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for OXY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1899 0.1704 0.0301 -7.3089701 4.6611296
-0.2338 0.3331 0.0785 -3.9783439 3.2433121
-0.2913 0.5005 0.1339 -3.1755041 2.7378641
-0.1929 0.6379 0.1993 -1.9678876 2.2007025
0.0485 0.7527 0.2750 -0.8236364 1.7370909
0.3156 2.4088 0.6587 -0.5208744 2.6569000
-1.9071 4.4838 1.1860 -2.6080101 2.7806071
-0.4180 1.0889 1.6602 -1.2517769 -0.3441152

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ODFL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0525 0.1896 0.1646 -0.6810450 0.1518834
0.1196 0.3136 0.3433 -0.6516167 -0.0865133
0.3953 0.4759 0.5346 -0.2605686 -0.1098017
0.4748 0.5709 0.7409 -0.3591578 -0.2294507
0.5629 0.6432 0.9512 -0.4082212 -0.3238015
2.9951 0.9048 2.1185 0.4137833 -0.5729054
5.3350 2.1664 4.7294 0.1280501 -0.5419292
6.4754 13.4963 9.3959 -0.3108271 0.4364031

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for OMC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0107 0.2205 0.0630 -1.1698413 2.5000000
0.2642 0.3412 0.1399 0.8884918 1.4388849
0.2218 0.4861 0.2254 -0.0159716 1.1566105
0.2822 0.3350 0.3192 -0.1159148 0.0494987
0.3634 0.2459 0.4128 -0.1196705 -0.4043120
0.7629 0.9416 0.8768 -0.1299042 0.0739051
1.3122 2.4388 1.8162 -0.2775025 0.3428037
1.7797 3.2447 3.4604 -0.4856953 -0.0623338

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for OKE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3206 0.6938 0.3686 -1.8697775 0.8822572
0.0393 1.3337 0.7645 -0.9485939 0.7445389
0.1475 2.0905 1.1767 -0.8746494 0.7765786
0.6682 2.9554 1.5945 -0.5809345 0.8534964
1.4339 4.0218 2.0232 -0.2912713 0.9878410
4.4443 9.0863 4.3376 0.0245989 1.0947759
8.5378 16.1967 8.8770 -0.0382111 0.8245691
22.6523 33.8028 24.2561 -0.0661195 0.3935793

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ORCL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0548 0.1939 0.0376 -2.4574468 4.1569149
0.2236 0.2924 0.0738 2.0298103 2.9620596
0.3275 0.3338 0.1189 1.7544155 1.8074012
0.4729 0.4073 0.1697 1.7866824 1.4001179
0.6806 0.2657 0.2168 2.1392989 0.2255535
1.7784 0.0439 0.4866 2.6547472 -0.9097822
2.8723 0.5144 1.1399 1.5197824 -0.5487323
1.5232 1.9969 2.2818 -0.3324568 -0.1248576

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PCAR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1423 0.3267 0.1347 -2.0564217 1.4253898
-0.3087 0.8553 0.2750 -2.1225455 2.1101818
-0.4216 1.3483 0.4316 -1.9768304 2.1239574
-0.4811 1.6074 0.5964 -1.8066734 1.6951710
-0.2620 1.9896 0.7603 -1.3446008 1.6168618
0.1416 3.8036 1.5957 -0.9112615 1.3836561
1.5228 7.5769 3.2785 -0.5355193 1.3110874
1.4517 8.8570 5.7053 -0.7455524 0.5524162

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PKG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0843 0.3078 0.1404 -0.3995726 1.192308
0.3705 0.7883 0.2889 0.2824507 1.728626
0.4413 1.1714 0.4500 -0.0193333 1.603111
0.6778 1.6424 0.6279 0.0794713 1.615703
0.8735 2.0107 0.7992 0.0929680 1.515891
1.3327 5.0118 1.7359 -0.2322714 1.887148
2.5339 11.3246 4.2596 -0.4051319 1.658606
8.5639 26.5951 13.1171 -0.3471194 1.027514

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1479 0.3302 0.1655 -0.1063444 0.9951662
0.2354 0.9094 0.3401 -0.3078506 1.6739194
0.1145 1.3588 0.5261 -0.7823608 1.5827789
0.0486 1.7472 0.7268 -0.9331315 1.4039626
0.1850 2.0106 0.9265 -0.8003238 1.1701025
0.4967 4.1198 1.9751 -0.7485191 1.0858691
0.7674 5.9121 4.0673 -0.8113245 0.4535687
4.1112 9.4426 8.5196 -0.5174421 0.1083384

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PAYX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2076 0.0618 0.0734 1.8283379 -0.1580381
0.3775 0.2300 0.1563 1.4152271 0.4715291
0.5001 0.1958 0.2594 0.9279106 -0.2451812
0.8042 0.2799 0.3731 1.1554543 -0.2497990
0.8885 0.4990 0.4885 0.8188332 0.0214944
1.5244 0.4573 1.0872 0.4021339 -0.5793782
2.1490 1.1897 2.2147 -0.0296654 -0.4628166
1.3693 5.7252 4.2346 -0.6766401 0.3520049

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PAYC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0850 0.6222 0.1468 -0.4209809 3.2384196
0.0387 1.1583 0.3022 -0.8719391 2.8328921
-0.0969 1.3366 0.4519 -1.2144280 1.9577340
-0.3144 1.7076 0.6306 -1.4985728 1.7078972
-0.4032 2.6685 0.8030 -1.5021171 2.3231631
0.4701 6.7266 1.7470 -0.7309101 2.8503721
5.9448 9.7101 3.7852 0.5705379 1.5652806
13.5739 18.3108 11.7447 0.1557468 0.5590692

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PYPL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.4824 0.5418 0.0716 -7.7374302 6.5670391
-0.6269 0.8114 0.1568 -4.9980867 4.1747449
-1.0227 1.2856 0.2486 -5.1138375 4.1713596
-1.4270 1.5852 0.3468 -5.1147636 3.5709343
-1.4660 1.8801 0.4386 -4.3424533 3.2865937
-1.0982 2.2114 0.8989 -2.2217154 1.4601179
-0.7016 2.7124 1.7014 -1.4123663 0.5942165
0.2240 1.8368 3.6049 -0.9378624 -0.4904713

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PNR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1126 0.1096 0.0697 -2.6154950 0.5724534
-0.2226 0.3940 0.1549 -2.4370562 1.5435765
-0.6818 0.7557 0.2509 -3.7174173 2.0119570
-0.9388 0.9812 0.3618 -3.5948038 1.7119956
-0.9102 1.3601 0.4703 -2.9353604 1.8919838
-0.2550 2.8477 1.0117 -1.2520510 1.8147672
0.9975 3.7756 2.3596 -0.5772589 0.6001017
3.5275 1.7778 5.7400 -0.3854530 -0.6902787

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PBCT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2424 0.3496 0.0928 1.6120690 2.7672414
0.4995 0.7629 0.1906 1.6206716 3.0026233
0.6075 1.0397 0.2997 1.0270270 2.4691358
0.5201 1.2507 0.4172 0.2466443 1.9978428
0.5774 1.4045 0.5326 0.0841157 1.6370635
1.1635 2.0992 1.1635 0.0000000 0.8042114
2.2152 3.5159 2.6799 -0.1734020 0.3119519
1.7923 8.3689 5.5602 -0.6776555 0.5051437

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PEP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0021 0.2403 0.0240 -1.0875000 9.0125000
-0.0753 0.3627 0.0487 -2.5462012 6.4476386
-0.1465 0.4033 0.0802 -2.8266833 4.0286783
-0.1400 0.4859 0.1151 -2.2163336 3.2215465
-0.2917 0.5698 0.1492 -2.9550938 2.8190349
-0.2818 1.1231 0.3574 -1.7884723 2.1424175
0.7343 1.1999 0.6676 0.0999101 0.7973337
0.6804 0.9878 1.5564 -0.5628373 -0.3653302

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PKI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1495 0.2388 0.0052 27.7500000 44.923077
0.1373 0.5189 0.0156 7.8012821 32.262820
-0.0929 0.6588 0.0423 -3.1962175 14.574468
-0.2120 0.7811 0.0795 -3.6666667 8.825157
-0.0903 0.9920 0.1290 -1.7000000 6.689922
0.0160 1.6501 0.3914 -0.9591211 3.215892
0.2137 3.4776 0.8634 -0.7524902 3.027797
1.5842 2.5633 2.4120 -0.3432007 0.062728

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PRGO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1282 -0.0240 -0.1830 -1.700546 -0.8688525
-0.5085 -0.1081 -0.3806 -2.336048 -0.7159748
-0.7887 0.1183 -0.5775 -2.365714 -1.2048485
-0.9479 0.2407 -0.7524 -2.259835 -1.3199096
-1.1407 0.0143 -0.9402 -2.213252 -1.0152095
-2.9715 -0.6321 -1.9638 -2.513138 -0.6781240
-6.0374 -0.3178 -4.1944 -2.439395 -0.9242323
-11.4404 -9.5530 -10.4811 -2.091527 -0.0885499

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PFE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0493 0.1452 0.0108 -5.5648148 12.444444
-0.0988 0.2753 0.0297 -4.3265993 8.269360
0.0336 0.5425 0.0489 -0.3128834 10.094069
-0.0279 0.6246 0.0757 -1.3685601 7.250991
0.0196 0.7043 0.0998 -0.8036072 6.057114
0.7741 -0.1287 0.2411 2.2107010 -1.533803
1.1419 -0.1966 0.5134 1.2241917 -1.382937
2.0587 -1.2332 1.8201 0.1310917 -1.677545

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2390 0.1588 0.0215 -12.1162791 6.386046
-0.3406 0.1793 0.0444 -8.6711712 3.038288
-0.4429 0.2573 0.0663 -7.6802413 2.880845
-0.5211 0.3579 0.0929 -6.6092573 2.852530
-0.5677 0.5062 0.1084 -6.2370849 3.669742
0.1137 0.7542 0.2082 -0.4538905 2.622478
1.1234 -0.1592 0.3410 2.2944282 -1.466862
0.8217 -2.6237 0.5764 0.4255725 -5.551874

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PSX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2471 0.2581 0.0373 -7.624665 5.9195710
-0.5042 0.5625 0.0879 -6.736064 5.3993174
-0.9230 0.9690 0.1499 -7.157438 5.4643095
-0.9333 1.1239 0.2211 -5.221167 4.0832203
-0.8637 1.0939 0.2864 -4.015712 2.8194832
-0.5246 1.4833 0.5492 -1.955208 1.7008376
-0.3902 2.3820 1.0816 -1.360762 1.2022929
-3.2923 2.3486 1.5288 -3.153519 0.5362376

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PNW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0821 0.2453 0.0830 -1.9891566 1.9554217
-0.1448 0.3866 0.1671 -1.8665470 1.3135847
-0.2409 0.6235 0.2455 -1.9812627 1.5397149
-0.2012 0.7965 0.3325 -1.6051128 1.3954887
-0.3122 1.0112 0.4132 -1.7555663 1.4472410
0.1737 1.4216 0.8217 -0.7886090 0.7300718
0.7482 0.9410 1.5551 -0.5188734 -0.3948942
0.0779 2.2509 3.0122 -0.9741385 -0.2527389

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PXD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0612 0.8923 0.1714 -1.3570595 4.2059510
-0.0599 1.3563 0.3740 -1.1601604 2.6264706
0.3421 1.1663 0.5739 -0.4039031 1.0322356
0.5479 1.2363 0.7823 -0.2996293 0.5803400
0.9950 1.2245 0.9982 -0.0032058 0.2267081
2.9521 2.7063 2.1020 0.4044244 0.2874881
4.0110 4.6797 4.4794 -0.1045676 0.0447158
6.7866 14.6618 11.5279 -0.4112891 0.2718535

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PNC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1695 0.2447 0.1003 0.6899302 1.4396810
0.2006 0.3741 0.2061 -0.0266861 0.8151383
0.1793 0.5178 0.3256 -0.4493243 0.5902948
0.1309 0.7046 0.4561 -0.7130015 0.5448367
0.1675 0.8181 0.5851 -0.7137241 0.3982225
1.2745 1.3692 1.2654 0.0071914 0.0820294
3.7089 3.6424 2.7131 0.3670340 0.3425233
6.8136 9.0244 6.4729 0.0526348 0.3941819

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for POOL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1692 0.1328 0.1157 0.4624028 0.1477960
0.3728 0.2820 0.2418 0.5417701 0.1662531
0.3556 0.5321 0.3733 -0.0474149 0.4253951
0.4250 0.7496 0.5177 -0.1790612 0.4479428
0.3796 1.0461 0.6639 -0.4282271 0.5756891
0.9529 1.9164 1.4144 -0.3262868 0.3549208
2.8670 4.2330 2.7970 0.0250268 0.5134072
1.0742 9.9949 6.1688 -0.8258656 0.6202341

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PPG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0314 0.0937 -0.0042 -8.476190 -23.3095238
-0.0083 0.3120 -0.0005 -17.600000 -625.0000000
0.0895 0.4612 0.0052 16.211538 87.6923077
0.0590 0.6356 0.0200 1.950000 30.7800000
0.2540 0.7251 0.0298 7.523490 23.3322148
0.8292 1.2826 0.1280 5.478125 9.0203125
2.0220 0.9139 0.4053 3.988897 1.2548729
-1.8250 0.3340 0.3306 -6.520266 0.0102843

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PPL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2344 0.1594 0.0068 -35.470588 22.4411765
-0.5085 0.3812 0.0173 -30.393064 21.0346821
-0.7919 0.5631 0.0281 -29.181495 19.0391459
-0.9044 0.6562 0.0443 -21.415350 13.8126411
-1.1355 1.0028 0.0545 -21.834862 17.4000000
-1.9119 1.2849 0.1361 -15.047759 8.4408523
-1.7629 0.9913 0.0716 -25.621508 12.8449721
-2.7816 -0.9204 -0.8253 -4.370411 0.1152308

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PFG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0295 0.6155 0.1248 -1.2363782 3.9318910
-0.0663 1.3276 0.2668 -1.2485007 3.9760120
-0.2508 1.5074 0.4279 -1.5861183 2.5227857
-0.2093 1.5843 0.5932 -1.3528321 1.6707687
-0.0796 1.9053 0.7636 -1.1042431 1.4951545
-0.0466 4.3313 1.6986 -1.0274344 1.5499235
2.1683 7.4453 3.9110 -0.4455894 0.9036819
8.9436 15.0949 10.8174 -0.1732209 0.3954277

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0367 0.2429 0.0310 -2.1838710 6.8354839
-0.0380 0.4197 0.0664 -1.5722892 5.3207831
0.0836 0.4329 0.1040 -0.1961538 3.1625000
0.1697 0.5027 0.1502 0.1298269 2.3468708
0.0951 0.6457 0.1943 -0.5105507 2.3232115
0.2128 1.0559 0.4290 -0.5039627 1.4613054
0.9274 0.7826 0.7431 0.2480151 0.0531557
0.5643 2.6723 1.3940 -0.5951937 0.9170014

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PGR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0781 0.2559 0.0540 0.4462963 3.7388889
0.0683 0.4585 0.1137 -0.3992964 3.0325418
0.0529 0.6467 0.1800 -0.7061111 2.5927778
0.0885 0.7217 0.2556 -0.6537559 1.8235524
0.0615 0.9510 0.3225 -0.8093023 1.9488372
0.4066 1.2485 0.7073 -0.4251378 0.7651633
1.1404 1.1925 1.3347 -0.1455758 -0.1065408
-1.1058 1.4680 1.8037 -1.6130731 -0.1861174

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PLD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0332 0.3887 0.0941 -1.3528162 3.1307120
0.0669 0.8074 0.1883 -0.6447159 3.2878386
0.3471 1.2472 0.2864 0.2119413 3.3547486
0.4587 1.3992 0.3936 0.1653963 2.5548780
0.5781 1.8167 0.4993 0.1578209 2.6384939
1.2233 3.2758 1.1280 0.0844858 1.9040780
2.9335 4.2673 2.4981 0.1742925 0.7082182
7.2071 4.5272 6.8325 0.0548262 -0.3374021

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PRU
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4227 0.1097 0.1249 2.3843074 -0.1216974
0.6792 0.3019 0.2616 1.5963303 0.1540520
1.0642 0.2872 0.4210 1.5277910 -0.3178147
1.4826 0.5562 0.5889 1.5175751 -0.0555273
1.5676 0.9132 0.7587 1.0661658 0.2036378
1.5328 2.9595 1.6857 -0.0907042 0.7556505
3.2236 4.7824 3.7607 -0.1428192 0.2716781
10.8482 10.1040 9.5347 0.1377600 0.0597082

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PEG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3286 0.0244 0.0551 -6.9637024 -0.5571688
-0.4271 0.1931 0.1142 -4.7399299 0.6908932
-0.5289 0.3549 0.1655 -4.1957704 1.1444109
-0.3405 0.4430 0.2244 -2.5173797 0.9741533
-0.1366 0.5681 0.2789 -1.4897813 1.0369308
0.5812 0.4373 0.5255 0.1059943 -0.1678402
1.0936 -0.7447 0.8368 0.3068834 -1.8899379
-0.3164 -1.8042 0.3337 -1.9481570 -6.4066527

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PSA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3848 -0.0101 -0.0372 -11.344086 -0.7284946
-0.5106 0.0447 -0.0798 -7.398496 -1.5601504
-0.7474 0.3449 -0.1220 -7.126229 -3.8270492
-1.0612 0.5332 -0.1579 -7.720709 -4.3768208
-0.9668 0.8421 -0.2008 -5.814741 -5.1937251
-0.4635 1.7202 -0.4494 -2.031375 -4.8277704
-3.2517 0.1536 -1.0242 -4.174868 -1.1499707
-6.8486 -2.6851 -3.5651 -2.921012 -0.2468374

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PHM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5223 0.3049 0.0391 -14.3580563 6.7979540
-0.6752 0.2862 0.0883 -8.6466591 2.2412231
-0.7628 0.4592 0.1499 -6.0887258 2.0633756
-0.8107 0.3186 0.2229 -4.6370570 0.4293405
-0.6022 0.5729 0.2833 -3.1256618 1.0222379
0.2038 1.6727 0.6691 -0.6954117 1.4999253
0.1239 2.1459 1.4936 -0.9170461 0.4367300
2.0245 2.9819 3.2805 -0.3828685 -0.0910227

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PVH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5418 0.2029 0.1000 -6.4180000 1.0290000
-0.6027 0.4037 0.2144 -3.8111007 0.8829291
-0.7337 0.4925 0.3306 -3.2192982 0.4897157
-0.8329 0.9752 0.4565 -2.8245345 1.1362541
-0.7770 1.3035 0.5845 -2.3293413 1.2301112
0.4438 4.3547 1.3065 -0.6603138 2.3331037
2.4710 6.7413 3.2238 -0.2335132 1.0911037
1.1478 12.2029 8.9011 -0.8710496 0.3709429

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for QRVO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3394 1.0780 0.0809 3.1953028 12.3250927
0.7849 1.9158 0.1980 2.9641414 8.6757576
0.7889 2.7453 0.3119 1.5293363 7.8018596
1.2663 3.1081 0.4371 1.8970487 6.1107298
1.6827 3.2418 0.5568 2.0220905 4.8221983
3.5113 4.5276 1.3684 1.5659895 2.3086817
2.7662 7.6511 3.2260 -0.1425294 1.3716987
1.2770 11.6509 7.5053 -0.8298536 0.5523563

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for PWR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2316 0.5520 0.2483 -0.0672573 1.2231172
0.6202 1.4002 0.4958 0.2509076 1.8241226
0.8257 2.3418 0.7543 0.0946573 2.1046003
1.0888 3.1127 1.0290 0.0581147 2.0249757
1.2339 3.7439 1.3107 -0.0585946 1.8564126
2.0094 7.1877 2.8230 -0.2882040 1.5461211
3.4136 9.8065 5.9966 -0.4307441 0.6353434
10.0476 17.0625 14.0895 -0.2868732 0.2110082

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for QCOM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1050 0.4012 0.1289 -0.1854151 2.1124903
0.3210 0.9738 0.2657 0.2081295 2.6650358
0.1792 1.5025 0.4203 -0.5736379 2.5748275
0.1277 1.8367 0.5907 -0.7838158 2.1093618
0.0435 2.1304 0.7572 -0.9425515 1.8135235
-0.0237 4.2373 1.5886 -1.0149188 1.6673171
1.1192 7.6120 3.4166 -0.6724229 1.2279459
4.9177 12.4256 8.8960 -0.4472010 0.3967626

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DGX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0435 0.0590 0.1113 -0.6091644 -0.4699012
-0.0257 0.3101 0.2281 -1.1126699 0.3594915
0.1532 0.3977 0.3543 -0.5675981 0.1224951
0.4104 0.5328 0.4882 -0.1593609 0.0913560
0.5546 0.8010 0.6199 -0.1053396 0.2921439
1.5712 2.0745 1.3380 0.1742900 0.5504484
3.3256 5.1102 2.8725 0.1577372 0.7790078
5.8954 8.0671 7.0921 -0.1687370 0.1374769

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.5677 -0.0716 -0.0538 -11.552045 0.3308550
-1.3121 -0.2703 -0.0919 -15.277475 1.9412405
-1.7212 -0.1296 -0.1178 -15.611205 0.1001698
-2.1901 0.5023 -0.1353 -17.186992 -4.7124908
-2.3569 1.0878 -0.1515 -16.557096 -8.1801980
-2.8582 3.9086 -0.1876 -16.235608 -21.8347548
-3.8113 6.1397 -0.2449 -16.562679 -26.0702327
-2.7158 9.7154 1.4016 -2.937643 5.9316495

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RJF
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3368 0.1276 0.1013 2.3247779 0.2596249
0.4708 0.3796 0.2211 1.1293532 0.7168702
0.6148 0.5953 0.3628 0.6945976 0.6408490
0.6522 0.6386 0.5244 0.2437071 0.2177727
0.6311 0.9659 0.6857 -0.0796267 0.4086335
0.9094 3.2353 1.6261 -0.4407478 0.9896070
0.8995 7.4828 4.0933 -0.7802507 0.8280605
8.1504 18.0291 11.0429 -0.2619330 0.6326418

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RTX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3015 0.1634 0.0602 4.0083056 1.7142857
0.5303 0.2337 0.1354 2.9165436 0.7259970
0.5649 0.1498 0.2147 1.6311132 -0.3022823
0.7596 0.1144 0.3048 1.4921260 -0.6246719
0.8805 0.0499 0.3932 1.2393184 -0.8730926
1.2768 0.5379 0.9042 0.4120770 -0.4051095
1.5946 2.0458 2.0371 -0.2172206 0.0042708
0.3300 6.9339 4.3958 -0.9249283 0.5773921

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for O
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1332 0.1077 0.0481 -3.769231 1.239085
-0.2022 0.2682 0.0903 -3.239203 1.970100
-0.3320 0.3341 0.1348 -3.462908 1.478487
-0.4944 0.3984 0.1857 -3.662359 1.145396
-0.6329 0.5345 0.2288 -3.766171 1.336101
-0.6320 0.5264 0.4480 -2.410714 0.175000
-0.1638 -2.4044 0.5909 -1.277204 -5.069047
-1.5078 -4.0285 0.6916 -3.180162 -6.824899

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for REG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3242 -0.0421 0.0075 -44.226667 -6.613333
-0.4765 0.0262 0.0071 -68.112676 2.690141
-0.7551 0.0077 0.0025 -303.040000 2.080000
-1.1307 0.0585 0.0051 -222.705882 10.470588
-1.2736 0.1067 0.0063 -203.158730 15.936508
-0.8432 -0.3964 0.0233 -37.188841 -18.012875
0.5545 -3.1066 -0.1600 2.465625 18.416250
-0.3848 -8.1972 -0.4811 -1.799834 16.038453

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for REGN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2062 0.2438 -0.0995 -3.0723618 -3.450251
0.0082 0.3215 -0.2017 -0.9593456 -2.593951
-0.0569 0.4814 -0.2837 -1.2005640 -2.696863
-0.3808 1.1204 -0.3433 -2.1092339 -4.263618
-0.7322 1.4790 -0.4045 -2.8101360 -4.656366
-2.5217 3.1399 -0.7349 -4.4313512 -5.272554
-5.8292 6.5741 -1.3050 -5.4668199 -6.037624
-3.8835 5.5096 -1.7892 -3.1705231 -4.079365

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RF
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2119 0.5533 0.1920 0.1036458 1.8817708
0.4519 0.6652 0.3898 0.1593125 0.7065162
0.5280 0.9923 0.6079 -0.1314361 0.6323408
0.7087 1.4772 0.8461 -0.1623922 0.7458929
0.8342 1.9335 1.0897 -0.2344682 0.7743416
1.6899 4.6076 2.3974 -0.2951114 0.9219154
3.6822 8.1701 5.4145 -0.3199372 0.5089297
8.7936 19.2395 13.4975 -0.3485016 0.4254121

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RSG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1431 0.0303 0.1092 0.3104396 -0.7225275
0.2893 0.2152 0.2175 0.3301149 -0.0105747
0.2804 0.3350 0.3273 -0.1432936 0.0235258
0.3742 0.2989 0.4392 -0.1479964 -0.3194444
0.4766 0.3778 0.5480 -0.1302920 -0.3105839
1.0026 0.9547 1.1273 -0.1106183 -0.1531092
2.3759 1.9651 2.4102 -0.0142312 -0.1846735
2.7013 7.3333 5.1149 -0.4718763 0.4337133

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RMD
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3037 -0.1276 0.0772 -4.9339378 -2.6528497
-0.6836 -0.1450 0.1677 -5.0763268 -1.8646392
-0.6019 -0.2498 0.2493 -3.4143602 -2.0020056
-0.5506 -0.1512 0.3270 -2.6837920 -1.4623853
-0.4419 -0.1623 0.4043 -2.0930002 -1.4014346
0.1323 0.0245 0.7626 -0.8265146 -0.9678731
1.5205 1.3467 1.2123 0.2542275 0.1108636
4.1312 -0.6952 2.0211 1.0440354 -1.3439711

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RHI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.4279 0.0209 0.0418 9.2368421 -0.500000
0.4036 -0.0349 0.0934 3.3211991 -1.373662
0.1990 -0.1192 0.1499 0.3275517 -1.795197
0.2689 -0.1188 0.2165 0.2420323 -1.548730
0.3547 -0.0223 0.2841 0.2485040 -1.078493
1.1798 2.0094 0.6749 0.7481108 1.977330
1.6965 5.1481 1.3829 0.2267698 2.722684
-5.0078 7.2332 2.2577 -3.2180981 2.203791

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ROK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1373 0.5593 0.1267 -2.0836622 3.4143646
-0.0588 1.0937 0.2679 -1.2194849 3.0824935
-0.1393 1.4635 0.4261 -1.3269186 2.4346398
-0.1555 1.5578 0.5896 -1.2637381 1.6421303
0.2015 1.7853 0.7521 -0.7320835 1.3737535
1.0997 2.7560 1.5915 -0.3090167 0.7316997
3.0198 4.3493 3.4486 -0.1243403 0.2611784
5.6732 8.9127 7.3383 -0.2269054 0.2145456

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ROL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1197 0.3113 0.1254 -0.0454545 1.4824561
-0.1114 0.6605 0.2588 -1.4304482 1.5521638
-0.1955 1.0659 0.4020 -1.4863184 1.6514925
-0.3453 1.3247 0.5482 -1.6298796 1.4164538
-0.3367 1.6302 0.6936 -1.4854383 1.3503460
0.2991 3.2236 1.2911 -0.7683371 1.4967857
0.6151 4.9298 2.4078 -0.7445386 1.0474292
1.4690 7.3068 4.8074 -0.6944294 0.5199068

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ROP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1306 0.2801 -0.0015 86.0666667 -187.733333
0.0990 0.4371 0.0044 21.5000000 98.340909
0.1462 0.5536 0.0224 5.5267857 23.714286
0.1201 0.7234 0.0506 1.3735178 13.296443
0.2621 0.7619 0.0830 2.1578313 8.179518
-0.2629 1.4306 0.2728 -1.9637097 4.244135
0.3758 2.4628 0.7400 -0.4921622 2.328108
-1.5177 3.9335 1.5040 -2.0091090 1.615359

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ROST
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1188 0.1076 0.0813 -2.4612546 0.3234932
-0.0474 0.0863 0.1725 -1.2747826 -0.4997101
0.0822 -0.0801 0.2642 -0.6888721 -1.3031794
0.3908 -0.0178 0.3726 0.0488459 -1.0477724
0.4091 0.1602 0.4774 -0.1430666 -0.6644323
1.1316 0.9752 1.0490 0.0787417 -0.0703527
2.3966 3.4113 2.1016 0.1403692 0.6231919
3.4642 8.6405 4.7784 -0.2750293 0.8082413

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for RCL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2421 0.9986 -0.0330 -8.3363636 -31.260606
-0.4382 1.3641 -0.0556 -8.8812950 -25.534173
-0.3446 1.5258 -0.0771 -5.4695201 -20.789883
-0.3742 1.9835 -0.0922 -5.0585683 -22.513015
-0.4479 2.4695 -0.1088 -5.1167279 -23.697610
-1.1235 4.0917 -0.0743 -16.1211306 -56.069986
0.4191 5.9084 0.1834 1.2851690 31.215922
2.5297 5.9467 1.4080 0.7966619 3.223508

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SPGI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0815 -0.1450 0.0602 0.3538206 -3.4086379
0.1502 -0.1612 0.1279 0.1743550 -2.2603597
0.0647 -0.2080 0.2066 -0.6868345 -2.0067764
0.1408 -0.3376 0.3004 -0.5312916 -2.1238349
0.2641 -0.6087 0.3957 -0.3325752 -2.5382866
0.7374 -0.5646 1.0202 -0.2772005 -1.5534209
1.5562 1.9327 2.5463 -0.3888387 -0.2409771
6.1580 6.4544 8.0469 -0.2347364 -0.1979023

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for CRM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0474 -0.0978 -0.0248 0.9112903 2.9435484
0.1149 -0.0998 -0.0460 1.4978261 1.1695652
0.2887 -0.0553 -0.0646 3.4690402 -0.1439628
0.4153 0.1125 -0.0715 4.8083916 -2.5734266
0.5906 0.1104 -0.0733 7.0572988 -2.5061392
0.7758 0.9131 -0.0644 11.0465839 -15.1785714
0.1971 1.9783 0.2340 -0.1576923 7.4542735
3.5145 3.5290 2.2521 0.5605435 0.5669819

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SBAC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1931 0.0470 0.0009 -215.5555556 51.222222
-0.3244 0.3122 0.0076 -43.6842105 40.078947
-0.3740 0.3832 0.0297 -13.5925926 11.902357
-0.7617 0.4765 0.0617 -13.3452188 6.722853
-0.8591 0.5898 0.0800 -11.7387500 6.372500
-0.8805 1.7299 0.2916 -4.0195473 4.932442
-0.4009 1.2011 0.5909 -1.6784566 1.032662
1.9948 5.4282 2.7117 -0.2643729 1.001770

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SLB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0063 0.1015 0.0881 -0.9284904 0.1520999
-0.1398 0.2974 0.1868 -1.7483940 0.5920771
-0.3312 0.3538 0.2973 -2.1140262 0.1900437
-0.2848 0.5413 0.4172 -1.6826462 0.2974593
0.0320 0.7508 0.5407 -0.9408175 0.3885704
-0.3461 2.4160 1.2029 -1.2877213 1.0084795
-1.6292 5.2640 2.3761 -1.6856614 1.2153950
1.7311 6.4323 4.3631 -0.6032408 0.4742500

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for STX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.6261 0.3990 0.0828 6.5615942 3.8188406
0.9827 0.5278 0.1959 4.0163349 1.6942318
1.4189 -0.1091 0.3196 3.4396120 -1.3413642
1.8504 -0.8828 0.4632 2.9948187 -2.9058722
1.9421 -1.0598 0.6199 2.1329247 -2.7096306
1.8320 -2.1991 1.4620 0.2530780 -2.5041724
2.4870 2.4194 3.9477 -0.3700129 -0.3871368
7.4588 16.9069 8.8573 -0.1578924 0.9088097

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SEE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0277 0.4683 0.0309 -0.1035599 14.1553398
0.1720 0.6800 0.0663 1.5942685 9.2564103
0.0594 0.9001 0.1132 -0.4752650 6.9514134
0.2415 1.1006 0.1707 0.4147627 5.4475688
0.2522 1.2510 0.2252 0.1198934 4.5550622
-0.2689 1.8349 0.5523 -1.4868731 2.3222886
0.3178 2.8132 1.3814 -0.7699435 1.0364847
-1.4710 3.0078 2.2332 -1.6586960 0.3468565

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SRE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1296 0.1858 0.0342 -4.7894737 4.4327485
0.0280 0.3377 0.0802 -0.6508728 3.2107232
0.0106 0.4302 0.1418 -0.9252468 2.0338505
0.0445 0.4186 0.2047 -0.7826087 1.0449438
-0.1547 0.3857 0.2599 -1.5952289 0.4840323
-0.4112 0.7540 0.5277 -1.7792306 0.4288421
0.8164 -0.3140 0.9284 -0.1206377 -1.3382163
-0.1509 -1.0273 1.8316 -1.0823870 -1.5608757

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for NOW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2457 0.3287 -0.0105 -24.4000000 -32.304762
0.1664 0.4074 -0.0005 331.8000000 -815.800000
0.0003 0.5583 0.0097 -0.9690722 56.556701
-0.2783 0.9347 0.0446 -7.2399103 19.957399
-0.4189 1.4798 0.0730 -6.7383562 19.271233
-0.2587 4.7610 0.2940 -1.8799320 15.193878
-1.0822 10.6332 1.2534 -1.8634115 7.483485
5.3160 18.0023 7.6396 -0.3041520 1.356445

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SHW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0134 0.1303 0.0313 -1.4281150 3.1629393
0.0997 0.2707 0.0749 0.3311081 2.6141522
0.2536 0.5280 0.1280 0.9812500 3.1250000
-0.0171 0.8022 0.1858 -1.0920344 3.3175457
0.0770 1.1787 0.2432 -0.6833882 3.8466283
0.4137 0.9227 0.5037 -0.1786778 0.8318444
2.0685 0.4382 0.8993 1.3001223 -0.5127321
1.9429 -3.2096 0.8935 1.1744824 -4.5921656

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SPG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1649 0.0342 -0.0326 -6.0582822 -2.049080
-0.1723 0.1030 -0.0685 -3.5153285 -2.503650
-0.0441 0.1855 -0.0993 -1.4441088 -2.868076
0.0878 0.3304 -0.1158 -0.2417962 -3.853195
0.2784 0.5876 -0.1331 1.0916604 -5.414726
1.2505 0.5848 -0.1591 6.8598366 -4.675676
2.4704 -1.5473 -0.1705 13.4891496 8.075073
-0.6811 -3.0462 -0.4661 -2.4612744 5.535507

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SWKS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0554 0.7226 0.0368 0.5054348 18.6358696
-0.0670 1.1283 0.1093 -1.6129918 9.3229643
-0.0871 1.6162 0.1941 -1.4487378 7.3266358
-0.0911 1.3849 0.2836 -1.3212271 3.8832863
-0.5566 1.1821 0.3735 -2.4902276 2.1649264
-0.1137 2.3778 0.8997 -1.1263755 1.6428810
0.1645 3.5754 1.7683 -0.9069728 1.0219420
-2.4592 5.6457 4.6705 -1.5265389 0.2087999

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SLG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0317 -0.2260 0.0016 18.8125000 -142.250000
0.1487 -0.2241 0.0009 164.2222222 -250.000000
0.2889 -0.1527 0.0104 26.7788462 -15.682692
0.7137 0.1783 0.0329 20.6930091 4.419453
1.1090 0.5281 0.0530 19.9245283 8.964151
1.9280 2.0825 0.2942 5.5533651 6.078518
3.1263 2.5384 1.0168 2.0746459 1.496460
1.4920 8.5828 3.3696 -0.5572175 1.547127

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SNA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1255 0.0393 0.0164 -8.6524390 1.396341
-0.2160 0.2068 0.0359 -7.0167131 4.760446
-0.4816 0.4893 0.0662 -8.2749245 6.391239
-0.4259 0.7945 0.1061 -5.0141376 6.488219
-0.3821 1.0449 0.1427 -3.6776454 6.322355
-0.1290 1.8201 0.3341 -1.3861119 4.447770
0.7947 3.2107 0.8462 -0.0608603 2.794257
-1.1435 6.0167 2.5048 -1.4565235 1.402068

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1530 0.0289 0.0201 -8.611940 0.4378109
-0.2321 0.2107 0.0420 -6.526191 4.0166667
-0.2492 0.3510 0.0633 -4.936809 4.5450237
-0.3164 0.6219 0.0908 -4.484581 5.8491189
-0.3744 0.8387 0.1161 -4.224806 6.2239449
-0.6247 1.1291 0.2268 -3.754409 3.9783951
-0.8406 1.5874 0.2422 -4.470685 5.5540875
-3.0554 1.8933 0.4337 -8.044962 3.3654600

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for LUV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1048 0.0626 0.0831 0.2611312 -0.2466907
0.0975 0.2058 0.1678 -0.4189511 0.2264601
-0.5990 0.2260 0.2627 -3.2801675 -0.1397031
-1.2181 0.4244 0.3597 -4.3864331 0.1798721
-1.5298 0.5946 0.4612 -4.3169991 0.2892454
-2.6957 3.6330 1.0548 -3.5556504 2.4442548
1.0404 3.4265 2.3624 -0.5596004 0.4504318
-0.0124 4.1383 4.6263 -1.0026803 -0.1054839

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SWK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0383 0.1610 0.0523 -0.2676864 2.078394
0.1055 0.3690 0.1118 -0.0563506 2.300537
0.2133 0.5220 0.1822 0.1706915 1.864983
0.3866 0.7626 0.2664 0.4512012 1.862613
0.6496 0.9886 0.3509 0.8512397 1.817327
1.7457 2.0406 0.7785 1.2423892 1.621195
3.5280 4.5980 1.9115 0.8456709 1.405441
6.0345 7.5365 5.7652 0.0467113 0.307240

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SBUX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1111 0.1362 -0.0140 -8.935714 -10.728571
-0.3622 0.3842 -0.0192 -19.864583 -21.010417
-0.4328 0.6542 -0.0140 -31.914286 -47.728571
-0.2666 0.7818 -0.0058 -46.965517 -135.793103
-0.0926 0.9547 -0.0054 -18.148148 -177.796296
0.3861 1.2129 -0.0243 14.888889 -50.913580
-0.3228 0.9745 -0.0565 -6.713274 -18.247788
-5.1161 3.1815 -0.7406 -7.908048 -5.295841

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for STT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0202 0.5371 0.0885 -0.7717514 5.0689266
0.4153 0.7686 0.1917 1.1664058 3.0093897
0.3082 0.9381 0.3149 -0.0212766 1.9790410
0.1740 0.9494 0.4521 -0.6151294 1.0999779
-0.0142 1.0790 0.5892 -1.0241005 0.8312967
0.7068 1.4621 1.3637 -0.4817042 0.0721566
1.5987 7.0906 3.3071 -0.5165855 1.1440537
5.0826 17.3056 8.4593 -0.3991701 1.0457485

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for STE
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0384 0.2808 -0.0302 -2.271523 -10.2980132
-0.1158 0.1426 -0.0605 -2.914050 -3.3570248
-0.2450 0.2677 -0.0817 -3.998776 -4.2766218
-0.2995 0.1904 -0.0847 -4.536009 -3.2479339
-0.4715 -0.1187 -0.0822 -6.736010 0.4440389
-0.4876 0.2414 -0.0254 -20.196850 -10.5039370
-0.7596 0.8288 -0.0809 -10.389370 -11.2447466
-2.6639 4.5605 0.1748 -16.239702 25.0898169

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SYK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0725 0.3063 0.1173 -1.6180733 1.6112532
-0.1236 0.4487 0.2388 -1.5175879 0.8789782
-0.1271 0.5769 0.3691 -1.3443511 0.5629911
-0.0273 0.6465 0.5062 -1.0539313 0.2771632
0.2727 0.7734 0.6451 -0.5772748 0.1988839
0.8804 0.8670 1.2662 -0.3046912 -0.3152740
1.3373 0.9977 2.1527 -0.3787801 -0.5365355
1.5216 1.5088 4.4532 -0.6583131 -0.6611875

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SIVB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0458 0.2738 0.1910 -0.7602094 0.4335079
0.1526 0.1559 0.3902 -0.6089185 -0.6004613
-0.0301 0.4591 0.6162 -1.0488478 -0.2549497
-0.4746 0.9135 0.8592 -1.5523743 0.0631983
-0.8153 1.5078 1.1052 -1.7376945 0.3642780
-0.6362 5.6229 2.4534 -1.2593136 1.2918807
0.5044 9.5656 5.2476 -0.9038799 0.8228524
10.1541 16.6392 13.1534 -0.2280247 0.2650113

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SYF
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2093 -0.0281 0.0930 -3.2505376 -1.3021505
-0.0481 0.0781 0.1909 -1.2519644 -0.5908853
-0.2106 0.3613 0.3027 -1.6957384 0.1935910
-0.4916 0.7598 0.4305 -2.1419280 0.7649245
-0.4032 1.2822 0.5620 -1.7174377 1.2814947
-0.7659 4.8366 1.2878 -1.5947352 2.7557074
2.2962 6.3132 2.6125 -0.1210718 1.4165359
-5.2530 13.0513 5.5566 -1.9453623 1.3487924

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SNPS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2375 0.4625 0.1141 1.0815074 3.0534619
0.5177 0.9311 0.2380 1.1752101 2.9121849
0.7793 1.2514 0.3718 1.0960194 2.3657881
1.0004 1.6235 0.5201 0.9234763 2.1215151
1.2848 1.9217 0.6706 0.9158962 1.8656427
1.6344 3.3580 1.4990 0.0903269 1.2401601
2.8720 5.3441 3.1230 -0.0803714 0.7112072
7.1158 10.9284 8.3260 -0.1453519 0.3125631

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for SYY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0970 0.1658 0.1314 -0.2617960 0.2617960
0.0632 0.1672 0.2729 -0.7684133 -0.3873214
-0.0590 0.2737 0.4188 -1.1408787 -0.3464661
-0.0347 0.3803 0.5679 -1.0611023 -0.3303398
-0.0622 0.4924 0.7148 -1.0870173 -0.3111360
0.4674 1.8672 1.4712 -0.6823002 0.2691680
0.2223 3.5107 2.9547 -0.9247639 0.1881748
2.0022 9.5303 5.8219 -0.6560917 0.6369742

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TMUS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0090 0.6897 0.1584 -0.9431818 3.3541667
0.0733 1.1388 0.3210 -0.7716511 2.5476636
0.2279 1.2893 0.4783 -0.5235208 1.6955885
0.1488 1.4210 0.6460 -0.7696594 1.1996904
0.2349 1.6932 0.8143 -0.7115314 1.0793319
1.2838 3.6044 1.7019 -0.2456666 1.1178683
3.1861 5.3329 3.5125 -0.0929253 0.5182633
6.1702 14.5832 9.4758 -0.3488465 0.5389941

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TROW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1499 0.0003 0.0366 -5.0956284 -0.9918033
0.0282 0.3234 0.0843 -0.6654804 2.8362989
-0.1944 0.7033 0.1446 -2.3443983 3.8637621
-0.4255 0.9003 0.2201 -2.9332122 3.0904134
-0.4126 1.1008 0.2969 -2.3896935 2.7076457
-0.5399 2.2777 0.6816 -1.7921068 2.3416960
-0.1437 3.1136 1.3276 -1.1082404 1.3452847
-3.0272 3.1211 1.5383 -2.9678866 1.0289280

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TTWO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2427 0.4957 0.1573 0.5429116 2.1513032
0.0334 0.9935 0.3236 -0.8967862 2.0701483
-0.3095 1.5749 0.5052 -1.6126287 2.1173793
-0.6559 2.1577 0.6943 -1.9446925 2.1077344
-0.5075 2.5836 0.8809 -1.5761153 1.9329095
-0.0785 4.3204 1.7860 -1.0439530 1.4190370
0.5378 8.2479 3.5880 -0.8501115 1.2987458
6.3209 13.2691 8.7925 -0.2811032 0.5091385

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TPR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3510 0.1529 0.0283 -13.402827 4.4028269
-0.5909 0.1176 0.0718 -9.229805 0.6378830
-0.5185 0.1525 0.1164 -5.454467 0.3101375
-0.5637 0.1577 0.1621 -4.477483 -0.0271437
-0.6103 0.1249 0.1973 -4.093259 -0.3669539
-0.3334 -0.1475 0.4845 -1.688132 -1.3044376
-1.0043 -1.7297 1.0167 -1.987804 -2.7012885
-4.4471 -0.0756 1.2524 -4.550862 -1.0603641

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TGT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3865 -0.0211 -0.0039 98.102564 4.410256
0.7387 -0.0656 -0.0003 2461.333333 217.666667
1.0618 -0.1959 0.0045 234.955556 -44.533333
1.4261 -0.4003 0.0286 48.863636 -14.996503
1.6680 -0.5552 0.0478 33.895398 -12.615063
2.3622 -1.3242 0.2817 7.385516 -5.700746
1.5045 -1.6852 0.8724 0.724553 -2.931683
-6.1470 2.0188 0.4570 -14.450766 3.417505

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TEL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1058 0.1956 0.0464 -3.280172 3.2155172
-0.1539 0.4686 0.1070 -2.438318 3.3794393
-0.3397 0.8527 0.1887 -2.800212 3.5188129
-0.5165 1.2626 0.2778 -2.859251 3.5449964
-0.5388 1.7206 0.3692 -2.459372 3.6603467
-0.7491 3.5930 0.8682 -1.862820 3.1384474
-0.4981 5.6267 1.8880 -1.263824 1.9802436
-1.1642 7.6445 4.1847 -1.278204 0.8267737

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TDY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0918 0.4299 0.1479 -1.6206897 1.9066937
0.1382 0.9749 0.3024 -0.5429894 2.2238757
0.2128 1.6357 0.4648 -0.5421687 2.5191480
0.4461 2.2309 0.6417 -0.3048153 2.4765467
0.7153 2.8457 0.8155 -0.1228694 2.4895156
1.6317 4.4268 1.8040 -0.0955100 1.4538803
1.6388 8.1585 4.0784 -0.5981758 1.0004168
7.1971 15.8003 9.6519 -0.2543333 0.6370145

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TFX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0176 0.0121 0.1030 -0.8291262 -0.8825243
0.1080 0.2392 0.1977 -0.4537178 0.2099140
0.0229 0.3253 0.2972 -0.9229475 0.0945491
0.1568 0.2689 0.4041 -0.6119772 -0.3345707
0.1454 0.4378 0.5181 -0.7193592 -0.1549894
-0.0128 0.9129 1.0135 -1.0126295 -0.0992600
2.0765 0.1503 1.7772 0.1684110 -0.9154288
2.5409 -1.4199 3.4999 -0.2740078 -1.4056973

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TER
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0830 0.2594 0.0984 -0.1565041 1.6361789
0.2227 0.3495 0.2105 0.0579572 0.6603325
0.3768 0.6825 0.3340 0.1281437 1.0434132
0.4191 0.6308 0.4716 -0.1113232 0.3375742
0.5404 0.5907 0.6022 -0.1026237 -0.0190966
1.3678 2.2062 1.2792 0.0692620 0.7246717
1.9960 4.3738 2.5929 -0.2302056 0.6868371
0.2656 9.2989 6.3874 -0.9584181 0.4558193

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TSLA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0390 -0.1900 0.0114 -4.4210526 -17.666667
0.0787 -0.2853 0.0402 0.9577114 -8.097015
0.5753 -0.2771 0.0873 5.5899198 -4.174112
1.1841 0.3068 0.1464 7.0881148 1.095628
1.5539 0.8012 0.2004 6.7539920 2.998004
3.2119 4.5340 0.4539 6.0762282 8.988984
5.1046 8.5895 0.8918 4.7239291 8.631644
-4.5509 13.9621 2.2308 -3.0400305 5.258786

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TXN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0918 0.2345 0.1311 -1.7002288 0.7887109
-0.2491 0.7026 0.2723 -1.9147999 1.5802424
-0.3626 0.9021 0.4264 -1.8503752 1.1156191
-0.3159 1.1911 0.5947 -1.5311922 1.0028586
-0.0915 1.4996 0.7547 -1.1212402 0.9870147
1.6453 3.2799 1.6239 0.0131782 1.0197672
2.7030 5.2840 3.2719 -0.1738745 0.6149638
7.4500 10.6399 8.4211 -0.1153175 0.2634810

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TXT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1445 0.3529 0.0774 0.8669251 3.5594315
0.3122 0.8116 0.1665 0.8750751 3.8744745
0.3322 1.1888 0.2657 0.2502823 3.4742190
0.2558 1.5013 0.3737 -0.3154937 3.0173936
0.1692 1.8797 0.4844 -0.6507019 2.8804707
0.8059 3.9701 1.1026 -0.2690912 2.6006711
1.2320 5.0713 2.6906 -0.5421096 0.8848212
-1.0972 16.8531 7.0012 -1.1567160 1.4071731

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TMO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1492 -0.1464 0.0162 8.2098765 -10.0370370
0.2272 0.2003 0.0335 5.7820896 4.9791045
0.2556 0.2158 0.0599 3.2671119 2.6026711
0.1804 0.2831 0.0917 0.9672846 2.0872410
0.0325 0.5965 0.1193 -0.7275775 4.0000000
-0.1311 1.4524 0.2523 -1.5196195 4.7566389
-0.4869 3.1069 0.6739 -1.7225108 3.6103279
1.4792 2.9309 2.4992 -0.4081306 0.1727353

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TJX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3877 0.2656 0.0246 -16.760163 9.7967480
-0.5605 0.4965 0.0621 -10.025765 6.9951691
-0.3836 0.6179 0.0977 -4.926305 5.3244626
-0.2461 0.6439 0.1544 -2.593912 3.1703368
-0.1793 0.5705 0.2069 -1.866602 1.7573707
-0.0558 0.6188 0.4857 -1.114886 0.2740375
-0.1990 0.8814 1.0127 -1.196504 -0.1296534
-2.4209 1.3652 1.7021 -2.422302 -0.1979320

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TSCO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1458 -0.2937 -0.0235 5.2042553 11.4978723
0.0075 -0.2520 -0.0427 -0.8243560 4.9016393
-0.0717 -0.5736 -0.0606 -2.1831683 8.4653465
0.0219 -0.7226 -0.0726 -0.6983471 8.9531680
0.2593 -0.7949 -0.0904 1.8683628 7.7931416
0.7280 0.1305 -0.1581 3.6046806 -1.8254269
1.4475 -0.3646 -0.4264 2.3946998 -0.1449343
-1.9428 -5.6970 -2.9908 -1.6495921 0.9048415

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3398 0.6163 0.1395 1.4358423 3.4179211
0.4515 0.9994 0.2910 0.5515464 2.4343643
0.6361 1.4505 0.4568 0.3925131 2.1753503
0.7637 1.8386 0.6336 0.2053346 1.9018308
1.0598 2.1011 0.8099 0.3085566 1.5942709
1.3326 4.0525 1.7096 -0.2205194 1.3704375
4.8013 7.8817 3.7880 0.2675026 1.0807022
8.2687 12.9137 8.8378 -0.0643939 0.4611894

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TDG
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1023 0.8065 0.0522 -2.9597701 14.4501916
-0.0244 1.0842 0.0985 -1.2477157 10.0071066
-0.0206 1.2574 0.1498 -1.1375167 7.3938585
0.0914 1.2323 0.2114 -0.5676443 4.8292337
0.1857 0.9639 0.2563 -0.2754584 2.7608272
1.1914 1.1793 0.5318 1.2403159 1.2175630
2.7863 -0.0512 1.1634 1.3949630 -1.0440089
5.1042 0.5679 4.8505 0.0523039 -0.8829193

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TRV
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1702 0.1278 0.0467 2.6445396 1.7366167
0.2891 0.2142 0.0974 1.9681725 1.1991786
0.4526 0.5312 0.1579 1.8663711 2.3641545
0.6321 0.6561 0.2207 1.8640689 1.9728138
0.7562 0.8473 0.2812 1.6891892 2.0131579
1.1031 1.3044 0.5977 0.8455747 1.1823657
1.1339 2.1067 1.2341 -0.0811928 0.7070740
-0.2845 2.5532 1.5633 -1.1819868 0.6332118

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TRMB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3188 0.3523 0.1581 1.0164453 1.2283365
0.4700 0.5085 0.3277 0.4342386 0.5517241
0.4117 0.8625 0.5173 -0.2041369 0.6673110
0.5412 1.7073 0.7246 -0.2531052 1.3561965
0.6457 2.5248 0.9259 -0.3026245 1.7268604
0.9314 5.3673 1.9658 -0.5261980 1.7303388
-0.3222 9.8196 4.1538 -1.0775675 1.3640040
5.5231 10.2421 7.8583 -0.2971635 0.3033481

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TFC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1079 0.5412 0.1103 -0.0217588 3.9066183
0.2860 1.0883 0.2246 0.2733749 3.8455031
0.2780 1.2926 0.3546 -0.2160180 2.6452341
0.2372 1.5482 0.4971 -0.5228324 2.1144639
0.2574 1.8065 0.6360 -0.5952830 1.8404088
0.5407 4.1207 1.3972 -0.6130117 1.9492557
1.3842 5.8889 3.1783 -0.5644842 0.8528459
5.1526 12.1280 7.3447 -0.2984601 0.6512587

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TWTR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0612 0.6629 -0.0453 0.3509934 -15.633554
-0.8708 1.8992 -0.0869 -11.0207135 -22.855006
-1.2319 2.5609 -0.0930 -14.2462366 -28.536559
-2.4832 3.5909 -0.0955 -27.0020942 -38.601047
-2.6215 4.2662 -0.0884 -30.6549774 -49.260181
-5.5444 8.3506 0.1142 -49.5499124 72.122592
-2.1247 8.6274 0.6752 -4.1467713 11.777547
3.8255 10.0356 1.9874 0.9248767 4.049613

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TYL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0430 0.0846 -0.0471 -0.0870488 -2.7961783
0.0607 -0.1752 -0.0884 -0.3133484 0.9819005
0.0264 -0.5509 -0.1259 -0.7903098 3.3756950
0.1051 -0.8766 -0.1562 -0.3271447 4.6120359
0.4195 -1.1637 -0.1894 1.2148891 5.1441394
1.4691 -3.2834 -0.3422 3.2931034 8.5949737
3.1714 -4.2519 -0.4504 6.0412966 8.4402753
4.0093 4.8689 2.8472 0.4081554 0.7100660

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for TSN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1376 -0.3028 0.0842 0.6342043 -4.5961995
0.3489 -0.1798 0.1701 1.0511464 -2.0570253
0.7649 -0.1647 0.2565 1.9820663 -1.6421053
1.1119 0.0924 0.3445 2.2275762 -0.7317852
1.2216 0.1372 0.4318 1.8290875 -0.6822603
2.3974 1.2595 0.9139 1.6232629 0.3781595
3.8981 1.7775 1.8341 1.1253476 -0.0308598
2.5438 5.1468 3.2461 -0.2163519 0.5855334

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UDR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1527 0.1086 -0.0008 -191.875000 -136.750000
-0.3198 0.3217 -0.0063 -51.761905 -52.063492
-0.1211 0.5837 -0.0088 -14.761364 -67.329545
-0.3084 0.9330 -0.0054 -58.111111 -173.777778
-0.4264 1.2883 -0.0056 -77.142857 -231.053571
-1.1515 1.5949 0.0052 -222.442308 305.711539
-2.4137 2.9481 -0.1196 -21.181438 -25.649666
-4.8080 1.6602 -0.5478 -9.776926 -4.030668

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ULTA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2173 -0.1038 0.1535 0.4156352 -1.6762215
0.3080 0.0756 0.3119 -0.0125040 -0.7576146
0.3093 0.3914 0.4705 -0.3426142 -0.1681190
0.2849 0.7510 0.6359 -0.5519736 0.1810033
0.2204 1.3576 0.7969 -0.7234283 0.7036015
-0.2157 3.3970 1.7170 -1.1256261 0.9784508
-0.0059 8.0200 3.5632 -1.0016558 1.2507858
3.9473 15.9019 10.8259 -0.6353837 0.4688756

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for USB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0462 0.3181 0.0917 -0.4961832 2.4689204
0.0279 0.5076 0.1887 -0.8521463 1.6899841
-0.1125 0.5926 0.2973 -1.3784057 0.9932728
-0.0860 0.8858 0.4160 -1.2067308 1.1293269
-0.1573 1.0731 0.5327 -1.2952882 1.0144547
0.6147 1.9198 1.1452 -0.4632379 0.6763884
1.9239 3.2068 2.4360 -0.2102217 0.3164204
2.9573 9.4712 5.3762 -0.4499275 0.7616904

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UAA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.4124 0.2482 -0.0940 -5.387234 -3.6404255
-0.7527 0.3135 -0.1758 -5.281570 -2.7832765
-1.1446 0.5303 -0.2483 -5.609746 -3.1357229
-1.4944 0.8638 -0.3134 -5.768347 -3.7562221
-1.7979 0.6601 -0.3542 -6.075946 -2.8636364
-3.5050 1.4788 -0.5437 -7.446570 -3.7198823
-4.2840 -0.0989 -1.1552 -4.708449 -0.9143871
-8.3230 -1.2716 -4.1624 -2.999568 -0.6945032

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.9044 -0.0629 -0.2137 -5.232101 -0.7056621
-1.6435 -0.1616 -0.4264 -4.854362 -0.6210131
-2.1075 -0.0510 -0.6365 -4.311076 -0.9198743
-2.6008 -0.1556 -0.8623 -4.016120 -0.8195524
-2.9446 -0.8934 -1.0921 -3.696273 -0.1819430
-6.1666 0.4864 -2.1940 -3.810665 -1.2216955
-6.4949 -2.8465 -4.6262 -2.403938 -0.3847002
-14.3810 -7.8656 -11.5645 -2.243547 -0.3198495

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UNP
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2078 0.2359 0.1243 0.6717619 0.8978278
0.3225 0.6372 0.2689 0.1993306 1.3696541
0.1383 0.9962 0.4260 -0.6753521 1.3384977
-0.0926 1.4217 0.5838 -1.1586160 1.4352518
-0.1288 2.0247 0.7389 -1.1743132 1.7401543
-0.7882 6.1369 1.5170 -1.5195781 3.0454186
-0.7910 8.3796 3.3157 -1.2385620 1.5272491
2.9926 10.2449 6.6496 -0.5499579 0.5406791

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UAL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.6068 0.5274 0.1411 3.3004961 2.7377746
1.0959 0.8644 0.2924 2.7479480 1.9562244
1.5372 1.0866 0.4652 2.3043852 1.3357696
1.9188 1.1271 0.6508 1.9483712 0.7318685
2.4117 1.1424 0.8377 1.8789543 0.3637340
3.3107 1.2541 1.9932 0.6609974 -0.3708108
7.9952 0.5024 4.3588 0.8342663 -0.8847389
1.3815 5.1296 8.4010 -0.8355553 -0.3894060

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UNH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0136 0.4306 0.1336 -1.1017964 2.2230539
0.1326 0.7267 0.2745 -0.5169399 1.6473588
-0.0055 1.0905 0.4289 -1.0128235 1.5425507
0.0953 1.6503 0.5948 -0.8397781 1.7745461
0.1086 2.0257 0.7660 -0.8582245 1.6445170
0.2021 2.9306 1.5992 -0.8736243 0.8325413
2.6217 3.9097 3.1893 -0.1779701 0.2258803
5.8044 10.5054 7.1623 -0.1895899 0.4667635

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UPS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1341 0.0796 0.0753 -2.7808765 0.0571049
-0.1887 0.2736 0.1583 -2.1920404 0.7283639
0.0010 0.5443 0.2506 -0.9960096 1.1719872
0.0805 0.8358 0.3520 -0.7713068 1.3744318
0.2840 1.0418 0.4530 -0.3730684 1.2997792
0.8964 1.6984 0.9950 -0.0990955 0.7069347
2.5330 3.2840 2.2014 0.1506314 0.4917780
2.3762 5.9704 4.5271 -0.4751165 0.3188134

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for URI
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1600 0.5382 0.2103 -0.2391821 1.5592011
0.2830 1.4759 0.4441 -0.3627561 2.3233506
0.1107 2.1359 0.7051 -0.8430010 2.0292157
-0.1448 2.9501 0.9921 -1.1459530 1.9735914
-0.1504 4.2695 1.2748 -1.1179793 2.3491528
-0.0731 10.3002 2.8370 -1.0257667 2.6306662
0.0110 17.8672 6.6329 -0.9983416 1.6937237
6.5654 30.5230 15.5872 -0.5787954 0.9582093

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UHS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1199 -0.0864 -0.0251 -5.7768924 2.4422311
-0.2374 -0.1157 -0.0479 -5.9561587 1.4154489
-0.1878 -0.1790 -0.0657 -3.8584475 1.7245053
-0.1285 -0.1119 -0.0778 -2.6516710 0.4383033
-0.2803 -0.0824 -0.0903 -4.1040975 -0.0874862
-0.0155 -0.1379 -0.1015 -1.1527094 0.3586207
1.6200 -0.4261 0.1225 12.2244898 -4.4783673
1.7041 -0.5802 1.9587 -0.1299842 -1.2962169

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for UNM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2780 0.1802 0.1367 1.0336503 0.3182151
0.4816 0.2554 0.2855 0.6868651 -0.1054291
0.7294 0.4578 0.4482 0.6273985 0.0214190
0.8384 0.8375 0.6211 0.3498631 0.3484141
1.0418 1.4159 0.7987 0.3043696 0.7727557
0.4699 4.4741 1.7886 -0.7372806 1.5014537
0.6313 8.5898 3.9950 -0.8419775 1.1501377
4.8566 15.0051 9.6022 -0.4942201 0.5626731

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VLO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0723 -0.2125 0.0069 9.4782609 -31.7971014
0.2299 -0.1966 0.0115 18.9913043 -18.0956522
0.3281 0.0899 0.0079 40.5316456 10.3797468
0.4825 0.4199 0.0372 11.9704301 10.2876344
0.7205 0.3880 0.0546 12.1959707 6.1062271
1.7125 -0.0833 0.1575 9.8730159 -1.5288889
2.7737 0.2526 0.3691 6.5147656 -0.3156326
0.9462 0.6691 0.9298 0.0176382 -0.2803829

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VAR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0331 0.1256 0.0600 -1.5516667 1.0933333
-0.0754 0.5438 0.1240 -1.6080645 3.3854839
-0.2987 0.6541 0.1980 -2.5085859 2.3035354
-0.4370 0.6893 0.2778 -2.5730742 1.4812815
-0.4887 0.5701 0.3577 -2.3662287 0.5937937
-0.3165 0.6233 0.7601 -1.4163926 -0.1799763
0.8154 2.6124 1.6163 -0.4955144 0.6162841
0.6692 8.1748 4.4458 -0.8494759 0.8387692

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VTR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1642 0.1579 0.0446 -4.6816143 2.5403587
-0.1226 0.3428 0.0918 -2.3355120 2.7342048
-0.0461 0.6190 0.1412 -1.3264873 3.3838527
-0.0631 0.8079 0.1915 -1.3295039 3.2187990
-0.0406 1.1348 0.2355 -1.1723992 3.8186837
1.1119 2.2225 0.5275 1.1078673 3.2132701
3.1167 1.1435 1.1605 1.6856527 -0.0146489
4.2809 0.0939 3.8158 0.1218879 -0.9753918

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VRSN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2090 0.1264 -0.0148 -15.1216216 -9.540541
-0.0785 0.3801 -0.0294 -3.6700680 -13.928571
0.0867 0.6372 -0.0369 1.3495935 -18.268293
0.4353 1.0359 -0.0361 11.0581717 -29.695291
0.5219 1.0616 -0.0361 13.4570637 -30.407202
0.2019 2.2234 0.0668 2.0224551 32.284431
0.5964 2.7855 0.4309 0.3840798 5.464377
-1.7468 2.0538 0.2926 -6.9699248 6.019139

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VRSK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2368 0.1492 0.0372 5.3655914 3.0107527
0.2655 0.4297 0.0792 2.3522727 4.4255051
0.2688 0.6472 0.1293 1.0788863 4.0054138
0.3192 0.8411 0.1809 0.7645108 3.6495301
0.3193 0.8790 0.2289 0.3949323 2.8401048
0.5897 2.4239 0.5236 0.1262414 3.6292972
0.0432 4.6895 1.2536 -0.9655392 2.7408264
0.3322 6.3503 3.6062 -0.9078809 0.7609395

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VZ
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1584 0.0050 0.0604 1.6225166 -0.9172185
0.3295 0.1167 0.1321 1.4943225 -0.1165783
0.3765 0.1119 0.2058 0.8294461 -0.4562682
0.4141 0.0297 0.2862 0.4468903 -0.8962264
0.5400 -0.0213 0.3649 0.4798575 -1.0583722
1.6647 -0.5461 0.7666 1.1715367 -1.7123663
1.6066 0.0614 1.1515 0.3952236 -0.9466782
-2.7565 0.0291 0.5522 -5.9918508 -0.9473017

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VRTX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0282 0.0290 -0.1697 -0.8338244 -1.1708898
-0.0358 0.2778 -0.3365 -1.1063893 -1.8255572
0.0096 0.2295 -0.4756 -0.9798150 -1.4825484
0.1512 0.6499 -0.5966 -0.7465639 -2.0893396
-0.2059 0.8113 -0.7037 -1.2925963 -2.1529061
-2.0734 0.5235 -1.1616 -2.7849518 -1.4506715
-5.1408 1.5067 -1.8348 -3.8018313 -1.8211794
-5.0657 -0.0240 -2.2607 -3.2407661 -0.9893838

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VFC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.4761 0.3373 -0.0419 -12.362768 -9.0501193
-1.0139 0.4033 -0.0738 -14.738482 -6.4647696
-1.2377 0.2011 -0.1003 -13.339980 -3.0049850
-1.4741 0.1873 -0.1198 -13.304675 -2.5634391
-1.6038 0.2695 -0.1326 -13.095023 -3.0324284
-1.8786 0.3005 -0.1586 -12.844893 -2.8947037
-3.3666 -0.3891 -0.3618 -10.305141 0.0754561
-7.1614 -1.7504 -2.1318 -4.359321 -0.1789098

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VTRS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.3391 0.1555 -0.1061 -4.196041 -2.465599
-0.5063 0.4394 -0.2203 -3.298230 -2.994553
-0.8484 0.3860 -0.3316 -3.558504 -2.164053
-0.9668 0.2908 -0.4236 -3.282342 -1.686497
-1.0264 0.3857 -0.5140 -2.996887 -1.750389
-2.3717 0.7438 -1.0315 -3.299273 -1.721086
-6.4309 2.1458 -2.4465 -3.628612 -1.877090
-8.6073 -0.0155 -5.9707 -2.441590 -0.997404

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for V
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0261 0.1003 0.0181 -2.441989 4.5414365
-0.1601 0.3625 0.0411 -4.895377 7.8199513
-0.3170 0.4133 0.0703 -5.509246 4.8790896
-0.3895 0.5067 0.1061 -4.671065 3.7756833
-0.4462 0.3843 0.1342 -4.324888 1.8636364
-0.3459 0.9380 0.2949 -2.172940 2.1807392
-1.1082 1.0745 0.6987 -2.586088 0.5378560
-0.6607 4.9897 2.6689 -1.247555 0.8695717

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VNO
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1690 -0.0195 0.0267 -7.3295880 -1.7303371
-0.2801 0.1490 0.0510 -6.4921569 1.9215686
-0.0449 0.4167 0.0769 -1.5838752 4.4187256
-0.0041 0.7313 0.1153 -1.0355594 5.3425846
0.2238 1.1910 0.1554 0.4401544 6.6640927
1.1534 2.2166 0.4400 1.6213636 4.0377273
2.4373 3.3990 1.1678 1.0870868 1.9106011
1.0217 4.6974 2.5916 -0.6057648 0.8125482

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for VMC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3658 0.1860 0.1357 1.6956522 0.3706706
0.9092 0.3446 0.2871 2.1668408 0.2002786
1.1352 0.5631 0.4459 1.5458623 0.2628392
1.1984 0.6647 0.6197 0.9338390 0.0726158
1.6377 0.7598 0.7925 1.0664984 -0.0412618
2.6026 0.5446 1.6909 0.5391803 -0.6779230
2.8236 1.2558 3.6891 -0.2346101 -0.6595918
5.5851 6.9775 8.0817 -0.3089202 -0.1366297

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WRB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0139 0.2678 0.0904 -0.8462389 1.9623894
0.2149 0.5865 0.1865 0.1522788 2.1447721
0.3810 0.8694 0.2891 0.3178831 2.0072639
0.5963 0.9360 0.3949 0.5100025 1.3702203
0.8081 1.0493 0.5066 0.5951441 1.0712594
1.9827 2.1854 1.1358 0.7456418 0.9241064
3.9802 3.6128 2.4411 0.6304944 0.4799885
2.9052 4.0660 4.6538 -0.3757360 -0.1263054

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WAB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2132 0.2058 0.0891 1.3928171 1.3097643
0.1905 0.4216 0.1952 -0.0240779 1.1598361
0.4738 0.7584 0.3166 0.4965256 1.3954517
0.6727 1.1275 0.4524 0.4869584 1.4922635
0.6907 1.5708 0.5872 0.1762602 1.6750681
1.8961 2.9442 1.2036 0.5753573 1.4461615
2.0415 3.6971 2.6504 -0.2297389 0.3949215
2.9403 5.6148 6.0255 -0.5120239 -0.0681603

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WMT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2379 0.2527 0.0449 -6.2984410 4.6280624
-0.3623 0.5165 0.0849 -5.2673734 5.0836278
-0.2222 0.7526 0.1152 -2.9288194 5.5329861
-0.2667 1.1023 0.1577 -2.6911858 5.9898542
-0.2724 1.2017 0.1944 -2.4012346 5.1815844
-0.0229 1.3877 0.4702 -1.0487027 1.9512973
-0.1438 2.2951 0.9355 -1.1537146 1.4533405
1.4711 2.2408 1.9008 -0.2260627 0.1788721

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WBA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0355 0.0365 0.0177 -3.005650 1.062147
-0.1653 0.1983 0.0433 -4.817552 3.579677
-0.1684 0.3765 0.0612 -3.751634 5.151961
-0.1265 0.7674 0.0837 -2.511350 8.168459
-0.1638 1.1625 0.1044 -2.568966 10.135058
-0.2370 2.2837 0.2506 -1.945730 8.112929
-0.1687 3.1934 0.6286 -1.268374 4.080178
-2.7821 3.9467 1.4678 -2.895422 1.688854

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for DIS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1021 0.0007 0.0186 4.489247 -0.9623656
0.1582 0.3132 0.0400 2.955000 6.8300000
0.3452 0.5345 0.0650 4.310769 7.2230769
0.3223 0.7182 0.0946 2.406977 6.5919662
0.3952 1.0244 0.1205 2.279668 7.5012448
0.9899 1.0769 0.3022 2.275645 2.5635341
1.8761 1.7114 0.7061 1.656989 1.4237360
-3.1387 3.3148 0.9221 -4.403861 2.5948379

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.3028 -0.0933 0.1228 1.4657980 -1.7597720
0.6462 0.0830 0.2413 1.6779942 -0.6560298
0.7973 0.1613 0.3661 1.1778203 -0.5594100
1.0238 0.1723 0.4952 1.0674475 -0.6520598
1.1839 0.2297 0.6216 0.9046010 -0.6304698
2.0605 0.9357 1.2842 0.6045009 -0.2713752
3.3568 1.7381 2.6724 0.2560994 -0.3496108
3.9171 6.7150 5.8799 -0.3338152 0.1420262

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WAT
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0294 0.2748 0.0249 0.1807229 10.036145
0.1283 0.6038 0.0485 1.6453608 11.449485
0.2324 0.9897 0.0748 2.1069519 12.231283
0.3180 1.0689 0.1140 1.7894737 8.376316
0.2922 1.0371 0.1535 0.9035831 5.756352
1.3055 1.7145 0.3609 2.6173455 3.750623
2.4485 3.1373 0.9831 1.4905910 2.191232
4.2684 4.5524 3.4977 0.2203448 0.301541

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WEC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1061 0.0043 0.0558 -2.9014337 -0.9229391
-0.1376 0.1930 0.1139 -2.2080773 0.6944688
-0.2680 0.3277 0.1657 -2.6173808 0.9776705
-0.3237 0.2758 0.2254 -2.4361136 0.2236025
-0.4323 0.5605 0.2823 -2.5313496 0.9854764
-0.3725 0.7419 0.5271 -1.7066970 0.4075128
0.1002 0.7360 0.7873 -0.8727296 -0.0651594
-0.8200 -0.8322 1.0769 -1.7614449 -1.7727737

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WFC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2112 0.0608 0.0277 -8.624549 1.194946
-0.5646 0.3068 0.0628 -9.990446 3.885350
-0.8679 0.5901 0.1141 -8.606485 4.171779
-1.1503 0.5311 0.1765 -7.517281 2.009065
-1.3970 0.7187 0.2336 -6.980308 2.076627
-1.4866 1.6063 0.5197 -3.860496 2.090822
-1.2235 2.5110 1.2228 -2.000573 1.053484
-3.8282 8.4370 1.7298 -3.213088 3.877442

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WELL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.4901 -0.0211 -0.0051 -97.0980392 3.1372549
-0.5552 0.0395 -0.0134 -42.4328358 -3.9477612
-0.4749 0.1506 -0.0137 -35.6642336 -11.9927007
-0.5359 0.1043 -0.0123 -44.5691057 -9.4796748
-0.5244 0.3012 -0.0164 -32.9756098 -19.3658537
0.0686 1.3823 0.0138 3.9710145 99.1666667
1.1367 1.0084 0.1730 5.5705202 4.8289017
1.2751 0.8300 1.1753 0.0849145 -0.2937973

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WST
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1603 0.1578 0.1698 -0.0559482 -0.0706714
0.4414 0.2634 0.3383 0.3047591 -0.2214011
0.7002 0.5020 0.5157 0.3577661 -0.0265658
0.8496 0.5772 0.7003 0.2131943 -0.1757818
1.1099 0.6989 0.8821 0.2582474 -0.2076862
1.1682 2.5537 1.7975 -0.3500974 0.4206954
2.5874 5.3528 3.6647 -0.2939668 0.4606380
4.4904 14.3928 8.3614 -0.4629607 0.7213385

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WDC
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1247 0.2877 0.0973 -2.2816033 1.956835
0.3524 0.7985 0.2131 0.6536837 2.747067
0.9561 1.0495 0.3473 1.7529513 2.021883
1.7831 1.5552 0.4927 2.6190380 2.156485
2.5115 2.2212 0.6662 2.7698889 2.334134
4.2454 5.5187 1.6196 1.6212645 2.407446
2.3585 10.7017 3.6647 -0.3564275 1.920212
3.9180 21.8242 8.3576 -0.5312051 1.611300

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WU
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0663 0.3564 0.0953 -1.6956978 2.7397692
-0.2139 0.3955 0.2024 -2.0568182 0.9540514
-0.2687 0.4070 0.3083 -1.8715537 0.3201427
-0.4871 0.4767 0.4216 -2.1553605 0.1306926
-0.3950 0.4126 0.5332 -1.7408102 -0.2261815
0.9776 1.2556 1.0921 -0.1048439 0.1497116
1.6530 2.5116 2.1957 -0.2471649 0.1438721
-0.3246 7.5939 4.3442 -1.0747203 0.7480549

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WRK
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2313 0.5449 0.1160 -2.9939655 3.6974138
-0.3904 0.9652 0.2517 -2.5510528 2.8347239
-0.8921 1.1095 0.3862 -3.3099430 1.8728638
-0.8639 1.6426 0.5472 -2.5787646 2.0018275
-0.2595 2.0221 0.7181 -1.3613703 1.8159031
0.6678 4.8634 1.7203 -0.6118119 1.8270650
2.8487 9.9030 4.2474 -0.3293073 1.3315440
9.3404 20.3047 12.1007 -0.2281108 0.6779773

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WY
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2281 0.0622 0.0169 12.4970414 2.6804734
0.3321 0.1756 0.0503 5.6023857 2.4910537
0.2867 0.3639 0.0915 2.1333333 2.9770492
0.2934 0.6107 0.1461 1.0082136 3.1800137
0.5677 0.9348 0.2091 1.7149689 3.4705882
2.1072 3.6861 0.6360 2.3132075 4.7957547
2.7175 5.7774 1.9201 0.4152909 2.0089058
1.0719 9.4393 5.0404 -0.7873383 0.8727284

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WHR
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1564 0.1745 0.1061 0.4740811 0.6446748
0.1794 0.1585 0.2296 -0.2186411 -0.3096690
0.0269 0.1942 0.3618 -0.9256495 -0.4632394
0.0530 0.0804 0.5057 -0.8951948 -0.8410125
0.1865 0.1364 0.6488 -0.7125462 -0.7897657
1.9423 0.2209 1.3895 0.3978409 -0.8410220
4.5018 0.8902 2.8375 0.5865374 -0.6862731
1.6471 -0.4329 4.9085 -0.6644392 -1.0881939

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WMB
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2959 1.1437 0.2015 -2.4684864 4.675930
-0.4736 2.1886 0.4262 -2.1112154 4.135148
-0.7919 3.3318 0.6961 -2.1376239 3.786381
-0.8615 4.5115 0.9803 -1.8788126 3.602163
-0.7160 5.3541 1.2972 -1.5519581 3.127428
2.1718 9.3585 2.8161 -0.2287916 2.323213
4.5069 15.4203 5.2967 -0.1491117 1.911303
12.4053 37.9029 16.7888 -0.2610967 1.257630

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WLTW
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.0238 0.3289 -0.0008 -30.750000 -412.125000
-0.0424 0.4661 0.0163 -3.601227 27.595092
-0.1632 0.6728 0.0485 -4.364948 12.872165
-0.2350 0.6484 0.0814 -3.886978 6.965602
-0.1240 0.5650 0.1188 -2.043771 3.755892
-0.3666 1.5688 0.3223 -2.137450 3.867515
-0.5957 2.8661 0.7753 -1.768348 2.696763
-1.0497 5.1610 2.1375 -1.491088 1.414503

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for WYNN
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0038 0.1173 0.1316 -0.9711246 -0.1086626
0.0069 0.6228 0.2985 -0.9768844 1.0864322
-0.1018 1.0839 0.5016 -1.2029506 1.1608852
0.0634 1.4843 0.7207 -0.9120300 1.0595255
-0.0356 1.7155 0.9565 -1.0372190 0.7935180
-0.2062 7.3649 2.1956 -1.0939151 2.3543906
-1.9661 6.4570 4.4571 -1.4411164 0.4486998
3.9214 1.9213 9.2771 -0.5773033 -0.7928986

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for XEL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.2464 0.2099 0.0546 -5.512821 2.8443223
-0.3790 0.3828 0.1077 -4.519034 2.5543175
-0.5418 0.5520 0.1529 -4.543493 2.6102027
-0.5694 0.5388 0.2074 -3.745420 1.5978785
-0.5966 0.8099 0.2573 -3.318694 2.1476875
-0.7877 0.7073 0.5104 -2.543299 0.3857759
-0.3813 0.6436 0.8311 -1.458790 -0.2256046
-1.5941 -0.1405 1.1225 -2.420134 -1.1251670

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for XRX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2021 -0.0201 -0.0487 3.1498973 -0.5872690
0.3063 -0.0197 -0.0955 2.2073298 -0.7937173
0.3329 -0.1102 -0.1311 1.5392830 -0.1594203
0.1223 0.0368 -0.1469 -0.1674609 -1.2505106
-0.1806 0.0434 -0.1527 -2.1827112 -1.2842174
-1.3165 -0.0632 -0.0961 -14.6992716 -0.3423517
-4.3336 3.4188 0.1027 -43.1966894 32.2891918
-7.3734 1.5076 -0.1063 -70.3640640 -15.1825024

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for XLNX
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2862 0.0880 0.1161 1.4651163 -0.2420327
0.5223 0.0041 0.2425 1.1538144 -0.9830928
0.8085 -0.0757 0.3830 1.1109661 -1.1976501
1.0956 -0.1365 0.5384 1.0349183 -1.2535290
1.4209 0.1065 0.6912 1.0557002 -0.8459201
1.8790 1.0176 1.4571 0.2895477 -0.3016265
2.9652 2.7723 2.2821 0.2993296 0.2148022
2.1237 7.3803 4.0647 -0.4775260 0.8157060

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for XYL
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1317 0.1555 0.1342 -0.0186289 0.1587183
0.2107 0.4670 0.2774 -0.2404470 0.6834895
0.3676 0.8581 0.4342 -0.1533855 0.9762782
0.5069 1.1307 0.6051 -0.1622872 0.8686168
0.7361 1.5437 0.7818 -0.0584548 0.9745459
1.1635 3.8707 1.7132 -0.3208615 1.2593392
1.5547 7.1707 3.5992 -0.5680429 0.9923038
7.4596 7.1441 8.9673 -0.1681331 -0.2033165

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for YUM
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
-0.1236 0.4417 0.0890 -2.3887640 3.9629213
-0.3750 0.7538 0.1827 -3.0525452 3.1258894
-0.5670 1.2193 0.2917 -2.9437779 3.1799794
-0.6874 1.3248 0.4081 -2.6843911 2.2462632
-0.6107 1.4031 0.5240 -2.1654580 1.6776718
0.7803 1.9350 1.0896 -0.2838656 0.7758811
1.9579 3.4810 2.2288 -0.1215452 0.5618270
4.1715 7.3157 5.2683 -0.2081886 0.3886263

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ZBRA
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.0871 0.0709 0.1530 -0.4307190 -0.5366013
1.0874 0.3505 0.3235 2.3613601 0.0834621
1.7378 0.8675 0.5081 2.4201929 0.7073411
2.0077 1.3798 0.7094 1.8301381 0.9450240
2.7249 1.3769 0.9185 1.9666848 0.4990746
7.4901 1.1580 2.0113 2.7240093 -0.4242530
9.7597 3.9450 4.2210 1.3121772 -0.0653873
10.1828 10.2016 7.2766 0.3993898 0.4019734

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ZBH
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2204 -0.2330 0.0096 21.958333 -25.2708333
0.4675 -0.3515 0.0187 24.000000 -19.7967914
0.7443 -0.7024 0.0354 20.025424 -20.8418079
0.8045 -0.8081 0.0549 13.653916 -15.7194900
0.7757 -0.7476 0.0795 8.757233 -10.4037736
0.7502 -0.1538 0.1820 3.121978 -1.8450549
1.9763 2.3886 0.5880 2.361054 3.0622449
5.5894 3.8966 2.6317 1.123874 0.4806399

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ZION
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.2167 0.5260 0.2174 -0.0032199 1.4195032
0.2640 0.5948 0.4507 -0.4142445 0.3197249
0.1762 1.0633 0.7010 -0.7486448 0.5168331
0.2668 1.7998 0.9661 -0.7238381 0.8629541
0.3747 2.3424 1.2412 -0.6981147 0.8872059
0.2429 4.7001 2.7304 -0.9110387 0.7213961
3.0333 10.0338 6.0452 -0.4982300 0.6597962
12.5544 19.6435 14.6331 -0.1420547 0.3424018

Z-Score Decile Analysis

For the time period: 2016-01-01 - 2016-12-31

Date report run: 2021-03-16

Decile Z-Score Analysis for ZTS
bottom.20 top.80 all.zscore diff.bottom diff.top
0.1411 0.1891 0.0534 1.6423221 2.541199
0.1966 0.7948 0.1050 0.8723810 6.569524
0.5010 1.0523 0.1696 1.9540094 5.204599
0.6187 1.3701 0.2425 1.5513402 4.649897
0.8763 1.6049 0.3281 1.6708321 3.891497
1.1830 2.9854 0.7653 0.5457990 2.900954
0.8279 3.4483 1.6008 -0.4828211 1.154110
2.3674 9.8015 4.8194 -0.5087770 1.033759